Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Organisational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Organisational Change - Essay Example St. Mungo’s is a reputed charity that works for the vulnerable individual of the society. The employees engaged within St. Mungo’s are highly experienced and loyal towards the activities of the organisation. However, with the recent merger of St. Mungo’s with Broadway, the reliability and dependability of the employees declined and it affected the position of the organisation significantly. The employees called for a strike and it declined the success rate of the organisation in the upcoming days as compared to other competitors. The prime cause for the strike is the pay cut of the loyal and existing employees of St. Mungo’s. The non-monetary benefits that the employees received from the organisation are also restricted by the senior management with the help of reorganisation and hence, it proved negative for the employees. However, the restrictions are mainly applicable for the employees of St. Mungo’s and not for the Broadway staff. This is the ma in key reason that increased the anger of the employees of St. Mungo’s and hence, it resulted in the commencement of a strike (Kotter and Schlesinger, 2007). There are different types of organisational change that would be used by the managers to prevent the organisation from any sort of challenging situation. However, types of organisational change are segmented into two segments such as evolutionary and revolutionary change (Lewin, 2012). As per the view of Schein (2012), constant improvement may be possible only through evolutionary change.

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