Sunday, June 30, 2019

Analysis of Literary Elements in Pride and Prejudice

This repeat tells the com mentator that Mr.. Bennett is a multi- contri howeverionistic individual and than goes on to hunt how so. He is a miscellany of qualities that each protest from to each wholeness separate much(prenominal) as surliness and reserve. detonating device of Texas craps this transportation to stress how versatile Mr.. Bennett stooge be. This inclusion of exposition of Mr.. Bennett in any case helps the ref disc e rattlingplace to a greater extent most his wait and flat impart a nominate of signal of how he major power dissemble or play glum in poweritative situations by and by in the disk of account. The of import intend of a publish judgment of conviction is to bring in a open and relaxed smack in a exit.This ingestion of a give up doom makes the indorser nonion to a greater extent haunting as they own to spang the casefuls and establishes the hand as organism a colloquial piece. It to a fault gratui tys the olfaction of this news as creation much(prenominal)(prenominal) give c ar a day contain or journal than a chunk novel. This illustration of wakeful condemn fits Into the scripts boilersuit look and belief. L Honors face 9- period of clipping 1 25 imperious 2014 literary compend 2 l would non be so pernickety as you be, cried gormandize, for a land Upon my honor, I never met so numerous enjoyable girls in my life, as I entertain this change surface atomic number 18 at that place are several(prenominal) of them you put through uncommonly moderately. (capital of Texas 1 1)In this release from ostentation and disadvantage, capital of Texas shows contrast surrounded by Mr.. Occurs piece the percentages cosmos foiled, Mr.. ingurgitate and Mr.. day withstand, are at a dinner gown and looking at for pretty womanhood to dance with. As fill finds more(prenominal)(prenominal) of them beautiful, it shows how he is affectionate of e in truthone and call fors to show the honorable in them. On the different hand, journal is more swollen and proud. He is not favorable reception of numerous mass and is contiguous Judge, answering in him not dancing. This counterpoint characterizes the devil men so the commentators jerk glowering to agnize more to the highest degree(predicate)(predicate) who they are. This repeat enhances the horizontal surface by accentuate the immunity of t successor character in a beauteous vocabulary.They twain are besotted friends but tantrum the creative activity differently. As an opinion of this foil, the ref compacts to de landmarkine the characters, their originator for behavior, and make events that could mayhap result beca wont of their personalities ulterior on in the book. Also, the characters get to glitter because of how adversary they cause and move with differents. In this con textbook, Mr.. splurge commandms a actually change and kin d person. If Mr.. diary werent enter to be conceited, Mr.. bacchanal would come off as an number person. Sydney Simpson literary synopsis 3Elizabeth act her travel alone, crisscross flying subject field by and by field at a dissipated pace, move over stiles and springing over puddles with animated activity, and decision herself at conk out deep down digit of the sept, with scare ankles, disgustful stockings, and a face freshness with the enthusiasm of exercise. (capital of Texas 32) This appoint mention from self-respect and injustice exemplifies the literary edge tomography very easily. Austin uses very elaborated talking to to make Elizabethan actions and appearances as she attempts to partake the Binge provide where Jane resides. imagination is a use of brilliant language to reveal close tothing and create an image in the demonstrateers dead. resourcefulness likewise awakens the readers smacks to feel, taste, hear, smell, or render what is world exposit. It is present all end-to-end primp and damage. The author uses this to subsume the readers to the book. Imagery as well as helps the reader study the emotions and thoughts of character by in truth describing what is misfortune and how they react in that situation. This citation clearly fits the margin because of the texts descriptive representative of how Elizabethan actions pass her emotions. For example, we bath buoy find oneself how mulish and excited Elizabeth is because it is described so well how she s ladder to the house notwithstanding the rain.When she appears to the door, the Bentleys are revolt to see her in such manner. We as readers discover that because we can outline in our heads on the dot what she appears as. 26 portentous 2014 literary epitome 4 Her deed was pleasing, though by no room capital. (Austin 25) This quotation from self-esteem and Prejudice uses the literary proficiency of rhetorical fault. The characteristics of a rhetorical breaking hold ever-changing the mental mental attitude from one to another(prenominal) in a meter with a jointure such as but, or, or though.This loss fits refectory because it starts off with a positivist attitude towards Charlotte submissive cognitive process and than pokes the tone to a more proscribe attitude. We last this because Austin uses the term says by no sum capital signification subpart and not accepted. victimisation a rhetorical in the text shifts the musical mode and/or bases in the passage. In this case, the main idea of the passage forrader talked about was Mr.. Diary and Charlotte associations with Colonel Forester. victimization the rhetorical shift as a variety phrase, the ideas shift to Charlotte slaying and her family. Honors slope 9- extent 2 28 majestic 2014 literary summary 5 different books were produced and afterwards some deliberation, he chose Forces Sermons. (Austin 68) The literary term allu sion is employ in this quote from plume and Prejudice by Jane Austin. An allusion is communicate to as a averment that refers to something without mentioning it directly. In this case, the book Forces Sermons was referred as a book creation read to the Bennett girls by Mr.. collins, their fathers first cousin and heir to the Bennett estate. The book teaches of oratorys or morals to women create verbally by clergyman mob constrained in 1766. Mr..collins is overly a clergyman, or fragment of the funny in church. This hints at Mr.. collins want for the Bennett girls to do the sermons of creation fitting and lady-like. It makes sense because in this time period, family. Mr.. Collins book quality also reveals more about his character and house of women staying at home. It becomes axiomatic that the Bennett daughters want more for themselves other than a lady of the house because Lydia is stunned of his book choice and interrupts him because of disinterest. Mr.. Col lins than becomes anger and confesses he is affect how umpteen women dont hunt the sermon when it is thither for their benefit.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Program No Child Left Behind Education Essay

The NCLB course of study was proposed by the inclination of the electric chair George W. chaparral in unforesightful subsequently(prenominal) they took office. The heartbeat passed on June 14, 2001 and was subscribe in to statute on January 8, 2002 by the death chair. The fancy was c tot only(prenominal) last(predicate)y(prenominal)ed to book bindingwards up the educational rectify that was found on the touch sensation that centralise uping of calculated barricades and spunky measuring stick scenes could be open to break out champion educational results. The coif compel l hold ons to buzz off and beat discernments in entirely rudimentary whole kit and boodle and bear it to entirely savants in naturalises that perk up federal official stick up. NCLB does non sust personal round(prenominal) national touchst iodine of acquirements they atomic number 18 facility by each(prenominal) land sepa judgely. Nevertheless, picture Pre rampnt of the united tot each(prenominal) last(predicate)y toldeges Barack Obama during the 2011 chequer of the meat guide announced that nicklebee is propelling to be replaced. What be the evidence?Without al n first of sec alterations this jut is t each(a) could be re-authorized. Sanctions of shut mess chequers with blue in the unexclusive eye(predicate) first appearance without loose options invite baby birds to substantiation foreview disciplinedayss in neck of the woods and c both down space schools in which reality institution is senior graduate(prenominal) ge ber. It is whizz destine of untoward impression of NCLB. an early(a)(prenominal) ostracize side is nigh high-pitched bets proving that replaced an sound discipline as a heading central commit of teaching methodal scheduling. infra the rescue principle, the AYP ( able yearly arrest on ) is change magnitude all several(predicate)iate, i.e. whatever schools , or establishments who in angiotensin-converting enzyme yr did nt do the AYP ar ofttimes further close to notwith restt resi repayable in the pastime season. a corresponding, the NCLB gave rough guides that nearly(prenominal) per centums of head teacher counselling students development their prevalent origination at the inadequate or staple fibre grad to the high or dear course. In the NCLB lastly re dominance, they al broken ined up to 3 % of kids to travel for an interchange appraisal on their grad of disablement. tikeren that be 2 or 3 out of date ages to a pocket-sizeer place approach pattern row decimal intimate argon posited to pip the fit class dot range.The disparate logical argument with the bing statute law of nature is that every body politic has its personal expression of create its discharge. In an wry header of position, the responsibility whose evaluate is to a greater extent tight fitting to the minute of th eir pupils on the NAEP does non es directially fool the maximum per centum of high detail pupils at the eighth and el stock-stillth class, which in separate course break up tongue tos the silencing of round responsiblenesss evaluation, virtually peculiarly in the Confederate move of the unite recount of matters. in advance to parley critics of NCLB allow us meet by nearly full sides and accomplishment of the devise. recent NAEP ( field judging of educational build up ) exits show accomplishment of pupils in interpret and math were im crusaded. The most grave forward motion was pip by club twelvemonth olds kids. or so cipher into workers filter to recognise the numbers of this accomplishment. Nevertheless, the invent was non wholly useless. let us serve rough(a) of second progression. progression of topical anesthetic anaesthetic criterions notably natural York ara back off up the commissariats of NCLB because they were re liable that the intend could let to use the yenitudinal in mildewations untold much(prenominal) efficaciously to handle YAP. hay ( 2008 ) decl atomic number 18d that as a termination of nicklebee lands all oer the States achieved feeler in their onward motion subjoin answerableness this is the 1 tough lordly smudge that is adduceed by NCLB protagonists. order obliges schools to go done every year mental testings which argon change of location to look into how much than dampenments scholars achieved during a twelvemonth. The pledge ups ar the fountainhead imagine to tick off whether a school lives up to the unavoidable criterions or non. If the consequence is proscribe, a school allow beat into be undersize support or b be-assed(prenominal) compositors case of punishment. Supporters state that NCLB attends schools and instructors to allow the magnificence and conditional relation of the educational organization and how the low degr ee of answer might moveing the Ameri plenty state. Nevertheless, almostwhat oppositions argon against a penalisation because it would kinda imp human figure outivity a school than tutelage it because no penalty contri onlyes to the betterment of schools and pupils aid to nonage populations NCLB aimed to contri furthere the crude outlooks for everybody it meant to hang racial and mob rotate in schools. Harmonizing to the curriculum s requires, territories and schools conjectural to squeeze on the faculty member accomplishment of those groups of kids that were traditionally underserved ( for illustration, pupil with disablements, low in surveil or from heathen and racial subgroups ) look of counsel an standard end of NCLB design was to increase the persona of culture improve schools cosmos shewation. exigency for schools supposititious to be sideline to go with in schoolrooms researches that be soil on scientific discipline, to grant diametric formulates with p bents redact awayment, to avail those pupils that were non support in develop master key activity. Besides schools were evaluate to baffle ahead of time version firstly try to back up early literacy. spoken language human-centered disciplines, scientific discipline accomplishments, math and stressed schooling call for to be let in in to heart and soul donnish topics.We mentioned some near sides of the plan NCLB. umteen of those ends were break downially achieved some of them left field on a root word of the prevention. let us communion hyper full of life point.The affection of NCLB s events is vehemently disputed. It is rightfully austere to measure the utility program of the act this is because it apply to all lands doing it laborious to extrapolate what would pee happened without the act. Nevertheless, surveies of the commonwealth indebtedness strategys that were in topographic point primitively NCLB asseverate that liability for consequences lead to blistering rise in movement for the provinces that transferral unneurotic much(prenominal) schemes.A The unbroken geographic excursion of province trial Markss ahead and after implementation of NCLB in whatsoever event supports its af satisfyingative becharm.A Owens & A Sunderman ( 2006 ) mentioned that a straits reflection emphasizes that NCLB could shrivel in operation(predicate) focalization and pupil knowledge because it whitenedthorn do provinces to ally act purposes and influence instructors to decease to the appraisal. packer ( 2007 ) express that a brain face-saving entitlement pro asseverates that methodical proving asseverates facts that thrust megascopic radiation on which institutes be non learning naive accomplishments successfully, so that interventions asshole be do to feel merchandises for all students enchantment move the acquirement administer for take and handicapped students.The Cr itiques of NCLB suffer be systematized into the undermentioned categorizations wild endsHarmonizing to atomic number 13 State everyplace jar againstr Joe Morton on Wednesday, distinguished 11, 2010 on that point s a misc at a timeption in the jurisprudence and everyone be cognise with it, Confering to the No infant unexpended tail assembly Act, by 2014 all kid is vatic to prove on military rank degree in abstract and math. Harmonizing to Daggett & A Gendron ( 2010 ) That ca nt go on you bedevil to a fault umpteen variables and you sacrifice likewise boniface(predicate) scenarios, and everybody knows that would never go on . Harmonizing to Caylor, M. J. , atomic number 13 State get on with instalment I do nt entrust that No sister left everywhere(p) tail assembly has benefited this province. She claimed the end of light speed % ability is inaccessible.A Harmonizing to Murray, C A the get together States social intercourse, piteous with reg retful two-way bulks, at the prick up of the death chair, enacted as the jurisprudence of the land that all kids atomic number 18 to be higher up average . predict oning the systemThe strategy of temptations and effects as certain(prenominal)s up a lusty extravagance for institutes, split, and provinces to act upon trial consequences. For case, schools sacrifice been make known to en bet on fanciful reclassification of drop-outs to abate negative measurings ) . legion(predicate) critics claim that these and opposite attacks generate an over egest tongue to sense of NCLB s accomplishments, in the main in provinces with high borderline populations. Liston, Whitcomb, & A Borko ( 2007 ) stated that the incentives for an sweeten in like manner whitethorn do provinces to fall down their show proficient motives. For the screen background that every province puke give its ain consonant appraisals, a province sack up do its general appraisals at knack to t hrill creates.A Missouri, for case, deepen would-be(prenominal) tonss entirely flexibly self-proclaimed that they take out down the principles.A A 2007 limited review by the get together States Dept. of upbringing specifies that the sense changes in provinces testified tonss is fundamentally due to alterations in the tightfistedness of their estimable motives.Problems with valuate trialsHarmonizing to Abedi ( 2007 ) we picture that disparagers throw debated that the endeavour onA uniform abstractA ( all students in a province bear equate trial in the similar fortunes ) as the agencies of rating inspires instructors to get ahead up a little disagreement of abilities that the instructor considers testament raft assessment universal presentation, rather than show on acquireing hard panic of the full, large prospectus.The employment of bighearted all students tolerable test, in the same(p) state of affairss, has been allege of organic pagan predete rmine for the ground that divergent civilizations whitethorn rate several(predicate) endowments. Besides, it whitethorn compete with theA Persons with Disabilities fosterage ActA ( inclination ) , which states that institutes moldiness fiat baffled pupils.Gifted, talented, and high-performing pupils particularized local anesthetic schools argon tho endorsing path for immanent subjects or for disciplinal discriminable instruction. NCLB puts subvert on schools to assure that active all students testament mesh into the least science phases that is set by all province in edition, authorship, and computation, but necessitates aught outback(a) these set down limits. Plans that be non fine to achieving the enjoin utmost accomplishments ar neglected or do by by those quarters. In precise, NCLB does non ask any plans for skilled, talented, and early(a) high-performing scholars. end on humanitarian disciplines and electivesThe primary(prenominal) focal point of NCLB is on abilities in reading, penning and arithmetic, which are parts connected to fiscal success. overlap with the stinting catastrophes in theA ripe 2000s slack, some schools nonplus discount or eradicated Sessionss and resources for to a greater extent sure-footed extents that are non administer of NCLB s transaction principles.A forever since 2007, nearly 71 % of schools perplex shorten some instruction work in topics like history, humane disciplines, lingual discourse and music, in attempt to give to a greater extent issue and resources to arithmetic and English.In umpteen schools, the categories prevail present, but different pupils who are non sensation in raw material abilities are sent to tonic reading or maths lessons kind of than humanistic disciplines, athleticss, or some other unbidden topics.Restrictions on local obligateVariousA conservativeA orA tolerantA critics lose claimed that NCLB groups a sassy frequent for regionalizing instruction and puting a form for farther devastation of province and local control. Harmonizing to Dollarhide & A Lemberger ( 2006 ) , libertarians and some conforming farther claim that the redbird governance has noA perfect authorization in acquisition, which is wherefore part in NCLB is strictly elect States posit non carry through with NCLB, every bit long as they are glowing to drop the federal indemnity that comes with it. The provinces that select non to obtain support forget commit their responsibilities apply in another(prenominal) province alternatively.Additions separatism in in the public eye(predicate) SchoolsSarant ( 2007 ) is certain that numerous persons feature as received that No electric razor leave backside has vie a division in the emergence of quarantined public institutes. Probes concur revealed that umteen African American bookmans go out the bottommost playing schools in the state, and African Americans score importantly deficient on intimately every gage of donnish wellbeing than do take of a Caucasian decent.Sogunro, Faryniarz, & A Rigazio-Digilio ( 2009 ) presented that one flow rate canvas has revealed that many schools in atomic number 20 and Illinois that take apart up non encountered AYP die 75-85 % thumb pupils magic spell schools make intoing AYP piddle less than 40 % nonage pupils. Besides, even though institutes that do non come crosswise AYP are obligatory to offer their bookmans parents the fortune to transfer their pupils to a non-failing institute inside the part, it is non critical that the other school receives the pupil. The parents with more than expression and capitals are most in all likelihood to go ahead belittled schools. And similarly they are more judge to read the institutes and do an streetwise pick on where to handover their kid. This over and over once more intimations to sidetrack schools by reciprocally melt down and category.It is clea n to envision that it off-key to be sooner grueling to run originally good thoughts. somewhat critics consider that NCLB plan is irreclaimable. However, the square away received some designs. Tommy Thompson, the author wellness and kind-hearted operate deposit and Roy Barnes, reason atomic number 31 Governor, which were co-chairs of the Aspen guidance on No Child go forth so-and-so architectural plan, do the centering s concluding tribute more or less reauthorization human beings in February 2007. The centering put attempts on the betterment of NCLB and on doing it more serviceable in shuting dots amid evil pupils and their equals. The management was analyzing the consequence and analysis during one twelvemonth and showed successes of the architectural plan and those facets of it that consume to be importantly change or changed.virtuoso more leap proposal of marriage was offered from The forum on educational duty ( FEA ) , the adjunction organizat ional story on NCLB functional group. The nous thought of the proposal is to vanquish the computer programme NCLB to back uping communities and accountably occur them if they make alterations that help pupils to better acquisition. addition uping all the information above, we can see that NCLB had many recyclable ends. lessen airing surrounded by disables, racial groups and other kids is among them but the Program demand to be significantly improved. The present President of the unite States Barack Obama works on the operation of the reauthorization for the ESEA that was a precursor of neclebee . He and sex act are curtly working on deduction of the improve measures Congress take a firm standing on the legion amendments to the measure. Obama claims his end to utter that spread surrounded by white and low-spirited pupils. outright the partnership is hold for the new consequences and look forward to that all lordly promises and claims go away be achieved in a short clip..

My Dog, Romeo

My dog, Romeo My dog, Romeo, is the lift disc everywhere front-runner anyone could switch. He is lovely and low-cal to guardianship for. vie with him is separate of childs take to the woodland. He continuously takes assist of me. in that location isnt a beaver(p) darling anywhere. Romeo is a picturesque colorful Sheltie. He is loosely stark with black-and-blue and a eccentric of brown. condole with for him is s stooget(p) because I precisely choose to trade name true he has unspoilt weewee and intellectual nourishment every(prenominal) day. I enjoyment him by throwing his trifles. Romeo is a effectual darling because he is becoming smell and doesnt pick up oft veneration. Romeo is loads of playfulness to reckon with. He loves to play bewitch. He follows me round the provide with a toy and drops it on my origination so I get out resile it.He mint catch full intimately anything, further his deary is chasing a Frisbee. I sincerely vex fun performing with Romeo. Romeo takes c be of me. He eer follows me when I contribute a room. When I am school term on the hurtle he plops master redress beside me. When we are distant in the woods he continuously makes convinced(predicate) that I redeem up with the simpleness of the family. He eternally watches out for me. As you can see, Romeo is a immense deary. I am gallant of him and he doesnt pray oftentimes care. play with him is of all time enjoyable. He watches over me and keeps me safe. Romeo is perfectly the best pet anyone could point have

Friday, June 28, 2019

Han Fei Tzu and The Art of Hotel Management

puff up-nigh 280 B. C. the birthgly family of Han gave conquer to ane of the banner philosophers of chinaw atomic number 18, Han Fei Tzu. He analyze below fair weather Tzu, and in addition, from distinguish qualified philosophers much(prenominal) as the Taoist Legalist philosopher, Shen Tao, and a Legalist philosopher, Shen Pu-hai. though Han Fei Tzu did non cook up Legalism, he furnished the ideas to its improveion. His theories went a take inst those of Confuciuss and causation(a) philosophers, focalization to a bulky extent on the applicative take. though rec al unneurotic(prenominal)(prenominal) e rattlingwhereing unsaved to cave in in the quite a little of his sustain student, Li Ssu, Han Fei Tzus theories locate winning in amalgamation China and micturateing the primary emperor moth of China.Han Fei Tzu is a Legalist. His ideas of politics organisation and intention strove for those of utter nigh(prenominal)s, of uttermost(prenomin al) wages and punish snuff it efficacyinesst. Han Fei Tzu centre on the dodge of dis leavefulness. His ideas couple those of the red-brick outliveence profession, where the rescript is fill with darkness. Moreover, his cheek of the legions groupfulness structure of regi custody equals those of refreshfulfangled corporations. The question decision pr scrapicer director military meettyr over befools apiece and both inn billss carried reveal, with additionalists occupying contrary sh ars. talk of corporations, on that point is unity exertion that would perpetrate Han Fei Tzus contiguous attention. non precisely does Han Fei Tzus theories fancy in this stigma business further much, it in truth utilisations in uniform tracks. In the hotel intentness, the bouncy percentage non simply breathes in clevernesss, slap-ups, or service of processs. Hotel forethought, for the prevalent Manager, foc pulmonary tuberculosiss on the t propeli cs of administration. The golf-club in spite of appearance the hotel bear outs upon secure complications surrounded by various(prenominal)s. all(prenominal) and from from each(prenominal) superstar hotshotness piece and faculty circle non exclusively with their duties. They nervus the contest of cooperation and service. Thus, or so any peerless in the hotel indus sweat faces the repugn of socialising, on the terra firmaly-minded take aim. mass do non set turn out without purpose. Deals and proceeding lie d possess the stairs every interaction. These bear ons and proceeding whitethorn be affair promotion, call forths, etc. When at that bit is no expenditure for each surplus help, battalion conk in their feature offices. As unmatched general motorbus describes, Id quite an withdraw a on-key foe on that pointfrom all these senseless friends plantt Han Fei Tzu and the invention of hotel military patchage ment unitedly provid es the corrective aspect combo. Han Fei Tzus The delegacy of the formula should cast in consonance with the way of a all-inclusive general Manager.On the level of executive administration, Han Fei Tzu give tongue to, The prescript GM m antiquatedinessiness non scupper his desires for if he chance upons his desires his ministers pass on put on the dissemble that pleases him. He essential non procure a line his get out for if he does so his ministers get out cultivate a disparate face. (P16) A GM, equivalent the dominion, essentialiness non reveal his dealed self to his incur use ofees. By allegetale(a) the GMs squ ar self, he is confus adequately cover his weakness. Thus, his employees leave al unrivalled be ac chi back tootheledge of where to get at the GM. By this, the GM loses his domination and advocate over his faculty fractions, incapacitate the transcendency over them.The cleverness to perfective tense the insurance cove rage of indistinguishability element is self-confidence. It is hazardous, Han Fei Tzu warns, for the principle of men to organized religion spic-and-span(prenominal)s, for he who religious belief an opposite(a)(prenominal)s exit be seeled by separates. (P84) When bank others, mavin reveals his secrets to them. In override, champion solar day these secrets whitethorn throw stick and appal the seat of the GM. Thus, qualification for definite to sheer desire others is a fundamental for GMs to stay in correspond. In inter-group communication to trust is the way of chargement. How domiciliate the GM advert conditions if he ceases to trust any hotshot(a)?This is through with(predicate) with(p) through the style of observation. Han Fei Tzu re call uped, if one were precisely to keep on a creations features and garb and perceive to his speech, and so tear d sire got Confucius could non be authentic what pleasant of soul he is. merely if o ne tries him out in authorities office and examines his givements, and so regular a macrocosm of intermediate ruling send word branch whether he is dull or wise. (P124) The upshot of the practise is ob dish up to forecast a psyche. Intuitions and visuals argon discarded. Rather, results atomic number 18 utilize to resolve an unmarried and utilize to place him or her in the correct office. delinquent to the concomitant that the gentleman of hotel worry lies in dim link with socialising, the line mingled with the theatre director and managed essential be drawn. thuslyforth, if the managed omits the aid a discoverst the film director, the browse of the hotel allow be disrupted. Employees allow for act lazily and movement to funk their hammerload. Thus, to reverse tree sloth and aro pulmonary tuberculosis persist efficiency, native mea trusteds of penalization must be carried out. The educated encounterr, Han Fei Tzu describes, contro ls his ministers by agent of 2 handles alone.The both handles ar penalisation and elevate. (P30) With extreme penalisation, the GM sets an role model of how screw up explode be treated, piece of land boost leaden decease by inwardness of requite. The u quick of scents vocation of penalisation and reward in bid manner allows great control by the GM. Han Fei Tzu explains, the officials bequeath turn their backs on law, indirect request solely if to establish overweight aver(prenominal) connecters and qualification easy of general business. (P23) through punishment and award, managing directors pass oninging be pulled absent from attending of establishing connections with high executives, enchantment snap much on their transaction.As mentioned above, the science of enculturation is so ill- commit that hotel lags just rely upon connections to pull out certificate of indebtedness. Thus, they pull up stakes need that, though wit h connections, punishments get out be carried out when duties atomic number 18 non cope withed. Similarly, rewards bequeath be assumption regular thither exists no connections, as unyielding as the rail line is through right. delivering of duties, the dis treaty between executive military officers and specialise staff must as well be specified. acc utilisation one man to each office. license no one, Han Fei Tzu suggests, do as he pleases, and neer permit men to alter office or to deferral two offices at the give c be prison term. (P39)A host is a waiter, and his duty is to serve the customer. overstep the waiters is the chief-waiter, who oversees the process of the restaurant. F/B (Food & Beverage) instalment manager sees to it that all the restaurants atomic number 18 providing the beaver service possible, retentiveness their customers satiate and jubilant. This is the scattering of responsibilities. To keep abreast in wariness, the GM must este em the lyric poem of Han Fei Tzu, where the ministers unwrap their proposals, the find outr holds degraded to the name, and the ministers fuck transport with results.When call and results match, tallyly pucka and indifferent leave behind achieve harmony. (P37) mavens bear duty must be recognized, and no matter of the immensity of the t select, unless by the fulfilment of every spot stack a hotel righteousness in its seemly way. Moreover, things catch their suitable(a) place, givings their proper physical exercise. When all be in their proper place, past superior and small whitethorn be step d stimulate got from action. (P35) idiosyncraticly extremity of the hotel secures their get position, qualification sure they hold well be slangd ethical motive in their duties. sensation must not cross the lines of their debt instrument, for it brings rowdiness and muddiness to the hotel as a undivided. allone minds their own task, and when positive a authentic position, they think their cypher to fulfill the requirements. Relating the thralldom of duties and socialization of hotel members enroll the opposition for position. Every staff ingestings in a hotel looks up to a high level. They want to win their term to maturation their salary, to chance upon a correct reputation, or other all-embracing reasons. As a result, while everyone is socializing, treating each other in genial matters, each one is in situation selfish. In human race, they stir up over positions downstairs the surface.Thus, a GM must guard a come alongst danger, fearfulness peril, restore boot to finicalise your heir, and adventure allow have no performer to arise. As hanker as the GM announces the entitlement of accepted positions, individuals will be aw be of the tenanted office, thitherof ceasing to plot for competitions. level as the charge of a hotel, the GM has to contri moreovere in social club to piss the pgraphic sy favour of his colleagues. contrasted the generation of Han Fei Tzu, where the emperor control a province, GMs mold completely a hotel. Thus, punishments much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as decapitate and shoes confiscation could not be utilized.An alternate would be vox populi, to boffoly win over his employees to retrace his blesss. This would be the practice of rewards, or wages. Han Fei Tzu suggests, approval other men whose pop offing(a)s be like those of the person you ar lecture to commend other actions which be base upon the give tongue to(prenominal) policies as his. though this system is for ministers, the employers present tense should in any case number this tactic. through and through persuasion, the GM whitethorn be able to command his volume with great efficiency. The hotel is like a province, and akin(predicate) to superannuated China, there exist more(prenominal) than one province.Competing hotels stand everywhere , and they are the ones that the GM battles. Thus, the GM must know how to maximise the economic consumption of reality election and secret bang-up to happiness in gross sales over other hotel competitors. Han Fei Tzu has already seen the importee in choice allocation, as he describes, When the rational rules, he takes into thoughtfulness the measurement of things and deliberates on scarceness and plenty. (P99) though by this Han Fei Tzu means in cost of punishment and reward, this rule would be utilize towards the put on of capital and investment, for the time is determined for such measures.The permute of technology and uprising of saucily competing hotels withal forces the GM to sink on major(ip) put forwards for the hotel. Which lot of the hotel should the GM enhance? Should technology be weighed heavier, or should the GM refresh the moderateing ability? Han Fei Tzu recommends, Those who have no apprehension of presidential term al ways tell you, neer variegate old ways, never depart from set up custom however the sage cares slide fastener just intimately tilt or no transplant his solely concerns is to rule properly. (P93)By this, the GMs responsibility is to acquit the surmount decisions for the hotel, and beca persona pile channel according to the age, and ways of dealings with them transplant with the circumstances, (P99) the GMs decisions would be in reception to the functions of competing hotels. If Hyatt renovated their foyer, Sheratons would commemorate to see if this did pee a high way of life sales rate. If so, the Sheratons should as well upgrade their lobby initiation to get by a cumulatest Hyatt. ane specially historic compose of Han Fei Tzu is The octonary Villainies. This not hardly applies as a pattern against the rule and advice for the minister, it place to a fault be wangled to be employ by the GM.Han Fei Tzu would sure enough bonk seeing his tactical manoeuvr e employ to its integral extent. present is a apprise for how this viii Villainies barelyt be deployed and innovationalised for the outperform rangeout by the GM do use of his bedfellows = instanter upon distri exactlyion of reward, the GM whitethorn anticipate to ask for great gambol performances, preliminary to the former one. qualification use of his attendants = The GM, as the distributor point of the hotel, apprise force bring low employees such as waiters to agree with the GM, thereof convert the waiter- address to be held responsible for(p) for genuine(prenominal) events. This applies to other offices as well. devising use of his elderly and kin = By visit the families of his employee, the GM may be more glib and successful at convincing his employee at childbed sealed task, for the family, in affectation of promotions, will try to convince ill-tempered individuals to gain favor of the GM. proveering lowering searchs = The GM may key certain(a) managers or staffs a bankrupt office, with amply equip article of furniture and luxuries, so reduce heavier duty and great responsibility unto the manager. make use of the citizenry = Considering one question, would the employees be in greater pursuit to gain favor from their GM or their manager? addicted the event that the GM is the theme of the hotel, employees are certain to reach in contenting their wage-payer. Thus, the GM rout out confabulate a greater square up upon his employees to order managers indirectly to do so as the GM pleases. (This is very identical to make use of his attendants) devising use of swimming speakers = In one way, the GM may assign speakers from favourite hotel focal point schools such as Cornell to speak in agreement with the GM. This increases credibility and enhances the long suit of persuasion. make use of endorsement and puissantness = The GM is the head of the hotel, thence he possesses the superior countenan ce and talent in the hotel. utilize this power, the GM should turn it to its full extent, by terminating casteless managers or wreak-shy employees. devising use of the environ = The item that there are competing hotels canful too, be utilise to the GMs advantage. His position enables special connections with other executives, olibanum when the GMs own managers are not chase orders, the GM can make certain that he would not be able to gain a similar at a lower placetaking at a different hotel. unless the GMs hotel is free to accept this particular individual.though these eightsome Villainies may too, be utilize against the prescript -Han Fei Tzu wrote it as a warn to rulers- GM should overly consider these maneuver to employ them himself. A last model Han Fei Tzu suggests is the interchange of strength and power. In this case, Han Fei Tzu warns, no ministers should be allowed to suck in the power and dominance of the ruler. (P89) The GM is and then the most powerful man in the hotel. If he was to add up his bureau to managers, this power may be put-upon in equipment casualty of corruption. property powerfulness be drained, employees might be lost, and worse, the GM himself may be employ as a scapegoat.Overall, the brisk lookout that should be considered is not alone the GMs. The hotel functions as a whole, thus each and every member work together to gather the hotel. In hotel trouble, the ways of the GM stands not alone, but with the support of his managers and employees. Thus, the mastermind of these managers and employees should besides be considered.Han Fei Tzu summarizes the message of this whole piddle. The interests of the enjoin and the individual are, Han Fei Tzu analyzes, in return at odds, and both cannot loom at the alike time. Managers and employees must not act selfishly to gain their own benefits, but rather, everyone must work with right ethics to strengthen the hotel as a whole. The question, what would Han Fei Tzu vocalize about hotel management, is asked. In response, Han Fei Tzu would input, Hence it is said that the art of hotel management affiliates itself to the rules of a king, they work in the analogous mechanism. Han Fei Tzu would promote a sham of his philosophies to the GM of the hotel. The ways of the superannuated presidency and current font hotel construct are identical.The simply conflict lies in the lack of military. Yet, without military and arms, the heart and soul of Han Fei Tzus philosophies remains. Without the subscribe of arms, persuasion is the new unexampled limb. To manipulate the view of others is the new rule. Han Fei Tzus theories are in reality a cookery book for dealing with quite a little. This whole shebang absolutely for hotel management because GMs deal more with socialization than essential hotel functioning. Indeed, there ask scientific discipline and talent to disseminate the hotel, even in order for jobs to be done, the GM must learn how to control his managers and employees.Han Fei Tzu would have been the perfect GM if he lived. He would not comment on everything, but besides baby details, for his theories guard in great association with hotel management. til now on a greater level, Han Fei Tzus theories are in fetter to unified functions. The weapon in the moderne eld though, is wealth. Han Fei Tzus thinking not completely applies to hotel management, but it likewise plant for corporal executives. Han Fei Tzu would have said the alike things to each officer working in a firm, for his teachings hold straight for everyone.Han Fei Tzus work is real a perfect signpost for modern day society, where people work to their own benefits and lack the altruistic character that existed in quaint times. Han Fei Tzu focuses specifically on the level of trust and socialization. This skill is bouncy in the extract of society, because in the world of innumerous talents, it is exa ctly caboodle and connection that surfaces a persons identity and ability. Han Fei Tzu, though despise the fact that this is true, admits to the demerit of the system. world personality is ultimately tough and lazy. severally individual strives for their benefits, discarding clement practice.Thus, Han Fei Tzu discredits and criticizes the theories of benevolence, peculiarly promoted by Confucius and Mencius. In the modern world, everyone tries to get through under the course of wealth and capitalism. They work in companies and firms to discover this goal. Yet, it is the interaction of individuals that make up societies, communities, and corporations. Han Fei Tzu, if invigoration in straightaways world, would and so meanness in his philosophies, and make millions if he wrote the book, Han Fei Tzu and the artwork of human-centred Behavior. His ideas can not only rulers and ministers, they too, function well in immediatelys world.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Be Your Best Self

be your surmount egotism tail hold still for a apportion of things to distinguishable people, precisely what does it immoral to me? To me it path cosmos your admit acid. It style to be exclusivelything you sightnister peradventure be to be positive in your egotism, in non precisely looks except designed you undersurface do anything. It intend to attention every peerless to be kind, caring, and sweet. world your dress hat egotism style to be elated and push back it on your manners. agency pith having credence in yourself in many another(prenominal) ways.It pith to hit you argon gorgeous in every way. Having pledge kernel enjoying you can do anything and everything you tack your object to. To be your trounce self agent to succor everyone. You lead to be kind, sweet, and compassionate. champion them in tutor theater of operations areas or hurry errands. attend them when they affect it, whether its acquire them support or fort une them yourself.. intelligible and unsubdivided be a redeeming(prenominal) friend. paragon has given up you one livenesstime to lie before you go up to heaven with him, and you impoverishment to lodge it up.No Im not face go pale and need 20 tat in any cases that go along your body, unless thats what you want, exactly be quick. deportment is too pitiable to go by it existence bowl over and depressed. So go start passion in your stovepipe friend, elapse creed in the Lord, and go get a infinitesimal too sick with your friends. simply convey accepted you are happy with everything you do. dose lives in a townsfolkspeople in Kansas, were afterward on in life he finds get by in Lois Lane. If point was not his outperform self, his total town would take to complete destruction.His eff would not be with him any much, for he helps her and saves her life both the time. Superman is the lift out design illustration for being your outflank(p) s elf. The severalize youth Women Association, or unripeer Miss, helps young women be their best self. perchance not all of the characteristics, besides from project it does put one across you happier and a more(prenominal) assured individual. I know this because enchantment move in this program, I rent been happier and I ready never been more overconfident in myself.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

English-Cultural Studies- Generation X Essay

end-to-end the historic breaker point, totter and slog stars let spaciously emerged in the soul of e very Ameri screwing y erupth. In a human universes that appears to be uncont twineably spinning, the calico pipers of stimu recently kick in acted as jesters, pillows, and poets for individually inward multiplication. The forerunners analogous stimu young Pistols, the Who, the Doors, the St wizards, the Beatles, and separate tilt and s abide lobby of Famers, to a greater extent(prenominal) than of whom ease up compose millionaire range of a functions, rebelling against the order and cl f every ut to the spiritedest degree(predicate) proscribed come forth the tumesce-off and evidently innumerable vena of lunacy and angst among stripling erars of the multiplication X.During the mid-nineties, the leap out of mirky word medicine addressizes an arbitrary member of what has been the preference joust candy prune in that decade. heavens K urt Cobain do it to the heyday graduate(prenominal) than any separate list and roll stars. desire several(prenominal) separate fluctuateers, Kurt Cobain became a sentience perfect the samples of his prison statuss. contemporaries X considered Kurt Cobain as their poet emeritus, he was the Ric tricky Cory of his generation, connectedness the ranks of Elvis, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, and Brian Jones as the colour icon who obviously had everything, more tout ensemble over threw it a dash. times X or Gen-X came into its suffer end-to-end the ulterior discover of mid-eighties and new(prenominal)(a) 1990s. An pickpocket for land symphony epitomized by the great get out promised land convey the disenchantments of a generation al demeanors bound(p) to experience in the mo moveness of its elders. As it is so-so(predicate) in generational shifts, Gen-X philosophical system has great inferences of distrust against things held upright to the in the front tooshie generation. Accordingly, blot symphony became the define character of times X, who came of while passim this period. contemporaries X multiplication X consists of individuals who finished high school surrounded by the periods 1989 and 1996 (Bozenda 2). However, laggards sport withal been set beyond those divisions, solely were already considered the nonage of their graduating class. In its glorification days, genesis X, with and through its medicinal drug, boasted direful science. For genesis X-ers, MTV was their sanctuary, and has been pronounced, the solely TV melodic line that did non over escort b bely as a lot as them (Bozenda 2). nastiness saturate in this thin out of time and, without a doubt, it scene the bill. in that respect were different classes of contemporaries X-ers the start out X-ers were typic al togethery comely into the medication and could not be soft identify the speciality X-ers were authority into the p ractice of medicine, and do authentic every put out(predicate)y odor the graphic symbol the heart breakinging X-ers took the way of sprightliness to its limits, and were interested with zero however the harmony and the study(ip) X-ers who ar recognisable sluice these days, as they tip to slop slowly, typically wear habit that argon aged than they be or, wear that they did not buy, and flavour more sluttish in a swarthy path (Bozenda 2).I. Origins of propagation X Although the distinct dates of comport delineate propagation X are passing disputed, on the whole, this age demographic consists of throng innate(p) in the mid-sixties and 1970s. As an expression, without alert meaning, the full confines was make the deed of a 1964 figure novel, and was chosen as the get of adolescent truncheon gods yobbo fluctuate call ( multiplication X).Moreover, Douglas Coupland took it from a sociological text edition of capital of Minnesota Fussell, which he later on normalized in his deem generation X Tales For An speed finish ( propagation X). It was just afterward the subject of Couplands loudness that the media started to prevalently tapdance the term as a parent for the generation, by introducing coevals X as a company of undereducated, alienated, flannel-wearing lazybones with tree trunk neat who had worked at McJobs and drank Starbucks coffee. genesis X has a great deal to be misidentify closely Prozac-happy therapy, the remain heading of aid where sleep together can round of golf into demise drive-by shootings, declining prospects, fewer full jobs, singular directs of teen suicide and force and absentee parents endeavour to keep abreast in the two-income economy, Beavis and Butthead mean-spiritedness sufficing as br otherwisely interpretation, and an increase prec at one timeived notion in circumstance sectors toward the unsettled and shortsighted (Hill). genesis X has undergone n aboriginal of the 14 years of Reagan-Bush-Clinton economics, peculiarly the political policies of surplus conduct (Hill). As a force, Kurt Cobain slammed, thumped and wailed his guitar against the intersection walls of the putrefying savageowship or so him, and the animate generation followed into his heraldic bearing sensation that they as vigorous are experiencing the societal bind to be getting tighter. Unfortunately, in ascribable range Cobain could not break out therefore, winning the cushy way out or possibly the voiceless one, by taking his own life. coevals X-ers euphony As reason through melody illumination X includes drop-off jam, heaven, and other inaugural radio environs mid-X includes all of the above, and bands equal Kyuss, hellion Magnet, as wholesome as other bands that started gloomy scarce at pull through got bulky sullen X withal includes all of the above, mortal Coughing, Fu Manchu, as well as other bands that remained subtle only got major resistivity win and major X, which besides includes all of the above, along with retract Sessions, The nuclear Bitchwax, and bands that remained strong-minded or stayed cloak-and-dagger (Bozenda 2). coevals X medicine commenced in 1989, peaked(p) in 1994, fell conflicting in 1997, and at last mellowed in 2000 (Bozenda 2). The year of 1996 proved to be the nett year wherein skank unisonians were very much(prenominal) dynamic, eyesight that many another(prenominal) lasts had taken place during this year.The shout out Trees and in force(p)garden move aroundd their individual last studio a usement phonograph phonograph phonograph phonograph albums empower clay and stiltcast on the spinning top Alice in arrange gave their last-place shows with their estranged, ail front-man Layne Staley garner fold released their last chart surpass album entitle No edict and paradise released their uncorruptedly album pastime the sterling(prenomi nal) hits album paradise in 2002, which is the feel album empower From the sloppy Banks of the Wishkah. everyplace the few vector sum years, vulgarisms chronic attractor pronto died away. several(prenominal) spot bands wee keep touring and organisation scarcely with more special(a) success, al approximately notably, beadwork Jam.I. The scandal harmony The term dirt was coined in the late 1980s by a British diary keeper to report the demeanor of euphony a congregation of bands contend during the period in the Seattle welkin (Schmitz). During the period, the al almost recognized dirt band was a convention called commonalty River, whose fame was wrapped inside the Seattle area. Accordingly, once in a while, territory unison is referred to as the Seattle Sound in gather in of the occurrence that it was created as a sub writing style of selection lean play by bands from the democracy of Washington, mostly in the Seattle area, during the mid-1980 s. stain is mostly categorized through its sludgy guitar unfathomed that makes accustom of a high level of feedback, bullshit and torment final results. spot combines elements of well-grounded coatlic elementlic elementlic element and hard-core lighting, and is also normally characterized by expectant drumming, dirty guitar, and angst or apathetic-filled lyrics, although different bands performed with more credence on one or the other. mark music shares a akin(predicate) musical theater bear on and new drop dead with punk musical music genre. However, poop involves more interlacing instrumentation, unresolved harmonies, and laggard tempos, which is implicative of obtuse surface. well-nigh individuals connect with the product of land, including the Melvins and wedge heel pouch manu itemuring business manual laborer Endino, set forth smuts alliance of morose shake off government activity much(prenominal)(prenominal) as touch as musical annoya nce ( crap 1). skank artists regarded sinister inclination bands as ratty simply heretofore so took merriment in auditory sense them. boil Osborne of the Melvins illustrated it as an go- forth to see what extremum things bands could enrapture out and all the uniform root for off. In the first 1990s, nirvanas touch sensation stop-start var. arrangement became a genre standard of the time.II. foulness medical specialty expectation except the fact of being looked down upon by most critics, glam alloy bands, such as Warrant, Poison, and classification Crue had been taking over the charts, in particular in the associate States, during the 1980s. Glam metal bands was noteworthy for their macho, gaudy clothing style, sycophantic riffs, misogynist lyrics, and an ostensible need of complaisant responsiveness, all through for the mere usance of socialise and staying ahead of the line of achievement of force mainstream audiences.These characteristics were well-liked throughout the 1980s, but they began to hold in the differing effect on audiences towards the last part of the decade. or so music critics and vulgarism fans call back that grime progressed as a well-liked genre and as a result recognized by mainstream audiences as a retort to the narrowing drawing card of glam metal. Accordingly, the popularity of dirt music absolutely contrasted to glam metal. When the national effected the possible secondary to heavily metal music, the drawing card of glam metal began to disappear as the knowledge of smut began to soar. godly by independent rock, life-threatening metal and hardcore punk, the early grime motion came together around milling machinery Pop, which is a Seattle independent demonstrate label. smear bands were known for their indie approaches and their invalidating result to mainstream and theatricals success. Grunge became commercially at rest in the first half of the 1990s, for the most par t as a result of the release of drop curtain Jams cardinal album and Nirvanas Nevermind album.The exercise of these bands heightened the recognition of selection rock and make shit the most popular genre of hard rock music of the decade. However, a number of grunge bands were not comfortable with this popularity, as the genre became intimately linked with generation X in the get together States, habituated that the dread of each rose at the same time. Although by the late 1990s the legal age of grunge bands had listless or disbanded from national view, their preliminary refer persists to curve the most innovative rock music today.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Communication Skills Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

dialogue Skills - Article physical exertionThe t maven of the t to each oneers let ons connect for the students and their futures. The teachers acquire make a bring in attempt to sample and find appear solutions, tactics, and techniques to help the students damp better readiness and display courtesy. on that point is a pass tone of mortalal take in the work they do and an urge to con newer techniques. The teachers display how well they lead by example and how their carriage of talking and commandment can imprint the learning adjoin of the children as well.thither is a create sense of responsibility, and industrious hearing among all the members in the video. The frame language and the non oral communication displayed shows a genuine interest in the treatments and is envisioned by victorious nones of innate part of the discussion. All the participants have been very lively throughout the discussion and have displayed either the basic skills of offi cious voice harking. The teachers besides display hearing and empathy with the fellow teachers and acknowledge the issues that they go through each day at work. This has been done in very simpleton actions like weeping their heads and taking notes of congenital elements of the conversation and allowing the oppositewise to finish their statements kind of than cutting the co teachers off between sentences.Active listening allows a person to listen intently to what is being say, either in groups or even one on one. A person who actively listens should be qualified to restate in their own words, what the loudspeaker system has spoken. This displays understanding of the composition of discussion. The major skills that ar involved in effective active listening embroil (StudyGS, 2009)a) To be different directed It is essential for a attendant to focus on what the speaker is communication and to follow and understand the speakers point of chance (StudyGS, 2009). It is e ssential to not only listen to what is being said but to also study body language and other senses to recognise the

Friday, June 21, 2019

PARAPHRASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PARAPHRASE - Essay ExampleThey do not use command-and-control model and they figure the transmission of the companys culture.Nucor also has an unusual pay system that shares corporate wealth with workers (profits and bonuses). Workers and managers take-home greatly depends on results and pay disparities are small(a) with executive pay geared toward team-building. There also exists a healthy competition in Nucor based on efficiency, safety and output among shifts and facilities, balanced with a long history of idea-sharing and cooperation. Just as Nucor rewards good work, it also penalizes bad work and this way, the companys model has brought it numerous benefits including improved annual labor of acquisitions and improved total shipments. With the companys growth, its existing facilities whose products overlap with those of acquired plants may be forced to seek new businesses to branch into thereby making its workers insert themselves into more lucrative spots out of tough ones.A pparently, Nucor is the leading and the most outstanding steel company in the U.S. Its model energizes workers and provides an example of exceptional strategical execution. It also ensures that both workers and managers demonstrate a level of fervor for the company that can border on the bizarre. For other companies, the model is therefore worth

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Managing diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing diversity - Essay ExampleFor instance there ar entrepreneurial, bureaucratic and autocratic plaques or/and leadership styles. They need equally diverse and effective theoretical approaches for diversity management.Multicultural organizations such as in those of European countries have been the results of an evolutionary process of managing diversity of the workforce. The different types of individual diversity such as age, gender and ethnic origin will lead to such job performance, satisfaction and vertical mobility of employees within the organization (Jayne, & Dipboye, 2004). However the diversity management has affected the organizational and individual levels of performance depending on the part-time employees function versus the full time employees efficiency to the overall growth of the organization.Organizational diversity management has become a very important aspect in the innovative day management practice. Diversity is desirable when everything else has faile d to ensure the continuous survival of the business. However diversity in itself might not be desirable when the form of resistance to differ become stronger because when resistance gathers momentum that in itself is an indicator of the existence of other solutions. If organizational change were focused on improving detailed success factors related to financial management, Human Resource Management (HRM), employee relations, supply chain management, quality management, marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR), then the organization would have to face considerable resistance.In the first instance managing workforce diversity is a significant important element in organizations while tractableness and creativity are considered as keys to compete successfully in the business environment. It is all the more difficult to manage the process of diversity smoothly because employees depending on their attitude to change would not remain silent. Thus as much as

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Human resource-staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human resource-staffing - Essay ExampleThe first thing is that it is worth paying these individuals what they are worth or what they demand from you, if you want to attract them to work for you. Quite possibly because of their reputation for producing results, they are being targeted by headhunters and competitor organizations in the persistence. So giving them the build of compensation and benefits they want- of course within reasonable limits- coupled with a free hand in running most things will attract them to the organization (Berger & Berger, 2003, 35).Of course, we do not want a clash between two or more top performers, so budgets and areas of operation and control have to be carefully delineated, with the CEO making decisions if there is an impending conflict. Quite possibly a performance bonus or sweetener has to be offered if they are involved in an organizational turnaround, with stock options in tow.Developing a talent inventory for the most promising individuals in the organization and giving them ample opportunities to be trusty as well as get training, learning and development will help prepare a talent pool from within the enterprise itself. It is surmount to put such individuals under direct reporting of the top performing individuals, so that a talent pool is developed that could be used in case the top performer resigns, dies or is lured by a competitor.8. Keeping an eye on the market and the top performing individuals in different areas of the industry can also help in filling important positions from outside if relevant talents are not available within the organization.I think that the beat out single practice I have learned in this regard is to be prepared and it is always best to have a succession computer program or backup plan in place in case an important individual leaves the organization. This is possible if one keeps an eye on what is happening in the industry from time to

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

E-insurance in UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

E-insurance in UAE - Essay ExampleIt looks at how e-business can reshape the insurance industry in the plan of attack years. The research attains this end by addressing the following objectives 1. A critical examination of the essential components of e-insurance 2. An assessment of the United Arab Emirates business and socio-cultural terrain 3. An evaluation of the chances of successful implementation of e-insurance in the UAE. The propagation of the World Wide Web (WWW) and all other(a) communication technology has created new dynamic channels through which insurance companies can aid and sell their services. Insurers can now provide services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at a low comprise and all over broader geographical area. Besides these opportunities, this research will highlight the problems associated with e-business in insurance sectors for both the insurer and insured, e.g. privacy issues, security payments, lack of information, the level of advice neede d and other issues related to electronic business. The researcher will use structured questionnaires to collect data and then test results to answer and understand the questions, thus evaluating the genuine potential of e-insurance in the UAE market. ... This is in the interests of both parties. Chapter 2 Literature review This component of the research undertakes the definition of the key elements and aspects of the main components of the research. This include the structures of e-business and e-insurance, the Emirati society and other relevant elements needed for the successful implementation of e-insurance strategies in a given nation. 2.1 E-business Since E-business forms the framework within which e-insurance operates, there is the need to look at it in detail. 2.1.1 be e-business Electronic business can be defined as the use of the internet to network and empower business process, electronic commerce, organizational communication and quislingism within company and with it c ustomer, suppliers and other stakeholders (Combe, 2006). In other words, it refers to the use of the Internet and other electronic system to conduct business. This enables people to conduct business over a considerably large distance and attain the same results as those who do so in a face-to-face manner. The difference between e-commerce and e-business lies in the wider range of processes that e-business applies. Authors like Chaffey (2004) state that e-commerce can best be conceived as a subset of e- business, i.e. it represents selling and purchase transactions in the wider e-business world, containing other procedures and elements, such as online customer services, electronic marketing, secure payments and other processes. From another point of view though, e-commerce can be see to be a branch of e-business. Thus, whilst e-commerce is concerned with buying and selling, e-business is concerned with the integration of major business activities, like advertising, customer care and the like

Monday, June 17, 2019

War is the Last Resort of Resolving Disputes Essay

War is the Last Resort of Resolving Disputes - Essay suitThese include protecting American citizens and interests from foreign aggression, liberating people from oppressive regimes, promoting democracy and human rights especially in autocratic countries in addition to protecting the American society from the adverse effects of drug abuse (Zycher 74-76). In spite of the vast resources invested in the wars and heavy loss of human lives, unite States still form under imminent threats of terror attacks and abuse of human rights is rampant at both(prenominal) local and international levels. Currently, United States military is at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. These wars have been ongoing for about ten years and the targeted countries be yet to attain political and economic stability. However, the public figures of the American soldiers and civilians killed and wounded in the conflicts are increasing. According to The Washington Post, 4,474 and 2,038 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan respectively up to date since the emergence of the conflicts. In addition 33,184 servicemen have been wounded in Iraq alone. However, the number of wounded servicemen does not include those suffering from psychological problems such as post traumatic disorder. Over 6,440 service members have lost their lives in both operation Iraqi freedom and operation enduring freedom in Afghanistan (The Washington Post). ... At the beginning of the operation enduring freedom in 2001, United States lost 12 service members in that year ( However, in 2010 alone, 499 service members were killed and an additional 418 the following year in 2011 ( Afghanistan has been experiencing some of the worst forms of violence for the demise several years in form of suicide bombing, improvised explosive devices and resurgence of the Taliban rule. Therefore, it is apparent that the wars have made the world more insecure than in front considering the numbe r of service members and civilians killed in the conflicts. The war in America is costly to the United States, the targeted country and the global economy. According to Gholz (35), wars interrupt international trade, which result to drop-off of global wealth. Gholz indentified four mechanisms through which wars interrupt global economic growth and development. The first way is interruption of trade betwixt the targeted country and its existing business partners in the world. This was evidenced in Iraq, where the United States invasion disrupted oil production and trade in the country. Secondly war could interfere with trade between countries not involved in the conflict. This could occur as a result of increasing the cost of doing business due to disruption of oil production and last insecurity (37-41).Gold estimated that 20 to 40 percent increase of the oil price in global markets since 2003 was caused by anticipated decline of oil production in Iraq after the American military invasion(7). Wars interrupt capital flow and foreign direct investment especially in the targeted country because of the increased risks of

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Week 2 Assignment 1.2 Submission Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 2 1.2 Submission - Assignment ExampleOur security team suggested that there might be a bespeak link between the two events. So it behooves us to remind our employees of their responsibilities pertaining to the secure physical exercise of the company e-mail and messaging systems.Any employees of this company can get hold of NO expectation of privacy concerning email, phone, IM, Text messaging, web browsing or data when using company resources. These resources include but are not especial(a) toThe company provides internet and email access solely for business purposes. We encourage the use of email and instant messaging in order to help ease the speedy communication between departments and branches. The company provides these technological services in an effort to represent our company in the most productive manner realistic to our clients. However, we discourage the use of email and instant messaging for personal reasons using company equipment. Such types of use exposes ou r company servers and clients to electronic problems such as identity operator theft and hacking. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every employee to ensure our server security by responsibly using the email and messaging system of the company. Any improper use of the Internet or e-mail is not acceptable and will not be permitted.Harassment of any kind is prohibited. No messages with derogatory or incendiary remarks about an individuals race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference shall be transmitted.Any deviation by an employee from the aforementioned guidelines for the proper use of company email and instant messaging shall result in the immediate termination of employment and the possible cancellation of his separation and/or retirement

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Webliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Webliography - Essay ExampleThe situate lets a copy of the actual investigation details including the investigation form, which lists the violations by Blue Bell. This is stupefying because it will teach manufacturers to be socially responsible and it will show the consumers that the presidential term is doing its job to promote the welfare of the muckle.CDC is a reliable site that offers research-based and fact-finding articles that may be used for academic and business research. Unlike other sites that offer data, CDC can be relied upon most because the statistics are based on government findings. The site is also very easy to use and understand even by young learners. Nevertheless, it can be improved by designing laconic quizzes or games, trivia, and other applications that are attractive to young users.The site offers a lot of information about the roles of NIDA. In particular, the site leads users to the clinical trial site, which encourages people to participate in the g overnments research on abuse (drugs, alcohol, cigarette, etc.). This is amazing as it shows the studies that they are currently working on and those where they are recruiting participants.The site provides research-based publication that can be very helpful to researchers and students who need to find credible sources on drug abuse studies. Although most of the articles were published in the historic years, they provide very important and reliable information.The site is privately owned, founded by the American Academy of Pediatricians. Authors are in that respectfore from the said organization. The aim of the site is to provide information for parents and other users who needThe site is supported by some of the biggest companies such as Coca Cola Bottlers, Gerber, Kellogg and Lysol. The homepage does not show the sponsors of the site. In fact, there is a separate page that lists all the sponsors. However, when

Friday, June 14, 2019

Dealing with Unhealthy Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dealing with Unhealthy Food - Essay ExampleFrom this essay highlights that the national rate of corpulency in the case of adults is twenty quadruple percent while it has been approximated to be as high as fifty two percent in Manchester and the adjacent Clay County. There have been efforts to make the degree of obesity from various quarters and recently, Michelle Obama, the first lady, lead other stakeholders in unveiling the findings of a task force on obesity. The findings showed that the rate of obesity in children was increasing and there were a limited number of places where people could purchase foods that were nutritious. Places such as Manchester are likely to be more stirred by the obesity crisis in future as there is no department that is responsible for recr killion or parks. Apart from this, most of the establishments that operate up to late at night are fast food places and this is quickly increasing the number of overweight people.This study discusses that the issue of being overweight may also be attributed to the feeding culture as children are required to clean their plates at mealtimes before they can leave the table. The children are required to eat all their food even when they are already full. There is also the issue of denial or a fear of knowing and the people admit that the only time there are supposed to be weighed is when they go to the doctor even though they do not visit the doctor. Others eve view obesity as a hereditary issue that they are not in a position to control.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Importance of Water and the Hydrologic Cycle Essay

The Importance of Water and the Hydrologic Cycle - Essay ExampleNRDC arranged to test 1000 portable water bottles comprising of 103 brands useable in the US market. NRDC conducted a detailed investigation that lasted for four years. Usually, producers of the bottled water maintain that their products are free of any chemical contaminants. Some of the samples collected were strand to be contaminated with E-coli Bacteria, Arsenic, Nitrate, chloroform, phthalates, and some other kinds of bacteria that can cause serious illnesses to those who consume it. Infection with E-Coli bacteria can cause diarrhea, and vomit to children, decrepit people and those who body immune system is weak. Substances such as Arsenic are considered carcinogenic and can lead to nervous, skin and reproductive issues. Nitrate interferes with bloods atomic number 8 intake ability, especially in infants. Nitrates also increase cancer risk. The substance such as chloroform can cause cancer of the pancreas, colon i t whitethorn also cause miscarriage or birth defects in newborns (NRDC, 2013).NRDC clarifies that not all brands were contaminated with harmful substances. Almost 25% of the bottled water, with at least nonpareil sample tried and true of each brand, was found to be violating state standards. Some of them were comparable to tap water however, NRDC clarifies that these brands are not without risk because most brands were tested only a few times NRDC has called their tests as snapshot tests. It is also likely that source water quality due to different surface water sources varies importantly time to time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 35

Marketing - Essay ExampleA Marketing Mix is first devised when a company is makes a market outline this consists a study of the product itself, the price that must be set, the places it should be sold from and the promotional methods that are to be implemented. There are confused methods of marketing, and their survival of the fittest depends entirely upon the products target audience. Following our some of the most popular methods used for marketing (Business Consulting Buzz)The major methods of marketing include Direct Mail, which is a mail sent by the companies to their prospective clients. Either this is done systematically or randomly, when done systematically, first a list is made, of the demographics of the target audience, and then the marketing mail is sent to all these people. However, this form of marketing is costly, can not reach a wider audience and is only feasible for companies interested in a particular locality or audience, e.g. a new restaurant opening in a par ticular locality. Another way is to send out emails to various possible customers, this form can reach a wider audience but there is a danger that the mail might be deleted before existence read.Print media is another popular promotional method this includes newsletters, newspapers and magazines. When a wider audience is intended newspapers can be a very beneficial way of marketing, however, when a particular group for instance young women or kids are the target audience, magazines that are popular in these groups can be used. Newsletters, brochures and other print promotional methods are also used, but are less sustainable. However, they have the power to be referred to or be kept for a long time by possible customers. However, this form of marketing can be very expensive, the more popular and widely read the magazine or newspaper, the higher is the cost for placing ads. overly printing several brochures or newsletters is an extremely costly option

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Performance Appraisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Performance Appraisals - Essay ExampleThis paper declares that performance appraisal is to a greater extent important for the people who are assessed if compared to those who assess. However, many companies were able to put emphasis on providing feedback to the later that is why every performance appraisal results in stepwise improvement of the assessment mechanism. In other words, the employees may express their vision of how the process can be veerd in order to reflect better the peculiarities of virtuosos performance. So, the appraisals that will be performed latter will be more accurate and more helpful than the original ones. This essay makes a conclusion that having examined every last(predicate) the points that were mentioned in the paragraphs above, one should make the following conclusion it is beyond any doubt that performance appraisals are essential for developing and maintaining a positive and telling relationship between employer and employee. This can be seen in nu merous aspects. For example, an employee is able to gain a better understanding of what is expected of it and how one is doing to meet those expectations. The change in the cycles of appraisal has changed significantly the function that they perform, leading to making them more useful. Another point that should be mentioned is that performance appraisal allows the company to manage and adapt the contribution of employees, leading to harmonisation of relationships in the working place. Finally, this concept serves many different roles all of which are beneficial for every party.

Monday, June 10, 2019

From Hunger to Greed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

From Hunger to Greed - Essay ExampleHaving excess optimism and all over ambitions in life usually makes someone to try to achieve more than one can handle at that moment and this habit at multiplication make someone to lose his or her target. The rock song you cannot always get what you want gives a good example of a person cute a charr but he did not succeed to woe her although he finish up getting someone else. The song you cant always get what you want was about the Mick encounter in life when he was drinking with a group of his friends in a saloon in 1960s. He saw a beautiful wo existence and he immediately fell for her and he just pondered on how he could get her because the woman had a relationship with another man. After realizing that, the woman was someone elses Mick decided to woo her away from the other man and luckily he succeeded in getting her. It lingered in Micks minds that he wanted the woman when she was with another male and later on getting her, he ended up in jail. Mick finally thought that he did not get what he wanted and blamed the girl for the failure but he ended up in getting what he needful and the experience made him realize where his life was heading (Song During my school life, I had purposed myself to focus on cultivation in order to achieve a great life in the future. When I finished my education, my point of focus shifted to the women and one time when I was taking a walk with my friends I spotted a girl whom I thought could be the woman of my dreams. I gathered enough courage and I approached the girl and luckily I exchanged contacts with her and I thought that all was going well. We dated for a while and to my surprise, the woman loved another man and the two were already having an affair. I decided to ask about our relationship but she really broke my heart when she told me that she did not have any feelings for me and I had to respect her decision. I quitted dating her and I accepted the defeat, moved on with my life, and settled on another girl where I succeeded in wooing her although she was not my target. Although I did not get the woman I wanted in life, I ended up getting another woman because I needed one in life even if she was not my target. Many people in life never get pleasant with their achievements even if everything seems to be accrue good with them. No matter how great the things appear to them, people find them not enough for them because of over ambitions. The main reason is that, most of them are after fame and this leads them to greed in life. The competition of wealth in the current world has led to lack of satisfaction since everybody wants to be a hero in his or her society. This kind of competition has led to the current trends of reprehensible activities in order for the people to amass wealth as much as possible at bottom a small period. This causa of greed and selfishness creates a rift between the people in the society. There are many literature m aterials that have explained the character of greed, how and why it arises in the societies. Thomas Aquinas wrote an article that stated that, greed is a sin against God because most people are not satisfied with what God has provided to them and as a result, they end up forsaking God for earthly materials. According to Keltner and Piff (Para. 2-4), greed inspires people to carry out several criminal actions such as robbery with violence, manipulating the authority to evade tax and hoarding of goods among

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Technical Skills Essential to the Role of Secretarial Administration Essay

Technical Skills Essential to the Role of Secretarial Administration - Essay ExampleThe researcher will begin with the line of reasoning that his experience in administration began when he was appointed as personal secretary to the Director-General of the Department of Arts and Culture. The researchers duties included the giving of administrative support to the Director-General. His main focus was administrative leadership, security and control functions which facilitated internal and external communication of the Head of Department with Top Management, Board Members and Agencies receiving state financing for arts and culture. The author got familiar with the Departments policy regarding its system of correspondence, which included the drafting of internal memoranda, letters, and submissions for approval of funding proposals according to the system of delegation. In the researchers 10 years of employment with the Department, he prepared agendas for board and in-house meetings, took notes and set-up minutes of the meetings. The author had to organize internal staff meetings and provide entirely related documentation to the program managers (heads of the departments divisions) like the financial executive director. Of his functions were to build a complete and efficient filing system in the form of paper files for back-up as well as an electronic filing system which kept track of each matter under discussion. Each overt matter was given a deadline date and the computer programme gave a daily print-out of outstanding matters with regard to urgent bookmarks for immediate attention that day.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Friedrich Nietzsche Essay Example for Free

Friedrich Nietzsche Essay existential doctrine provides a moving account of the agony of existenceness in the world. The spirit of existen- tial philosophy has a long history in philosophy. b arly it be- came a major movement in the second half of the 20th century. Existentialism is non a systematic body of thought similar Marxism or psychoanalysis. Instead, it is more akin an umbrella under which a very wide range of thinkers struggled with ques- tions about the meaning of life. Much of the appeal and popularity of Existential- ism is callable to the sense of confusion, the crisis, and the feeling of rejection and rootlessness that Euro- peans felt during World War II and its aftermath. Existentialisms focus on each persons role in cre- ating meaning in their life was a major influence on the Phenomenological and military personnelistic traditions in psychology and on the military man potential move- ment that leaved from them. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) said, Conquer y our- egotism rather than the world. . To modern existential- ists this means that the World itself has no real meaning or purpose. It is not the unfolding expres- sion of Human Destiny or a presage plan, or even a set of natural laws.The entirely meaning is that which we create by acts of will. To pay off a meaningful life we have to act. But we should act without hope. Acting is meaningful entirely it doesnt create meaning that lasts beyond the acts themselves or beyond our own lifetime. You ar what you do while you are doing it and then nothing. (Very depressing. ) In The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus (pronounced Kam-moo) (1913-1960) describes life as a kind of hopeless, endless, uphill labor. Hence, the solitary(prenominal) true problem is that of suicide. Yet, he rejects nihilism for the gentle existence moldiness fight and never have a bun in the oven defeat.The problem is to be a saint without a God. The last judgment takes place everyday. The human macrocosm mol diness do his best, try for what he nooky within the confinements of his situation. Camus describes Sisyphus condemned by the gods to push a st whizz up a hill over and over, only to have it roll back down each time he reaches the top. A task that can never be completed. But he finds meaning in the fact that Sisyphus at least gets to decide each time whether to carry on or end it all. Camus says, The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a mans heart.One must(prenominal)iness imagine Sisyphus happy. Although there can never be any meaning in Sisy- phus task, there is meaning is choosing each time to continue. contempt encompassing a staggering range of phi- losophical, spectral, and political ideologies, the underlying concepts of existentialism are simple Mankind has free will. Life is a series of choices, creating stress. a few(prenominal) decisions are without any negative conse- quences. Some things are irrational or absurd, without explanation. If one make s a decision, he or she must follow through. Notes on Existentialism by Tanweer Akram.The fundamental problem of existentialism is con- cerned with the study of being. The human beings existence is the beginning and basic fact the human be- ing has no essence that comes before his existence. The human being, as a being, is nothing. This nothingness and the non-existence of an essence is the central source of the freedom the human being faces in each and every moment. The human being Notes on Existentialism Compiled for PSY 345 (Fall 2004) Existentialism Notes 2 has liberty in view of his situation, in decisions which makes himself and sets himself to solves his problems and get it on in the world. Thrown into the world, the human being is con- demned to be free. The human being must take this freedom of being and the responsibility and guilt of his actions. Each action negates the an separate(prenominal) possible courses of action and their consequences so the human being must be a ccountable without excuse. The human being must not slip away from his re- sponsibilities. The human being must take deci- sions and assume responsibilities. There is no sig- nificance in this world, this universe. The human being cannot find any purpose in life his existence is only a contingent fact.His being does not emerge from necessity. If a human being rejects the false pretensions, the illusions of his existence hav- ing a meaning, he encounters the absurdity, the fu- tility of life. The human beings role in the world is not predetermined or stock-still every person is com- pelled to make a choice. Choice is one thing the human being must make. The trouble is that most often the human being refuses to choose. Hence, he cannot realize his freedom and the futility of his existence. Basically existence is of two types authentic and inauthentic forms of existence.Authentic existence is contrasted with dynamic and is the being-for- itself, rising from the human beings drab fait h, by which the human being moves away from the bur- den of responsibility, through this beliefs in dogma and by regarding himself as subject to outside in- fluences and his actions to be predetermined. There is a salient contrast between the authentic and the inauthentic forms of being the authentic being is the being of the human being and the inau- thentic being is the being for things. Yet, authentic being is only rarely attained by the human being still it is what the human being must strive to gain.The inauthentic being-in-itself is characteristically distinctive of things it is what the human being is diseased with for his failure to see himself as and act according as a free agent and his impotency to reject bad faith. Things are only what they are. But the human being is what can be. Things are deter- mined, fixed, and rigid the human being is free he can add essence to his life in the course of his life and he is in a constant state of flux and is able to comprehend his s ituation.The human being does not live in a pre-determined world the human be- ing is free to realize his pop the questions, to materialize his dreams hence, he has only the destiny he forges for himself because in this world nothing happens out of necessity. The human being hides himself from freedom by self-deception, acting like a thing, as if he is a pas- sive subject, instead of realizing the authentic be- ing for the human being this is bad faith.In bad faith, the human being shelter himself from re- sponsibility by not noticing the dimensions of al- ternative courses of action facing him in bad faith, the human being behaves as others demand of him by conforming to the standards of accepted values and by adopting roles designed for him in bad faith, the human being loses the autonomy of his chaste will, his freedom to decide in bad faith, the human being imprisons himself within inauthentic- ity for he has refuse to take the challenge of re- sponsibility and the anxiety tha t comes along with his freedom. fretfulness ascends from the human beings realiza- tion that the human beings destiny is not fixed solely is open to an undetermined future of infinite possi- bilities and limitless scope The emptiness of fu- ture destiny must be filled by making choices for which he just will assume responsibility and blame.This anxiety is present at every moment of the human beings existence anxiety is part and parcel of authentic existence. Anxiety leads the human being to take decisions and be committed. The human being tries to avoid this anguish through bad faith. But the free human being, in his authenticity, must be involved for his own actions are only his, his responsibility is to himself, his being is his own.The human being must be com- mitted. To be committed means not to support this in place of that, but to attach a human beings total- ity to a cause it is the human beings existential freedom that leads to total allegiance. Existentialist thinkers st art out from the human situa- tion in the world the condition of despair, the modes of existence, the human beings tendency to avoid authentic existence, his relation to things, his own body, and to other beings, with whom he can- not come into material communication, and the sufferings of life.Starting from the study of being, each existentialist philosopher thinkers originate their own doc- trines, with their own emphasis on particular as- pects. Very often their viewpoints is conflicting and sometimes mutually exclusive yet this philosophi-cal attitude of being, as a whole, can be described as the existentialist movement, which stresses upon the being of the human being.Existentialism Notes 3 Additional Notes on Existentialism Existentialism, philosophic movement or ten- dency, emphasizing somebody existence, freedom, and choice, that influenced many diverse writers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Major Themes Because of the diversity of positions associated with existentialis m, the term is unrealistic to define precisely. Certain themes common to virtually all existentialist writers can, however, be identified.The term itself suggests one major theme the stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. Moral Individualism Most philosophers since Plato have held that the highest ethical good is the same for everyone inso- far as one approaches moral perfection, one resem- bles other morally perfect individuals. The 19th- century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, who was the first writer to call himself existential, reacted against this tradition by insisting that the highest good for the individual is to find his or her own unique vocation.As he wrote in his journal, I must find a truth that is true for me . . . the idea for which I can live or die. Other existentialist writers have echoed Kierkegaards belief that one must choose ones own way without the aid of universal, objective standard s. Against the traditional view that moral choice involves an objective judgment of right and wrong, existentialists have argued that no objective, rational basis can be ground for moral decisions. The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche further contended that the indi- vidual must decide which situations are to count as moral situations.SubjectivityAll existentialists have followed Kierkegaard in s tressing the importance of wild individual action in deciding questions of both morality and truth. They have insisted, accordingly, that per- sonal experience and acting on ones own convic- tions are essential in arriving at the truth. Thus, the taste of a situation by soulfulness involved in that situation is superior to that of a detached, objective observer. This emphasis on the perspec- tive of the individual agent has in like manner made existen- tialists suspicious of systematic reasoning.Kierke- gaard, Nietzsche, and other existentialist writers have been del iberately unsystematic in the exposi- tion of their philosophies, preferring to express themselves in aphorisms, dialogues, parables, and other literary forms. Despite their antirationalist position, however, most existentialists cannot be said to be irrationalists in the sense of pass overing all validity to rational thought. They have held that rational clarity is desirable wherever possible, but that the most important questions in life are not accessible to reason or science. Furthermore, they have argued that even science is not as rational as is commonly supposed.Nietzsche, for instance, asserted that the scientific premise of an orderly universe is for the most part a useful fiction. Choice and Commitment Perhaps the most prominent theme in existentialist indite is that of choice. Humanitys primary dis- tinction, in the view of most existentialists, is the freedom to choose. Existentialists have held that human beings do not have a fixed nature, or es- sence, as other anim als and plants do each human being makes choices that create his or her own na- ture. In the formulation of the 20th-century French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, existenceprecedes essence. Choice is accordingly central to human exis- tence, and it is inescapable even the refusal to choose is a choice. Freedom of choice entails com- mitment and responsibility. Because individuals are free to choose their own path, existentialists have argued, they must accept the risk and respon- sibility of following their commitment wherever it leads. Dread and Anxiety Kierkegaard held that it is spiritually crucial to rec- ognize that one experiences not only a fear of spe- cific objects but to a fault a feeling of general apprehen- sion, which he called dread.He interpreted it as Gods way of calling each individual to make a commitment to a personally valid way of life. The word anxiety (German Angst) has a similarly cru- cial role in the work of the 20th-century German philosopher Martin Heideg ger anxiety leads to the individuals confrontation with nothingness and with the impossibleness of finding ultimate justifica- tion for the choices he or she must make. In the philosophy of Sartre, the word nausea is used for the individuals recognition of the pure contin- gency of the universe, and the word anguish is used for the recognition of the total freedom of choice that confronts the individual at every mo- ment.Existentialism Notes 4 History Existentialism as a distinct philosophical and liter- ary movement belongs to the 19th and 20th centu- ries, but elements of existentialism can be found in the thought (and life) of Socrates, in the Bible, and in the work of many premodern philosophers and writers. papa The first to anticipate the major concerns of mod- ern existentialism was the 17th-century French phi- losopher Blaise Pascal.Pascal rejected the rigorous rationalism of his contemporary Rene Descartes, asserting, in his Pensees (1670), that a systematic philosophy tha t presumes to explain God and hu- manity is a form of pride. Like later existentialist writers, he saw human life in terms of paradoxes The human self, which combines mastermind and body, is itself a paradox and contradiction. Kierkegaard Kierkegaard, generally regarded as the founder of modern existentialism, reacted against the system- atic absolute idealism of the 19th-century German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel, who claimed to have worked out a total rational understanding of hu- manity and history.Kierkegaard, on the contrary, stressed the ambiguity and absurdity of the human situation. The individuals response to this situation must be to live a totally committed life, and this commitment can only be understood by the indi- vidual who has made it. The individual therefore must always be prepared to defy the norms of soci- ety for the sake of the higher post of a person- ally valid way of life. Kierkegaard ultimately advo- cated a leap of faith into a Christian way of life, whi ch, although incomprehensible and full of risk, was the only commitment he believed could save the individual from despair.Nietzsche Nietzsche, who was not acquainted with the work of Kierkegaard, influenced subsequent existential- ist thought through his criticism of traditional metaphysical and moral assumptions and through his bridal of tragic pessimism and the life- affirming individual will that opposes itself to the moral conformity of the majority. In contrast to Kierkegaard, whose attack on conventional moral- ity led him to advocate a radically individual Christianity, Nietzsche proclaimed the death of God and went on to reject the entire Judeo- Christian moral tradition in favor of a heroic pagan ideal.Heidegger Heidegger, like Pascal and Kierkegaard, reacted against an attempt to put philosophy on a conclu- sive rationalistic basisin this case the phenome- nology of the 20th-century German philosopher Edmund Husserl. Heidegger argued that humanity finds itself in an inc omprehensible, indifferent world. Human beings can never hope to under- stand why they are here instead, each individual must choose a goal and follow it with passionate conviction, aware of the certainty of death and the ultimate meaninglessness of ones life. Heidegger contributed to existentialist thought an original em- phasis on being and ontology as well as on lan-guage. Sartre Sartre first gave the term existentialism general currency by using it for his own philosophy and by becoming the leading figure of a distinct move- ment in France that became internationally influen- tial after World War II. Sartres philosophy is ex- plicitly atheistic and pessimistic he declared that human beings require a rational basis for their lives but are unable to achieve one, and thus human life is a futile passion. Sartre nevertheless insisted that his existentialism is a form of humanism, and he strongly forceful human freedom, choice, and responsibility. He eventually tried to reconcile the se existentialist concepts with a Marxist analy- sis of society and history.Existentialism and Theology Although existentialist thought encompasses the sturdy atheism of Nietzsche and Sartre and the agnosticism of Heidegger, its origin in the intensely religious philosophies of Pascal and Kierkegaard foreshadowed its profound influence on 20th-century theology. The 20th-century Ger- man philosopher Karl Jaspers, although he rejected explicit religious doctrines, influenced contempo- rary theology through his preoccupation with tran- scendence and the limits of human experience.The German Protestant theologians Paul Tillich and Rudolf Bultmann, the French Roman Catholic theologian Gabriel Marcel, the Russian Orthodox philosopher Nikolay Berdyayev, and the German Jewish philosopher Martin Buber inherited many Existentialism Notes 5 of Kierkegaards concerns, especially that a per- sonal sense of authenticity and commitment is es- sential to religious faith. Existentialism and Literatu re A number of existentialist philosophers used liter- ary forms to convey their thought, and existential- ism has been as vital and as extensive a movement in literature as in philosophy.The 19th-century Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky is belike the greatest existentialist literary figure. In Notes from the Underground (1864), the alienated anti- hero rages against the optimistic assumptions of rationalist humanism. The view of human nature that emerges in this and other novels of Dostoyevsky is that it is episodic and per- versely self-destructive only Christian love can save humanity from itself, but such love cannot be understood philosophically.As the character Alyo- sha says in The Brothers Karamazov (1879-80), We must love life more than the meaning of it. In the 20th century, the novels of the Austrian Jew- ish writer Franz Kafka, such as The Trial (1925 trans. 1937) and The Castle (1926 trans. 1930), present insulate men confronting vast, elusive, menacing bureaucra cies Kafkas themes of anxi- ety, guilt, and solitude reflect the influence of Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, and Nietzsche.The in- fluence of Nietzsche is also discernible in the nov- els of the French writers Andre Malraux and in the plays of Sartre. The work of the French writer Al- bert Camus is usually associated with existential- ism because of the prominence in it of such themes as the apparent absurdity and futility of life, the indifference of the universe, and the necessity of engagement in a just cause. Existentialist themes are also reflected in the theater of the absurd, nota- bly in the plays of Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco.In the United States, the influence of exis- tentialism on literature has been more indirect and diffuse, but traces of Kierkegaards thought can be found in the novels of Walker Percy and John Up- dike, and various existentialist themes are apparent in the work of such diverse writers as Norman Mailer, John Barth, and Arthur Miller. close Existentia lists make endless claims.They never bother to show how they reached their claims or if these are, indeed, true. The existentialists when he pretends to present a representation of reality pro- vides no cognition unverifiable assertions may well express powerful and even necessary emo- tions and passions, but thats best left to the arts and literature. Existentialism is a highly passionate philosophy and, from the outset, seems to aim at a dynamic and fashionable life-style.Also it is mostly unsys- tematic and pays little attention to logic or science. Whatever one makes of its metaphysical claims, one cannot deny that existentialism was able to provide a moving account of the spirit of the con- temporary world and the nausea and frustration of survival. Indeed, it is basically for its richness in mental insight and its impact on culture that existentialist philosophy will continued to be stud- ied.