Friday, December 27, 2019

The Merging of Cultures in Beowulf - 1410 Words

The story of Beowulf represents the merging of two cultural belief systems: paganism and Christianity. Historically, the Anglo-Saxon culture was based upon pagan practices- idolatry, worship of many Gods and a specific warrior’s code of conduct. Beowulf was born of this culture as a legend passed down through centuries by oral tradition until shortly after their conversion to Christianity. It was finally preserved in written form by an obviously Christian author in an attempt to unify the two belief systems, and in doing so hopefully further convincing the new Anglo-Saxon believers that the two cultures could be compatible with one another. The character of Beowulf becomes the ultimate Christian hero, bound to the Anglo-Saxon warrior’s code yet giving credit and praise to the Christian God for his victories. It is from this context that the story presents the conflict of good and evil in its characters, its imagery and its symbolism. In this way the author hopes to insp ire faith and belief in God, demonstrate how God deals with the forces of evil and ultimately how God is the answer to triumph over evil or adversity. As the hero of the story, Beowulf must be presented as a Godly or even God-like character, redeeming the Danes from the devil and hell itself. In keeping with Anglo-Saxon tradition, Beowulf is a proud, somewhat boastful warrior. He is loyal and honorable, but he seeks fame and glory on earth rather than in the afterlife, often boasting of his ownShow MoreRelatedKeeping Briton’s Religious Origins Alive through Ancient Literature1129 Words   |  5 Pages Furthermore, the persistence of these religious genres is evidenced in ancient literature such as Beowulf, The Myth of Arthur’s Return, or Diedru and the Exile of the Sons of Uisliu, as they retained remnants of origins of the Britons’ religious beliefs. In Beowulf, King Hrothgar, the ruler of Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. Fortunately, a young Geat warrior, Beowulf, travels from his own kingdom across the seas, to Heorot Hall offering his assistance with the pestRead MoreThe Religious Principles Of Beowulf1236 Words   |  5 PagesSyncretism is defined as the combination of different beliefs or practices. This term is an important topic within Beowulf, since the poem has obviously united two religious principles. Beowulf is dedicated to expressing and explaining the Germanic heroic code, but there are specific moments when Christianity and paganism over laps. Though Paganism focuses on victory, honor, and masculinity the author manages to add the act of forgiving your enemies, the significance of the monsters within the poemRead MoreThe Religious Themes Of The Epic Of Beowulf1485 Words   |  6 PagesIn Beowulf, two types of religion are portrayed by one unknown author, and play an important role in the interpretation of the epic poem. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Handmaids Tale As A Feminist Novel Essay - 1536 Words

Governments can rise and fall overnight and change can happen in the blink of an eye, nothing lasts forever. Margaret Atwood learned this from living through WWII and the Cold War. When writing her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, she used real events and laws that had previously occurred in history. The Republic of Gilead is a dystopian society where contraceptives, syphilis, AIDS, pollution, nuclear plant accidents, chemical and biological warfare, and poor toxic waste disposal caused infertility which lead to a shrinkage in population. Gilead is based on seventeenth century puritan roots and is run by conservative religious extremists, who believe men should be the ones in power and woman should be oppressed and enslaved, and are only of†¦show more content†¦The handmaids are only there to help the commanders and their wives as said by Offred, â€Å"We are for breeding purposes: we aren’t concubines, geisha girls, courtesans. On the contrary: everything possible has been done to remove us from that category. There is supposed to be nothing entertaining about us, no room is to be permitted for the flowering of secret lusts; no special favors are to be wheedled, by them or us, there are to be no toeholds for love. We are two-legged wombs, that’s all: sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices† (Atwood 136). Marthas are the ones who do the house hold chores and are helped sometimes by the handmaids. The Aunts are true believers and are responsible for the teachings and brainwashing of the recently captured women brought to Gilead. They are charged with molding women and forcing them to conform to their ways through mental and physical abuse so they do not rebel or run away. They make women think so poorly of themselves that they resign themselves to their fate as a handmaid, and even make them believe that the situation they are in is their own fault. One of the Aunts states this to the women in the Red Center, â€Å"This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary† (Atwood 33). They are willing to go to extremes in Gilead to make sure their ways are followed. Next, the narrator in any story is very important as it is in their point of view thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Feminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1199 Words   |  5 PagesFeminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale For this essay, we focused strictly on critics reactions to Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale. For the most part, we found two separate opinions about The Handmaids Tale, concerning feminism. One opinion is that it is a feminist novel, and the opposing opinion that it is not. Feminism: A doctrine advocating social, political, and economic rights for women equal to those of men as recorded in Websters Dictionary. This topic is prevalentRead MoreMargaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale1345 Words   |  6 PagesMetaphor in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale† by Sonia Chadha compares the treatment of women in society to the treatment of women in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Chadha’s essay leaves her readers in a state of bewilderment after only a few pages. Her disorganized structure and repetitive subjects are only a couple reasons of why this essay is an absolute mess. Chadha’s essay is all over the place and only shows one-side of the argument. Overall, this essay was poorly written and very repetitveRead MoreToni Morrison And Virginia Woolfs The Bluest Eye1629 Words   |  7 Pagesfact, made a tremendous impact on society and sculpted the way we see things in the world today. Toni Morrison, author of The Bluest Eye, challenged the Essentialists’ claim by making a novel about racism, and how it affected African American culture in the 20th century. Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale, challenged this notion by addressing issues about sexual violence and political issues, except in the shape of an extremist and dystopian world. Moreover, Virginia Woolf, author of ToRead MoreMargaret Atwood : A Social Activist1225 Words   |  5 PagesMargaret Atwood: a Social Activist Through Feminist Literature The 1980s signified the continuation of an era of social and political upheaval in the United States of America. At the forefront was a socially conservative agenda that aimed to rescind women’s rights only ratified less than a decade before, a marked display of the nation’s desire to uphold traditional values that defined the preceding generation (Franà §oise). Among the devastating political climate, however, was Margaret Atwood:Read MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words   |  5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through theRead MoreThe Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Essay2490 Words   |  10 PagesIn the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from,† (Atwood 24). The Handmaid’s Tale, written by Margaret Atwood, is a novel set in the near future where societal roles have severely changed. The most notable change is that concerning women. Whereas, in the past, women have been gaining rights and earning more â€Å"freedom to’s†, the women in the society of The Handmaid’s Tale have â€Å"freedom froms†. They have the freedom from being abused and having sexist phrases yelled atRead MoreAsd Asdf Oeer2098 Words   |  9 PagesStudy Guides and Literature Essays Editing Services College Application Essays Writing Help Q A Lesson Plans Home : The Handmaids Tale : Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of V: Nap - VI: Household The Handmaids Tale Summary and Analysis by Margaret Atwood Buy PDFBuy Paperback V: Nap - VI: Household Summary This section begins with Offred simply sitting alone, waiting. She had not been prepared for all this stillness, all of this boredom. She thinks about experimentsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And The Handmaid s Tale : Crushing Dreams2951 Words   |  12 PagesRilye Fries Mrs. Tucker English 12 hour 3 13 March 2015 The Great Gatsby and The Handmaid’s Tale: Crushing Dreams The Great Gatsby is regarded as a classic novel for its sad and hopeful story of Jay Gatsby and his quest to obtain Daisy Buchanan, his first love. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid s Tale is regarded as a more modern day classic, taking place in a dystopian society where women are regarded as sex slaves and the Bible is law. Both F. Scott Fitzgerald and Margaret Atwood, despite havingRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale By Margaret Atwood And Brave New World1498 Words   |  6 Pages The Handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley are both dystopian fiction novels. In both novels all the aspects of society are controlled by the government. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

International Political Economy and Human Development

Question: Discuss about theInternational Political Economy and Human Development. Answer: Introduction It is increasingly becoming apparent that indicators of increased female participation in waged activity do not necessarily correlate with decrease in gender inequality. How much responsibility for this can be attributed to the predominant gendered division of labour in the global production relations system and what can be done to overcome this? Explain. This statement which has been mentioned above would be described in the essay and based upon the essay the conclusion of the same would be provided. Traditionally, Australias societal composition added to major variations in chance and conclusion among the sex, ensuing in injustice and unfairness in opposition to more females than men over point in time. With the enhancement in females privileges over the precedent 150 years, the state was revealed to be a global example when it turn out to be the second state to grant females the ballot in 1902 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). As per the collectively built functions of men and women which initiated to revolutionize, females establish oneself attaining more control rampant in modern community of the state, in spite of setting an example to the rest of the globe for selecting privileges. The personality of the community of the state was essentially created to have orderly gender based discrimination within it, which grants increase to prejudiced approaches within many areas. It was crucial to make a notice of, though, that gender fairness and disparity within the state were not elite to or restricted to certain areas only. The state was one of the various countries which have made certain advancement towards gender parity in current decades, chiefly in regions like learning where the percentage of females presenting institution of higher education in todays time outnumbers men. However, extensively inequality among the socio-economic situations of male and females remains obvious in a number of regions (Espinola, 2011). Females were persist to be paid less than men, were less likely to precede their jobs as far as males, and were expected to expend their ending years in scarcity; with high charges of reliance on government profits sustenance and inferior superannuation equilibrium. Females were also more probable to expend a high sum of period undertaking voluntary work. At the same time males often find it more tricky to way in friendly regulations or bendable working preparations than women (Relationships Australia, 2016). In current times, females in Australia have built momentous tread towards attaining equal opportunity with men. At colleges, workplaces, in boardrooms, etc. a rising amount of women have taken on management functions, forging trails for other women and girls to pursue (Joo, 2016). The State has been a country that has a extended past of efforts in exploration of ruling an equilibrium of gender impartiality. As it was one of the primary states to provide suffrage to females in 1901, by the endorsement of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1984, to new events such as the 2010 Paid Parental Leave Act, so it could be affirmed that the state has a long way to go. Yet still much requests to be done (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2016). In 1984, the Sex Discrimination Act was enforced, creating it beside the law unfairness to differentiate against somebody on the foundation of sex, marital status, household tasks or as they were expectant. It symbolizes the code of gratitude and recognition within the society of the state of fairness among the two diverse sex. In June 2010, the government initiated the Sex Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010 to modify the Sex Discrimination Act to, along with other things, it expand the safeguard from inequity on the basis of relations everyday jobs to both females and males in all parts of job (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2016). There has been important advancement in falling express sex unfairness since 1984, when the Sex Discrimination Act was approved by the congress. Nevertheless, the request of the Act over a part of a state has painted some severe restrictions with its present structure and substance. It was obvious that development on attaining sex parity in the state has delayed, and the Sex Discrimination Act was presently restricted in its capability to actively address the difficulty. Gender inequality in the labour power has been a concern which has expected prevalent reporting over the precedent two centuries as females have resisted conquering communal, educational, and organizational obstacles in their efforts to attain the similar chances and privileges as men within the place of work (, 2015). The work of the labour power in the state has observed major alterations over the last three centuries as a rising number of women have been established in to the employees due to altering hurdles and opinions of the sex. Among the years of 1978 and 1996, women contribution in the employment goes up from 43.7 percent to 53.7 percent, with women being 42.99 percent of the overall employees. At first vision, thus, it may emerge that gender inequality in the personnel has been considerably decreased over the previous thirty years; but, this disagreement was far too unsophisticated and fall short to take into report the gender extend over unreliable worker kinds. One of the most considerable facets of gender inequality was the very small proportion of females in high rank, well salaried administrative sites; females symbolize only 26 percent of all directors. Whilst this would be proof for an educational alteration towards females, it would still take a long time for evolutionary modification to even up the steadiness in administrative tasks. The other major deliberation in the market was the variation in the part of full time and part time service among male and females. The percentage of engaged men in full time service was 89 % with only 11 % in part time places; thus was in disparity to the extent for working females with only 58 percent of working women working in full time places, with 42 % working part time. This could direct to the lack of confidence of the employee and the corrosion of privileges and reimbursements linked with enduring service, referring that more females belong to the marginal collection of workers rather than the privileged hub. A last important subject that women facade in the market was re-entering the personnel after departing for paternity causes. A current learning into the causes for stopping last full time employments establish that 63 % of women left on their own agreement, evaluate with only 38 % of men who left enthusiastically, with motherly discussions being a leader issue. In the opinionated field, although the state had its first women prime minister, females were still revoltingly suppressed in the assembly. Over the previous 30 years, women depiction in the assembly has enlarged. While there has been a large contract of expression from both surface of government about the pre assortment of female applicants and concerns such as quotas, their depiction in both centralized and state political affairs was tranquil excessively short. In spite the misleading numbers of females in the state political affairs, the lawful vote of Julia Gillard to the position of Prime Minister in 2010 display the general sight of the states public towards women within biased community. Not only has a female administered to ascend to the peak function in states political affairs, after Governor General, but she was also a female alive in a de facto association. The approval of a female living with a collaborator in a non-marital association displays important steps onward for gender bias in the states community. Though, in spite this, the fact that her de facto association turn out to be nationwide news during the election campaign observes that the community still observes subject with the matter. At the same time as there were far less instances of unconcealed gender-based prejudice in the state, the advancement towards accurate gender equality has evidently delayed (Jericho, 2015). The major obstacles within the state to accomplish gender based equality was methodical gender based prejudice, distinct as performances which were been immersed into the associations and arrangement of the states community which have a prejudiced result. Instances of such prejudice have been sketched above such as the space among females and males proceeds due to rigid work areas, and schemes which overlook sex discrimination and sexual harassment. In spite the fact that the state did put world examples in accepting females as expensive associate of civilization, tackling these disparities was the major manner in which the state could move towards having accurate sex parity (Alcorn, 2016). The Act which grants effect to the states worldwide human rights duties under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which has played an major role in altering societal approaches and serving advance sex equality in this country. In spite this advancement, females and girls persist to practice disparity and biasness in many imperative sections of their life which could restrict the options and occasions obtainable to them. Gender inequality endures in the region of the state, undermining financial development, human growth and scarcity diminution. Gender fairness and allowing women has been revealed to contribute to development, growth and steadiness. Brutality against women demoralizes a countrys collective basics and averts women from attaining societal and financial fairness. Better educated women have smaller amount, recovered and better educated children, which decreases addiction weights and augment investments in developing countries (Hunt, 2016). Granting female farmers with equivalent access to assets could decrease hunger for an additional 150 million individuals. In conflict circumstances, women were often influential in brokering traced and could help to bring more permanent calm. The Australian Government has a persistent and continuing promise to be at the vanguard of hard work to endorse gender impartiality and the empowerment of women and girls, chiefly in the Indo-Pacific region (Lang, 2016). The Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment policy makes it obvious that gender equality and womens empowerment were an integral element of the overseas rules, fiscal negotiation and assist job of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008). The Government was devoted to intensification the capacity to connect in policy discoursement in the Indo- Pacific region and internationally and proceeding the international status as a international head on sex parity and womens empowerment. This strategy institutes three main concerns that direct the work on gender equality: Enhancing females influence in making decisions, management and building peace; Endorsing females financial empowerment; Finishing brutality against females and girls. Accomplishment of this gender policy was underpinned by four promises, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade would incorporate gender equality and womens empowerment into: States foreign plan; For employment speculation and financial international relations; Devote in sex parity through states development agenda; Entrust to encourage gender equality in the commercial and human resource rules and performances. The state has made gender equality and womens empowerment one of six precedence regions for speculation in the assist agenda. The proof was apparent gender equality was grave to growth. State endows in embattled curriculums to endorse gender equality and womens empowerment where there were determined disputes and development towards gender equality has been measured (Chun, 2016). In addition, all support savings, no issue what their aims, were requisite to successfully address gender equality and womens empowerment, with an relieve agenda aim needing more than 80% of savings to do so efficiently. Though, time and time again it has been found out that the mere subsistence of the inequality has been protected. Gradually consciousness of subject for women in the state was critical for the improvement in gender equality. The current HEROC journal, Gender Equality Gender Blueprint 2010, which recognizes that while it materialize that females have fair chances as males in the state community presently; great disparities persist to succeed, chiefly when the overall figures were inspected over a individuals lifetime. It was significant to turn out to be recognizable with the superior matters, particularly for those who would be inclined to be leaped to the judgment that the state must have attained fairness, if on a micro scale, there emerges to be no disparity among males and females in community. Workplace gender equality was attained when individuals were able to contact and enjoy the same plunders, possessions and chances in spite of their sex. The state, along with other states globally, has made major development towards gender equality in present centuries, chiefly in edification, fitness and women employee contribution. On the other hand, the gender breach in the employees was motionlessly rife where women persist to receive less than males, and was less likely to precede their job as far as males, and gather less retreat or superannuation investments. At the same time, men have less admittance to family-friendly rules such as departure or bendable operational preparations than females. The objective of gender equality in the workplace was to attain generally equivalent results for females and males, not essentially results that were precisely the identical for all. To attain this desires: Employments to grant equivalent forfeit for job of equivalent or similar worth; Exclusion of restrictions to the full and equivalent contribution of females in the employees; Admission to all jobs and businesses, as well as management functions, in spite of sex; and Removal of unfairness on the foundation of gender, chiefly in connection to family and thoughtful duties (Khadem, 2015). Attaining gender equality was significant for workplaces not only as it was fair and the privilege thing to do, but as it was also connected to a countrys overall financial presentation. Workplace gender equality was connected with: Enhanced nationwide efficiency and financial development; Augmented organizational acts; Improved ability of corporations to attract talent and retain workers; Improved managerial status. The appearance of feminism has lifted many issues in the regulation of global kindred. Feminists have confronted civilization ideas and understanding of what were earlier supposed to be gender neutral ideas. In order to inspect gender division within a state, firstly a person should know what has been meant by gendered division of labour. As per Enloe it has been referred to the relations among governments depends not only on capital and weaponry but also on the power of females as signs, clients, and employees (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2014). The gendered division of labour was positively apparent throughout community and feminists would assert that this was not a usual stipulation based on disparity of sex but rather an effect of community training which all through history has been circulated by males for their advantage (Liveris, 2016). The significance to worldwide politics was that to some amount, worldwide politics has fashioned and effect this division. Whilst it would be inexperienced to propose that there was no gendered division of labour, It would proposed that this was not the outcome of a effected patriarchy forced solely by males. Females, in stating their gender individuality seek manners in which to reinforce their gender identity. In being feminine, females have reacted to usual natures to act in a womanly manner. Opposing to feminist philosophy, It would be proposed that rather than males forcing females to act in some manners and take for granted certain functions during community, this was the manner females want to be. The socialization of females has affected their function in community as being weaker but to some extent this was as females want to be seen as being weaker. Females desire parity but uniformly, they want males to be familiar with their femaleness and the conventional desires that arise from this. Presumptuous this was factual; the keeping out of females from places of authority was just as much an outcome of the events of females as it was males. Until men make particular desires from females to declare their manliness, or females discontinue expecting males to be deferent to them, gender divisions of labour will continue to propagate equally in society and international politics (Australian Public Service Commission, 2016). A clear gendered division of labour was obvious in both the quantitative and qualitative outcomes. In general, the review consequently demonstrates that males and females have very alike workloads with both expenses about 77 to 79 hours per week in paid and unpaid job. The key dissimilarity among males and females was that males undertake the bulk of paid work while females undertake the bulk of unpaid job. A study was conducted by EY and I was found out that employing more productive female employees in flexible functions in the state could collectively save at least $1.4 billion in wasted wages (EY, 2013). So, it could be concluded that although Australia has been a country which has been making a lot of attempts to bring on gender equality but still not there were some things which were still lacking in bringing the level equal. Though more and more female have started being recruited by the corporations in the work of production but then also the females have been paid less than men. Therefore, there has been a decrease in inequality but no increase in equality. References Alcorn, G.(2016) Australians are being told that gender inequality is the root cause of domestic violence. But is it?. [Online] The Guardian. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Australian Human Rights Commission. (2016) Gender Equality.[Online] Australian Human Rights Commission. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Australian Public Service Commission. (2016) Balancing the future: The Australian Public Service gender equality strategy 2016-19. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Chun, J. (2016) Gender inequality still an issue in the workplace. [Online] Career FAQs. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016) Australia's assistance for gender equality. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Espinola, R. (2011) Gender equality in Australia what are the issues?. [Online] Online Opinion. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] (2013) Increasing female workforce participation the key to boosting Australias productivity. [Online] EY. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. (2008) Gender equality: What matters to Australian women and men. [Online] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Hunt, E. (2016) Gender inequality is a problem, say 69% of young Australian women. [Online] The Guardian. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Jericho, G. (2015) In most areas, Australian women are getting a much worse deal than men. [Online] The Guardian. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Joo, S. (2016) How Can Australia Achieve True Gender Equality?. [Online] Student Edge. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Khadem, N. (2015) If women want to reduce the gender pay gap, they have to fight for it. [Online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Lang, K. (2016) Workplace gender inequality is real. Why do men deny that?. [Online] The Daily Telegraph. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Liveris,C. (2016) Closing the gender pay gap wont just help women. Itll help men too. [Online] the Daily Telegraph. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] (2015) Workplace gender equality scorecard puts Australia to shame. [Online] Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Relationships Australia. (2016) March 2016: Gender inequality. [Online] Relationships Australia. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2014) Parenting, work and the gender pay gap. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16] Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2016) About workplace gender equality. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on 9/11/16]

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Beginning Of World War II Essays (2279 words) -

The Beginning of World War II At daybreak on the first day of September, 1939, the residents of Poland awakened to grave news. A juggernaut force of tanks, guns, and countless grey-clad soldiers from nearby Germany had torn across the countryside and were making a total invasion of the Pole's homelands. Germany's actions on that fateful morning ignited a conflict that would spread like a wildfire, engulfing the entire globe in a great world war. This scenario is many people's conception of how World War II came about. In reality, the whole story is far more detailed and complex. The origins of war can be traced as far back as the end of the first World War in 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles placed responsibility for that terrible war squarely on Germany. Years later, in the Far East, Japanese ambition for territory led the nation to invade Manchuria and other parts of nearby China, causing hostilities to flare in the Pacific Rim. Great Britain, the United States, and many other nations of the world would all be drawn into battle in the years to come, and each nation had it's own reason for lending a hand in the struggle. Although Germany was the major player in World War II, the seeds of war had already been planted in the Far East years before conflict in Europe. On September 18, 1931, the powerful Japanese military forces began an invasion of the region known as Manchuria, an area belonging to mainland China. This action broke non-aggression treaties that had been signed earlier. It also was carried out by Japanese generals without the consent of the Japanese government. In spite of this, no one was ever punished for the actions. Soon after the assault on China, the Japanese government decided it had no choice but to support the occupation of Manchuria. By the next year the region had been completely cut off from China (Ienaga 60-64). Because of the Japanese offensive in China, the League of Nations held a vote in October to force Japan out of the captured territory. The vote was passed, 13 to 1, but Japan remained in control of Manchuria. A second vote, taken in February, 1933, a formal disapproval of the Japanese occupation, was passed 42 to 1. Instead of expelling Japan from the area of Manchuria, it caused the nation to formally withdraw it's membership in the League of Nations the next month (Ienaga 66). Now unrestrained by the recommendations of the League of Nations, Japan continued it's intrusion onto Chinese soil. By 1937 Japan had moved military forces into Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing, as well as other regions of China. By 1940, Japanese seizure of territory had spread to deep inside Southeast Asia and even parts of Australia (Sutel et al). Also in 1940, the Triparte Pact was signed, allying Japan, Germany, and Italy into a powerful force that stretched halfway around the planet. The association with Hitler and Germany unified the war in the Pacific and the war in Europe. Japan was now fully involved in what came to be known as World War II. As warfare raged in the Pacific Rim, a chain of events was unfolding that would produce catastrophic results. The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 held Germany fully accountable for the tragedy of World War I. The nation was stripped of large areas of land, it's armaments, as well as it's dignity. In addition, the reparations that were to be paid to the allied nations virtually destroyed the economy of Germany. The resentment of the treaty burned in the hearts and minds of Germans for years afterward. In 1933, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany after working his way up the ladder of government. By speaking against the Treaty of Versailles and making promises of a better life to the German people, Hitler gained the support of his fellow countrymen, and he easily won the election. Almost immediately after Hitler took office he began securing his position in power. Hitler took steps to eliminate all opposition, including political parties and anyone else who spoke out against him. The death of President Hindenburg in 1934 clinched