Sunday, August 11, 2019

Production Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Production Management - Essay Example ated tasks are being attended to with necessary know how and skills.The deepening of this trend is evidenced by the fact that several of these sub contracting firms(SMEs particularly) have acquired specialist status and their deployment is much sought after.In fact doing business in such a fashion equates working in highly organized networks of organizations that are lined up for specific responsibilities for delivering the final products or services.In the construction business there has been a concerted move towards systematic hiring of contractors and as a catching trend of last 20 years such hiring has become highly specialized with a large and growing network of specialist trade sub contractors. The growth of the specialist sub-contract sector in the construction industry has ensured the importance of specialist trade sub contractors to the overall project development process. ... aptations required by the construction industry to accommodate the design, contractual, administrative, control and co-ordination aspects of various levels of involvement on construction projects. A bird's eye view of a typically networked and partnered construction effort-Comparison between UK and US In order to serve as an illustration a large sized state construction effort in US can be cited as below: "In most cases, the Department of Finance and Administration's Bureau of Building serves as the construction program manager for state construction projects in Mississippi. The Bureau of Building represents the interests of the entity and exercises independent oversight of the professional contractor and constructor team (i.e., general contractor and sub-contractors). The Bureau of Building, professional team, constructor team, and a building commissioning agent, when applicable, enter a contractual relationship for a project. The Bureau of Building exercises direct oversight of architects, engineers, building commissioning agents and other contract professionals, while it performs indirect supervision of the construction contractors through the primary professional contractor and the building commissioning agent. Because the bureau does not have the in-house capability to perform some of the design and construction tasks that some private construction program managers can provide, it may employ engineers, contract analysts, architects, or construction project administrators to manage and monitor projects. The bureau has authority to compel adherence to contract specifications and schedules, applying sanctions to firms or individuals within the constructor team that do not fulfill their responsibilities"(Joint,2005). The above is a typical

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