Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Performance Appraisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Performance Appraisals - Essay ExampleThis paper declares that performance appraisal is to a greater extent important for the people who are assessed if compared to those who assess. However, many companies were able to put emphasis on providing feedback to the later that is why every performance appraisal results in stepwise improvement of the assessment mechanism. In other words, the employees may express their vision of how the process can be veerd in order to reflect better the peculiarities of virtuosos performance. So, the appraisals that will be performed latter will be more accurate and more helpful than the original ones. This essay makes a conclusion that having examined every last(predicate) the points that were mentioned in the paragraphs above, one should make the following conclusion it is beyond any doubt that performance appraisals are essential for developing and maintaining a positive and telling relationship between employer and employee. This can be seen in nu merous aspects. For example, an employee is able to gain a better understanding of what is expected of it and how one is doing to meet those expectations. The change in the cycles of appraisal has changed significantly the function that they perform, leading to making them more useful. Another point that should be mentioned is that performance appraisal allows the company to manage and adapt the contribution of employees, leading to harmonisation of relationships in the working place. Finally, this concept serves many different roles all of which are beneficial for every party.

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