Friday, May 31, 2019

Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Essay examples -- Stem Cell Essays

Diabetes, or fully named Diabetes Mellitus is when a person has high blood sugar and that is cause by the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or it is when the cells do not respond to the insulin produced, it is also according to the symbol of diabetes that the cause may be different from others. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. Type 2 diabetes is in the main common found in adults, to reduce the glucose level, the subject can change diet or have a lot of exercise or if that doesnt work they will usually take a liquid medicine or pill that helps.Type 1 diabetes is mostly found in children and is mostly rare, and diet alone cannot fix this so sometimes the subject has to take doses of insulin to lower glucose levels. Diabetes still have no know cure yet and some people can get diabetes from relativity or may get it from eating or drinking too such(prenominal) sugary items 1. Stem cells are cells that are special unlike any other cell, fore cells have the ability to change to any cell in the body in the early life or growth of a subject cells. Stem cells have different types, there are two types of stem cells that are being discussed. Embryonic stem cells are one of the stem cells that could grow to different organs and/or cells, as the name suggests the embryonic stem cells comes and are taken from embryos and embryonic stem cells are one of the solution to many another(prenominal) uncured diseases in the world such as Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, and the known diabetes disease too. There are still problems with developing embryonic stem cells, since to get embryonic stem cells they have to destroy the embryo and many people will argue about it ending human life, scientist have been discussing about this for a long time and they have... ...em.Works Cited(1)Diabetes. BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .(2)Stem Cells. BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .(3) California Stem Cell Report. Cost of a Stem Cell Therapy? An Estimated $512,000. N.p.,n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. .(4)CELL CULTURE The acquirement Creative Quarterly. CELL CULTURE The Science Creative Quarterly. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .(5)Why Is the Use of Stem Cells Controversial? - Curiosity. Curiosity. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. .

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Fear in Tony Kushners Angels In America Essay -- Kushner Angels in

Fear in Tony Kushners Angels In America Both parts of Tony Kushners play Angels in America paint a painfully truthful picture of what gay men go through. In most cases, they suffer either inner anguish or public torment. sometimes they must endure both. Being homosexual in America is a double-edged sword. If you publicly announce that you are gay, you suffer ridicule and are mocked by the ignorant of gild but if you keep your homosexuality a secret, you are condemned to personal turmoil. Kushners work attempts to make America take a close project at itself and hopefully change its ways. The fear of public scrutiny forces many gay men into a life of denial and secrecy. Kushner describes a society, not strange our own society today, that looks down upon gay men and other minorities. By setting the play in the mid 80s, a time when gay-bashing was at its zenith, he is able to capture the prejudice towards homosexuals and all that surrounds it. The early 80s was also the time when AIDS was a new disease being made aware to the fortune public for the first time. By setting the story in New York City, a melting pot of various cultures and people, Kushner proves that not just one chemical group of people come in contact with homosexuals. All of these geographical and atmosphirical forces aid in setting the mood of the play. These surroundings drive the characters to act the way they do and make the choices they make. Angels in America centers around the gay community which is one of the most scrutinized minorities in the world today. Kushner is able to convey his view more expeditiously by having a broad range of power. His characters are of more than one social standing and are at different places in ... are a minority, and like any minority there is prejudice against them. Kushner focuses on that prejudice and shows how foolish it is. He proves that gay men are not drastically different than any other man. The only difference is their sexuality, and that part of any person is no one elses business. Homosexuals and heterosexuals both feel love when in relationships, and that is where the emphasis should be placed. A persons sexual behavior should be left in the bedroom and not debated in a public forum. Neither heterosexuals nor homosexuals are better than the other. Until society as a whole makes a conscious effort to accept gay men and all minorities, prejudice will still exist and be a part of us all. No one has the right to judge another person. BibliographyKushner, Tony. Angels in America, Part One Millennium Approaches. New York TCG, 1992.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Original Definition of Art Essay -- Art, Definition

My definition of art is imagination and passion expressed by creating a visual feature. I consider art to be a figurative of the imagination because everything starts with thought. People create life by thinking of slipway to develop this then creates art. It is as simple as watching a child draw a photograph. I can recall imagining a picture in my head and expressing my thoughts on paper. The drawing did not come out as I imagined but it took me to a place and every time I saw the picture I thought about the vision I had created in my head. Although art involves imagination, not everyone has passion to create art. trick can be created done anger and frustration. I think that is the best way to create art. It can show passion to the person that will see this visual aspect. Art can be viewed through many thoughts. An example can be of a chandler that hangs in my grandmothers house. My grandmother loves the chandler and brags about it every outlook she gets. Living with her and imagining the image of the chandler falling on my head has created a negative view towards it. She looks as it as art on a good perspective while I take it in as art that I have a passion for destroying in the end its always considered to be art. I consider art a visual feature because it is look at and critiqued by people. I feel that art can be expressed through many things such as dance, painting, riding a bike, etc. It is considered art when the image and passion is seen through the audience. Many may criticize my thoughts with the visual substance towards art. This can be summed up by stating, art is something seen that shows passion and imagination. Chicago Foundations of Modern ArchitectureDefinitionThe Chicago Foundations of Modern... .... 03 Dec. 2009. . Hunter, Marnie, ed. Chicago Tracing Modern Architecture. CNN. melodic line News Network. Web. 12 Oct. 2009. . Paleolithic and Neolithic Art. The Alamo Colleges. Web. 03 Dec. 2009. . Teacher resource science biology chemistry at Web. 03 Dec. 2009. .

Defining Myself through Writing :: Personal Narratives

Defining Myself through WritingI rear write in various voices and styles and about various topics with to each one piece I hope to represent different aspects of who I am. I subscribe not say This is me, but I show through instanter and then sometimes more strongly than others as can be assumed. In writing I allow my true self to show, I can express myself and experiment with different styles. I will warn you that my writing is neer also risqu, I remain quite practical and composed.Composed. Ill make that into a verb and say that in writing I compose. Strange that I have a strong love for music yet have never attempt to write it. I stay with stories, poems and essays. My first essay for Expository Writing empower Metaphorically Speaking expressed my dull self. I knew this when I done for(p) and racked my brain trying to think of something creative to speak metaphorically about but could not get past the practical pause of me that says Education is the uniforms of a part t ime job. In this essay I am a student and employee speaking in first person. I dont delve too far into what they are other than seeing them as temporary work. I lock a simple approach in analyzing and comparing my life in both environments. I speak confidently in Metaphorically Speaking payable to experience. I dont sound ecstatic over the positions I now take but I am content roll in the haying they are temporary. I know that I will make the best of my education in college and my part time job and with continued success will go beyond. In this newspaper publisher I am simply a student and employee and sound like one, be it dull.Experience was also used in Coming Full move . I gave a play by play of what is expected from students by teachers from elementary school on up. I spoke with College Student Wisdom, reflecting on what I have written in the past and realizing that the writing I do now is similar to that which I wrote in elementary school I write to please myself, to be myself and enjoy.Though it is just a blip of writing, Sounds of Cross Country Skiing represents me in my world of nature and heightened awareness --where I so often long to be. After it was read in consort without my name mentioned a student next to me that knows me little from previous classes said That was you wasnt it?Defining Myself through Writing Personal NarrativesDefining Myself through WritingI can write in various voices and styles and about various topics with each piece I hope to represent different aspects of who I am. I need not say This is me, but I show through now and then sometimes more strongly than others as can be assumed. In writing I allow my true self to show, I can express myself and experiment with different styles. I will warn you that my writing is never too risqu, I remain quite practical and composed.Composed. Ill make that into a verb and say that in writing I compose. Strange that I have a strong love for music yet have never tried to write it. I stay with stories, poems and essays. My first essay for Expository Writing entitled Metaphorically Speaking expressed my dull self. I knew this when I finished and racked my brain trying to think of something creative to speak metaphorically about but could not get past the practical part of me that says Education is like a part time job. In this essay I am a student and employee speaking in first person. I dont delve too far into what they are other than seeing them as temporary work. I take a simple approach in analyzing and comparing my life in both environments. I speak confidently in Metaphorically Speaking due to experience. I dont sound ecstatic over the positions I now hold but I am content knowing they are temporary. I know that I will make the best of my education in college and my part time job and with continued success will go beyond. In this paper I am simply a student and employee and sound like one, be it dull.Experience was also used in Coming Full Circle . I gave a play by play of what is expected from students by teachers from elementary school on up. I spoke with College Student Wisdom, reflecting on what I have written in the past and realizing that the writing I do now is similar to that which I wrote in elementary school I write to please myself, to be myself and enjoy.Though it is just a blip of writing, Sounds of Cross Country Skiing represents me in my world of nature and heightened awareness --where I so often long to be. After it was read in class without my name mentioned a student next to me that knows me little from previous classes said That was you wasnt it?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay example --

Throughout life we lose grandparents, parents and grow apart from close friends but cognate relationships can be one of the virtually enduring relationships an one-on-one lead submit throughout their lifetime. Although there are many things that can affect sibling relationships such as gender, age gaps and sex composition, this paper will examine the association between the parent-child relationship and the sibling relationships in adolescence. Based on the family systems theory which suggests that families are made up of interconnected subsystems that influence apiece other (Whitchurch and Constantine, 1993), it is not surprising that researchers use this theory as a way to study the effects that one relationship may have on the other. By examining the research, it is clear that the parent child relationship has an unquestionable effect on siblings relationships. The current literature supports this claim by presenting evidence based on the warmth/ remainder within sibling relationships, parents differential treatment of their children, as well as the indirect/direct involvement parents have on their childrens sibling relationships. People believe most siblings have a love/hate relationship but the amount of one perception over the other may not be directly the siblings own doings. Variables such as the parent-adolescent relationship can shape how siblings interact with one some other whether one consciously notices or not. Derkman, Engels, Kuntsche, Van Der Vorst and Scholte (2011) conducted a five year longitudinal study on 428 families that evaluated the perceived parental support towards children, and the warmth/conflict between siblings during adolescence. Using self reports they found that sibling warmth and adolescent parent su... the problem themselves, and often punishing the behavior. The results demonstrated that mothers advantageous style of involvement was intervention, and fathers more often used coaching. It was found th at when mothers and fathers used coaching as their style of involvement during conflicts between siblings it was related to greater levels of sibling warmth afterwards. Although both mothers and fathers used the coaching technique, mothers less often used non-involvement and more often used intervention than fathers. The style of involvement parents study to use during sibling conflicts influence the way siblings learn to cope and deal with troubling situation, and so the coaching involvement style is reported to be the most effective because it shows the adolescents the parents are involved and care, yet give them room to grow and develop skills of their own.

Essay example --

Throughout life we lose grandp bents, parents and grow apart from close friends but sibling kinds provoke be one of the most enduring relationships an individual will have throughout their lifetime. Although there are many things that can affect sibling relationships such as gender, age gaps and sex composition, this paper will examine the association between the parent-child relationship and the sibling relationships in adolescence. Based on the family systems theory which suggests that families are made up of interconnected subsystems that influence each other (Whitchurch and Constantine, 1993), it is not surprising that researchers use this theory as a way to study the effectuate that one relationship may have on the other. By examining the research, it is clear that the parent child relationship has an unquestionable effect on siblings relationships. The current publications supports this claim by presenting evidence based on the warmth/conflict within sibling relations hips, parents differential treatment of their children, as substantially as the indirect/direct involvement parents have on their childrens sibling relationships. People believe most siblings have a love/ nauseate relationship but the amount of one emotion over the other may not be directly the siblings own doings. Variables such as the parent-adolescent relationship can shape how siblings interact with one another whether one consciously notices or not. Derkman, Engels, Kuntsche, Van Der Vorst and Scholte (2011) conducted a five year longitudinal study on 428 families that evaluated the perceived parental support towards children, and the warmth/conflict between siblings during adolescence. Using self reports they found that sibling warmth and adolescent parent su... the problem themselves, and oft punishing the behavior. The results demonstrated that mothers preferential panache of involvement was intervention, and fathers more a good deal used instruct. It was fo und that when mothers and fathers used coaching as their style of involvement during conflicts between siblings it was related to greater levels of sibling warmth afterwards. Although both mothers and fathers used the coaching technique, mothers less often used non-involvement and more often used intervention than fathers. The style of involvement parents choose to use during sibling conflicts influence the way siblings learn to cope and deal with troubling situation, and so the coaching involvement style is reported to be the most effective because it shows the adolescents the parents are involved and care, yet give them room to grow and develop skills of their own.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Medicine and Mental Illness

K272 TMA01 Consider the usefulness of a holistic sit in explaining the experience of psychogenic health. A holistic approach to intellectual illness actor that the users physical, mental and spiritual health along with the user s state of head, lifestyle and neighborly factors will all be interpreted into consideration when analysing them. Holism refers to treating the whole somebody. This means that holism feels disease doesnt just affect the body, but as well the mind and spirit as well.Its said that the five dimensions are all inter related and so if one is c hanged then the other dimensions will all be impact in whatsoever way or another(prenominal). In a sense I feel that holism is practical as it explores several avenues in hostelry to treat mental illness rather than the bio- aesculapian approach which uses only one. The World Health Organisation (1946), define health in the following way a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the ab sence of disease and infirmity. This definition of health supports both the medical and social prototypes.In suggesting that wellbeing is the key to health the definition embraces the idea that in the treatment of illness all factors, social, mental and physical must be taken into account. If this definition is what professionals base their treatment of mental health upon, then it could be seen that the medical and holistic models are intertwined and should in fact spend a penny in harmony. Yet one model holds dominance over the other. It is the medical model which is predominantly used in the treatment of mental health (Bentall, 2003) The biomedical ModelThe bio medical model evolved as a response to diseases in the 19th century. German psychiatrists then used this model, based on their beliefs and not austere evidence, to categorize the symptoms of mental distress into distinct conditions, one of which was Schizophrenia (Bentall, 2003). The model suggests that mental health is an illness, characterised by specific symptoms that have a diseased base. This came well-nigh because research supported the notion that mental ill health was due to chemical imbalances, body dysfunction or injury (McCullough et al, 2005, Pritchard, 2006).However there is another suggestion that mental health is a hypothetical construct (Boyle, 2002 14). The fundamental focus of this model is that the individual is the source of their mental illness. Therefore the person place be treated and as with most illness the medical model will look at medication as the way forward (Beresford, 2005). inwardly this model the body is seen as a device rather than a person and as an appliance its functions will often need repair (Giddens, 2006). This thinking process is damaging, it can encourage a poor relationship.When the person becomes lost and is seen as a list of symptoms, they become stigmatised and labelled. This labelling can cause further mental distress and so more symptoms whiteth orn be seen (Thompson, 2006). The medical model sees mental illness as a brain malfunction, an imbalance, a set of symptoms, to bear on mental health the medical experts will endeavour to adjust the imbalances with a variety of drugs. The use of drugs often does give a quick fix to some symptoms however the use often creates a dependence, which may last until death (Harris et al, 2007).This dependence on drugs will give further credence to the medical model. many another(prenominal) researchers point out that this reliance on medication causes further mental distress, as the side effects can be many and enduring, adding further problems to those with a diagnosis of mental illness(Wallcraft, 2005,Usher et al, 2006). The Holistic Model As we know the holistic model is not the most popular model, it is however very important as it represents a way of thinking and understanding mental distress and gives a positive approach to working with and supporting people experiencing mental illn ess.Each persons experience of mental illness is unique. Seedhouse (2000, pp 59-60) suggests that holism makes two main claims that the whole cannot be fully understood complexifyly and that they separate parts cannot be understood apart from the whole. Holism has many available methods including counselling, and congestive behaviour therapy. Although all of these aspects work together each promotes its own therapeutic power, which doesnt very take a holistic perspective as it claims to. This can be very confusing and distressing for a user who has only ever encountered the biomedical model.A good example of this is (Taussig, 2002, p10) the recovery from breakdowns has always been slow and painful, and each one has brought a different treatment ranging from C. B. T therapy to psychoanalysis. On each social occasion when I called on the providers to help me out of the dark, each stood proudly alone protesting their own therapeutic power and efficacy. Holism allows users to see how the body and mind are connected by letting them reflect. Reflection matters because it is continuous with practise.How you think about what you are doing affects how you do it, or whether you do it at all. It may carry your research or your whole attitude to people who do things differently, or indeed your whole life. (Blackburn 1999) However holistic approaches can bring the mind-body divide to the van as its been proven that reflecting on emotions can bring on physical distress such as raised heartbeat, headaches, and pains. Bringing supressed thoughts to the surface can also cause people to become dependent on such things as alcohol and drugs which need some biomedical intervention.Mind-body relations are always reciprocal and bidirectional-the body affects the mind and is affected by it. mind and body are so integrally related that, in practise, it makes little sense to refer to therapies as solely mental or physical, rather mind-body could perhaps be best regarded as an ove rall process that is not easily dissected into separate and distinct components or parts. (Seedhouse 2002, p55). . Whilst there are arguably opposing principles within the medical and holistic model it can be suggested that the diversity can be productive.There are aspects of both models that may help with the diagnoses of mental illness. The bio medical model through research will continue to strive for a specific, pathological base. Medicine aims to prevent mortality, with a high incidence of morbidity within the group of people diagnosed with mental illness, on-going research is a must (Muir-Cochrane 2006). The holistic model will strive to ensure, that the person with mental distress will have an individual programme tailored to their needs and therefore a selection of treatments may be the answer.The Hippocratic Oath which is fundamental in medicine suggests that interventions delivered from the medical profession of which psychiatry belongs do no harm Sokol (2008). If the so c alled experts used the model to treat service users with a diagnoses mental illness in a way that caused no harm they would strive to ensure that when assessment was undertaken all aspects of the medical and holistic models of mental distress would be taken into account.The complex nature of mental illness would be identified and a more impartial role model of support could be supplied. It could look at solutions and ways of coping, rather than problems and illness. It would value the service user with mental distress, building a relationship and remembering that mental illness it is not just an illness, a list of symptoms, there is a person present that needs to be respected. Perhaps the unification of these two models would change the treatment for mental illness to be more people centred and unique.Service users could define what help was needed, and the balance of power would be with the expert. (Warren, 2007). References Beresford, P. (2005) Social Approaches to aberration an d bother User Perspectives and User Knowledge, In J Tew (Ed), Social Perspectives in Mental Health Developing Social Models to Understand and Work with Mental Distress, London Jessica Kingsley. Bentall, R. P. (2003) Madness Explained Psychosis and Human Nature, London Penguin.Blackburn, (1999) Bowen, P. (2007) Blackstones Guide to the Mental Health Act 2007, Oxford Oxford University Press. Boyle, M. (2002) Schizophrenia A Scientific Delusion, London Routledge. Giddens, (2006) Harris Et Al (2007) McCullogh Et Al (2005), Pritchard (2006) Muir-Cochrane (2006) Seedhouse (2000 P59-60) Seedhouse (2002 p55) Sokol (2008) Thompson (2006) Toussig (2002 p10) Usher Et Al (2006) Warren (2007) Word Count -1750 including references

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Larry Crowne

Based on the movie Larry Crowne I feel that college is going to be coarse. This movie actually taught me a lot about college and how its never to late until your dead. I can only hope that my college experience is like Larrys fun , elicit , and a place to meet new slew. However this movie also taught me that there are up and downs that come with college, nevertheless as long as you try and care you can make it through just fine. The first coveric I would like to touch on is the fact that college is a great chance to meet new people, but now only new people but lifetime fri fires.There are so many different characters or personalities is college, where as it may have not been the same is your high school or city. Im the type of person that loves to meet new people so that would be just great for me. This also helps me to see that being shy is college is not going to help you bugger off through. Some people superpower introduce themselves to you like the young lady did Larry & other you have to make the first move. Having friends will get you through college and theyre always there for you as you saw in the movie.Moving on to the next topic , Id say the teachers in college are a lot different. Its like they learn your older and mature so they are to a greater extent relaxed and you have more freedom. But one thing that I notice is that they give you work but your responsible for getting it in cause they wont ask you for it. Also from watching the movie the class room atmosphere is way more relaxed in college but also not everything has the Green-light so to speak.College can be very fun, but I believe that all depends on what you go there with your mind set on. If you go just to party then you wont be there long. However if you go with a mind to get you education like Larry Crowne then you do what he did which is get his degree so that he could never have to worry about getting pink-slipped again. To me because of what Larry had his mind set on doing when he went he was to able to get the job done, have fun after class and sometimes during , and on top of all that he was able to manage a job.I believe he was only able to get it done because he had is priorities set , in set , and he followed through with them. Hence , after viewing this movie feel like I am somewhat ready for college, Im unimpeachably excited for it. There are a few things that I have to still work on i. e. work and study habits. If you noticed in the end youd see Larry studying for finals , class etc. when and where ever he could. And in the end it all paid off.College is not an option for me its a must so there for I have to go. Larry didnt have to go he wanted to. I wonder how would it have been Larry to just stopover out of school and do nothing. Instead he wanted his education and went In with a positive attitude. And no matter when I start college I want to go with that attitude from the get go cause as I witnessed from the movie its a much more smoot her process. So thats what I learned from this movie. It really taught me a lesson. h

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Personal Problems

Personal Problems George Orwells Shooting an Elephant is a simple essay with a pissed message. Throughout the piece, the vote counter faces the same conflict day after day and was hated by large numbers of people (Orwell 377). This level of hatred causes the fabricator to make a decision against his beliefs and in favor of the imperialistic society. This decision is not based on the right thing to do, but to simply barrack in. Orwell uses his perplexed narrator, a simple plot, and detailed setting to explain how individuals choose self-image over self-satisfaction.Orwell speaks in first person as a participant taking on the role of a European police officer in an anti-British colony, and is the perplexed individual caught amongst the action. The officer faces unforgiving natives who often meet him with sneering discolour faces and with insults hooted after me (Orwell 378). Yet in irony, those same citizens expect protection from a raging elephant on the loose causing an infix ed barrier. The officer explains, They did not alike(p) me, but with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching (Orwell 380).It was at that moment when he realizes he is just an pathetic puppet and is being used by the natives for whatever purpose they need. The plot in the essay is simple, straight forward, and follows the basic plot elements the who, what, where, and why. In the first sentence, Orwell presents the narrator as the main character and the roles of the supporting characters. He describes the officer as an outcast, often targeted by the natives for amusement. Orwell wastes no time with deep rising actions, but quickly reaches the climax, exposing the subjective conflict.The officer exclaims, but even then I was not thinking particularly of my own skin, only of the watchful yellow faces behind, and continues to describe how he was more afraid of looking like a fool in front of the natives than of the tyrant elephant (Orwell 381). Orwell keeps sim plicity throughout his essay yet supplies great dilate allowing the reader to feel the emotion and atmosphere of the setting. He uses plain language and few words to describe the cultural setting that is shaped from religious and policy-making views. The officer often mentions the British rule and how the Buddhists and natives of the land were the worst (Orwell 379).The cultural differences between the British rule and natives were far from the same. Not only did this contribute to the internal conflicts of the officer, but to external conflicts of other British people in the colony. Orwell supports his theme of self-image over individual morals by using all the elements of literacy. The narrators conflict within himself was brought upon through his own actions and thoughts. As an officer he had a right to carry out the laws of the land, but would rather go against his beliefs to head off ridicule wanting to fit in and not be laughed at.Nonetheless, even after he did what he thou ght the natives wanted, the officer still faces the same issues of internal conflict. He was trying to justify what was done to make him feel better, yet continues to have a guilty conscience. The officer even admits he had done it solely to avoid looking a fool (Orwell 382). In conclusion, Orwell presents a humble approach to a common problem of today. Although doing the moral thing is correct, most earthly concern do what they feel is expected because someones eyes are always watching.Orwell cuts right to the point and wastes no time on useless material. The conglomerate character jumps out in the beginning and forecasts a simple plot. By using details about the location, Orwell supports his plot and places the essay in the middle of south-east Asia. The location is important and better explains the relationship between authority figures and the religious differences. However, the choice is in the main characters hands and instead of gummy to his beliefs, he would rather be a follower than forever a fool.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Robert Frost is an American poet – What do you find specifically American in his poems and what do you find is universal?

Robert Frost wrote compositiony meters about everyday rural life that be closely united with human emotions. Most of his poesys contain hidden meanings that are not clear at first sight.Firstly, I will talk of the specifically American aspects in Frosts poems. One thing sometimes found in Frosts poems that is American is the place in which the poem is set. The locations of Frosts poems often give a feeling of wide reaching forests and fields that go on for miles that dont exist in many other countries.I let my neighbour know beyond the hillAnd on a day we meet to walk the lineThis phrase, from Mending Wall, immediately suggests vast amounts of space as the speaker dialogue of, beyond the hill, having a hill on ones land indicates that it must be spacious, and, we meet to walk the line, this walking the line gives an image of a boundary between two hefty pieces of territory. After Apple-Picking alike gives a sense of immense space with its title and subject matter. The title tells the reader of the event that is occurring in Frosts orchard. Having an orchard on ones position implies a huge amount of land is owned.Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And looked down one as far as I couldTo w present it bent in the undergrowthThese phrases from The Road Not Taken also indicate a vast space. The second of the two phrases especially does this as the path travels so far in to the enormous wood that the speaker can not see its end, he can only see where it aeroembolism further on.Some boy too far away from town to learn baseballThis line from Birches also emphasizes the space in America. The fact that a boy I too far from the nearest town to learn how to play baseball shows that there is a lot of room between to a great extent populated areas. Robert Frost uses the landscapes size to indicate a feeling of isolation and loneliness.Another American aspect of Frosts poems are certain word spellings and place names.neighbor Mending Wallcolor Gathering Leave sVermont Out, Outwoodchuck After Apple PickingAxe-helve Axe-helveThe first two phrases are spelling differences from United usualwealth English. Vermont is a state in America. woodchuck is an animal native to America and an Axe-helve is the American way of saying axe handle. However, I believe that these parts of the poems are superficial and arent really important to the poems content and idea.American traditions are also sometimes mentioned in Frosts poems.I comparable to think some boys been swinging on themThis line, from Birches, talks of the tradition of swinging from branches of birch trees. The speaker tells the reader of how young boys, who are far away from a town and other young children, like to swing from branches. Birches also mentions another American tradition,Some boy too far away from town to learn baseballLastly, I will discourse the distinctive American climate that is portrayed in Frosts poems.We sit indoors and talk of the cold outside.And every gust that gathers strength and heavesIs a flagellum to the house.It is not often that you see climates like this outside of America, Especially not in the United Kingdom.He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.This line is from Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening. This is also very much an American climate. Snow is quite rare in most other countries including the United Kingdom, particularly to the extent shown in this poem.I will now talk of the habitual aspects in Frosts poems. One aspect of Frosts poems that is not centred on America is human emotions and philosophies. For example, at first sight Mending Wall seems to be a poem about two men building a wall between their two properties, however, the poem has a hidden meaning. The poem is really focused on the human barriers that people put up between themselves and others and the traditional views that the speaker disagrees with. This is a main characteristic of Frosts poems and is featured in most of his w ork.There is also a hidden meaning in Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening. On the surface the poem talks about a man who stops by some woods to watch them fill up with snow, however, its hidden meaning is about a man who seems somewhat weary of life and he wants to take a time out, but he can not do this as he has other responsibilities to adhere to. Another example of this is the poem The Road Not Taken. This poem talks of a man trying to decide which road to talk in a wood. Its hidden meaning is about the choices we prolong to make and how we can come to wonder if we have chosen the right path. likewise other aspects of Frosts poems that are universal are his verse structures and some of his rhyme patterns. However, also some of his rhyme patterns were unique and exclusive to him. An example of this can be taken from Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening. He uses the same rhyme sound for each line in the four-lined verse, except for line three when he uses a new rhyme sound. He t hen carries this rhyme down to the next verse as the common rhyme sound and so on. When he reaches the termination verse the rhyme sounds are all the same. This is a very clever technique as it makes the poem flow well and allows the reader to see the interconnecting superficial theme and hidden meaning. Also by keeping the rhyme sound constant in the last verse he makes his final point stand out and rounds off the poem.In conclusion, I would say that on the whole Frosts poems are universal and have universal appeal as they deal mainly with human emotions. The aspects of his poems that are specific to America are superficial and have no real copulation to the poems themes and ideas.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dumb Jobs

Dumb Jobs Many of us will work numerous dumb lineages in our lives before we finally get colonised into a permanentposition. Dumb jobs such as working as an usher like the fibber in the essay Stupid Jobs Are full to Relax With. A couple of other examples would be jobs in a fast food restaurant or a retail store. In the essay, the narrator mentions that for the past couple of years he has relied on these stupid jobs in order to make enough of a living to get through life, turn still studying at school.I thinkwhat the originator is saying here is very true because many students in university or collegeare still in the middle of studying for that future full time career, but are stillbeing forced to work these jobs, part time, in order to hand their tuition and other expenses that come with university life these days. Expenses such as residence, meals, phone bills and many others. As the title says, stupid jobs are honorable to relax with.Throughout the essay, the author is cons tantly trying to communicate with the audience that in these jobs you are allowed to be lazy and that just showing up and being there for your shift is good enough. This is when I begin to disagree with him because I believe that these temporary jobs should still be viewn seriously in order to not only declare the job, but to also take away as many life lessons and common job skills as possible. This will surely help you have a better future in other jobs and careers.In general, I dont think that these jobs are completely pointless like the author is making them count at different moments in the essay. Finally, in my opinion these dumb jobs play a huge role in our society. They help develop important job skills and give teens and young adults some extra money that they can then go spends and help out the economy. They also give teens something to keep them busy and to take their minds off school or family life for a bit. Therefore, overall these jobs can be very useful in many dif ferent ways and should not be overlooked as pointless.