Sunday, June 16, 2019

Week 2 Assignment 1.2 Submission Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 2 1.2 Submission - Assignment ExampleOur security team suggested that there might be a bespeak link between the two events. So it behooves us to remind our employees of their responsibilities pertaining to the secure physical exercise of the company e-mail and messaging systems.Any employees of this company can get hold of NO expectation of privacy concerning email, phone, IM, Text messaging, web browsing or data when using company resources. These resources include but are not especial(a) toThe company provides internet and email access solely for business purposes. We encourage the use of email and instant messaging in order to help ease the speedy communication between departments and branches. The company provides these technological services in an effort to represent our company in the most productive manner realistic to our clients. However, we discourage the use of email and instant messaging for personal reasons using company equipment. Such types of use exposes ou r company servers and clients to electronic problems such as identity operator theft and hacking. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every employee to ensure our server security by responsibly using the email and messaging system of the company. Any improper use of the Internet or e-mail is not acceptable and will not be permitted.Harassment of any kind is prohibited. No messages with derogatory or incendiary remarks about an individuals race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference shall be transmitted.Any deviation by an employee from the aforementioned guidelines for the proper use of company email and instant messaging shall result in the immediate termination of employment and the possible cancellation of his separation and/or retirement

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