Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Environmental Regulation and Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Regulation and Protection - Essay Example The political factors include; environmental regulation and protection, consumer protection, international trade regulations, employment laws, taxation, and competition regulations among others. Environmental Regulation and Protection The government through Environmental Protection Agency imposes various rules and regulations to protect the environment. These rules impact on businesses directly especially the manufacturing industries which are high pollutants of environment. Moreover, customers are nowadays buying products from green companies who are environmentally friendly thus putting pressure on businesses to go green (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).Those businesses who have not appreciated green strategies thus risk losing their businesses. The New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) is the body concerned with environmental regulation through Protection of Environment Operations Act (PEOA) of 1997. Businesses are supposed to acquire licenses and carry out environmental training for the staff. Strict penalties and fines are applied to those individuals and businesses that contravene the law and pollute water, air, land and for improper waste management. The organization thus needs to continuously update itself on environmental laws to avoid prosecution. For example, a copper manufacturer was fined $28, 000 for causing toxic overflow in Sydney (NSW, 2011). Fernando (2010) argues that businesses should convert environment issues to their own advantage. Those businesses who protect the environment earn themselves a good reputation. Others engage in continuous innovations hence improving the environment as well as the business. Businesses also are forced to use environmentally friendly product and packages and also processes and these are cost effective. For example, McDonalds was forced to use recycled materials in packaging and transport by customers. Consumer Protection The government has the responsibility of protecting consumers form uncouth businessmen through various measures such as setting quality standards, safety standards and ensuring efficient distribution of goods and services (Fernando 2010). Sometimes, businessmen carry out extensive advertisement of products thus attracting buyers but the goods may be substandard. It is the role of government to ensure all relevant information is put on labels to avoid such instances. It also enforces regulations such as those stipulated on standard weight and measures Act, consumer protection Act among others. Such rules impact on the business as it is required to change its advertising techniques as well as pricing. For example, a government control on cigarettes may force businesses to close or lower production. In India, the Essential Commodity Act of 1955 allows the government to declare any commodity as essential hence control its production and distribution (Fernando, 2010). International Trade Regulations Most countries have opened their borders to free trad e but sometimes, they enforce trade restrictions to protect critical industries from competition. Most countries have also entered into trade agreements with trading partners and these agreements form basis for international trade rules. For example, World Trade Organization (WTO), North America

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Essay Example for Free

Learning Team Reflection Essay I guess for me I am struggling with how to forecast and predict what is important enough to know what criteria is relevant information to use for the success of my organization. Since I only work in one area of the whole organization how do you predict when you are not privy to important information to know what direction to go in. I am hoping to learn how to think way outside the box and be able to see the bigger picture. One question I do have though will the company be as successful if I only concentrate on the success of the area I work in? I get how strategic management can be beneficial to an organization, and I get how ethics should play a role as well. I see the way people have done wrong actions in a company is almost like having cancer in your organization. It can slowly take over or be swift and destroy a organization. I see both issues in my work place. People riding the cuff of what is wrong behavior and out right breaking the rules. All of that behavior disrupts the goal of the organization to run effectively and efficiently. Looking forward to further discussions. After completing the assignments and reading the objectives I think I am comfortable talking about environmental scan both internal and external and how it is different from a SWOT analysis. Environmental scanning is made up of observation, reviewing, and ultimately circulating the data gathered from external and internal envi ronments based on the decisions made by the staff of the organization. This process is applied by the organization in the case of a worst case scenario; it allows an organization to carefully take care of conflicts compared to struggling to salvage a situation which is causing financial setbacks for the organization. In regards to discussing the external factors of an organization and why they should be reviewed as part of the internal environmental scan, below are some reasons why this should happen. 1. Economic forces: Regulates the transferring of materials, money, energy, and information (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). 2. Technological forces: Is what generates problem-solving inventions (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99).  3. Political–legal forces: Is what allocates power and provides constraining and protecting laws and regulations (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). 4. Sociocultural forces: Is what regulates the values, mores, and customs of society (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 99). In regards to discussing some of the internal considerations of an organization and why the organization should evaluate them as part of the internal environmental scan, the following are some reason: 1. Value: Is when it provides customers value and competitive advantage (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 2. Rareness: Is when other competitors possess it (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 3. Imitability: Is when it becomes costly for others to imitate (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). 4. Organization: Is when the organization utilizing the resource to its advantage (Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 138). There is a difference from Environmental scan and a traditional SWOT due to the environmental scan gathering data while the SWOT is more involved with gathering information and research to establish an ultimate plan. In last week’s class I got a better understanding of the 4 phases of strategic management which are basic financial planning, forecast-based planning, externally oriented strategic planning and strategic management. By emphasizing what strategic management actually means to an organization I was able to get a more in depth concept of the benefits such as how performance can be improved by providing organizational learning tactics understanding the strategic vision of the organization. I can actually relate to this because I have recently completed my green belt lean six sigma which allows me to be part of working groups that have been task to identify gaps and improve business processes and practices in various area in the logistics directorate in which I work. By being part of a working group at work and also being in this strategic management class I truly believe that this will increase my development in the area of strategic thinking to be an impact player in my organizati on. I look forward to these next few weeks. Reference Wheelen, T.L., Hunger, J.D. (2010). Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy (12th ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay on Utopia - Constitution of the United States as a Utopian Propos

The Constitution of the United States as a Utopian Proposal   Ã‚  Ã‚   Few people would take issue with the statement that America faces monumental challenges both to its own well-being as well as to its self-imposed duty to become "a more perfect union". Over the years, many speakers, authors, and dreamers have used the dirty facts of this nation's (and its predecessors') seemingly unrepentant capitalism, paternalism, belligerence, and tendency toward cultural assimilation to declare the entire enterprise bankrupt and to focus, not on where, exactly, the USA went wrong, but instead on what the truly ideal civilization would look like. They have created, in speech or on paper, entire realms of happiness and harmony, free of injustice, crime, and any other negative social vice. They have failed, however, in most cases, to free themselves from the trap of the nature of the human animal and his uncanny ability to absolutely avoid accurate prediction or even adequate description. It is my suggestion that, out of the bulk of utopian proposals th e world has seen, the Constitution of the United States does, in fact, come the closest to creating "no place" for the greatest number of people through its pragmatism, its admission to not knowing the nature of every man, and, most importantly, its allowal of alternate visions of Utopia.       Of course, all one needs to do to get a glimpse of the monumental challenges the USA faces is open the closest almanac. Nearly half (49%) of all American marriages end in divorce. Some 700,000 high school students end up dropping out of school each year. There are nearly one million cases of child neglect and/or abuse per year and 2,700,000 cases of violent crime. Around 8.5 million individuals... ...ough a total change in the accepted social order. The framers of the Constitution were looking in the right direction; it is our legacy and responsibility to see that the essence of their vision is amended to accommodate the changes this nation has experienced since its founding and to provide the opportunity for every citizen to express, and possibly achieve, his or her own utopia.    Works Cited Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887. Internet text version copyright 1996 by Geoffrey Sauer. Brunner, Borgna, ed. 1997 Information Please Almanac. Boston: Information Please, LLC. Constitution of the United States of America. Democratic Socialists of America. (1998).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Problem And Review Of Related Literature And Studies

IntroductionThe practice of Pharmacy has gradually improved over the last few years, from the traditional practice, patient counseling to dispensing automation, the practice continue to develop more means to deliver efficient pharmaceutical care and facilitate the reduction of medication errors in all aspects of health care. Interestingly, one of the means that was implemented is the program called Telepharmacy. This program is currently practiced in North Dakota, Washington and Australia.Telepharmacy is defined as â€Å"the use of state-of-the-art telecommunication technology by the pharmacists to be able to provide pharmaceutical care to patients at a distance. † (Khatri, 2006). Factors associated with the hindering of quality pharmaceutical service in remote communities are geographical barriers, lack of available pharmacists working on remote towns, distance of the pharmacies, financial issues and unavailability of the medicines, which will be sufficiently addressed by imp lementing the telepharmacy.Several studies have also concluded that limited pharmacist hours adversely affect the contributions that pharmacists can make to medication safety in rural hospitals. (M. Casey et al. , 2008). With the implementation of Telepharmacy, delivery of 24-hours pharmaceutical service will be addressed. As telecommunication being an indispensable part of effective exchange of information, its application to the practice of dispensing medical information poses a valuable contribution to the field of Pharmacy, paving another means to effective delivery of pharmaceutical care to patients at a distance.With the modernization and growing complexity of medicines being capable of curing, mitigating and treating disease, the need for the Pharmacists becomes more evident to ensure the safe and cost-effective use of it. Since the Telepharmacy program is capable of developing better access to a more efficient health care wherever the patients are, adequate attention must be employed to the program and the readiness of community pharmacists for the program must be established. With Telepharmacists being the ones performing complete drug utilization reviewson the patient medication profile and performing the mandatory patient education counselling to patients over the phone, the readiness of the community pharmacist on the task is crucial to the effective implementation of the Telepharmacy (C. Peterson, H. Anderson et al. 2004). Even though pharmacists are not physically present in their area, patients can access consultation with a registered pharmacist and get their prescription verified through video conferencing (Riley, 2010).Enabling dispensing of medication via telepharmacy will increase access to more pharmacy services by more patients. By telepharmacy, the problems and restrictions pertaining to medication counseling by Pharmacists will be addressed even in the most urgent time and situations. The readiness of the Registered Pharmacists for the program will lead to the accomplishment of the Telepharmacy in the country since it will eventually mean that the goals that were set up for were attained, the intended purposes were met and generally produced a strong impression or response from the clients.Licensed pharmacists provide traditional pharmacy services, including drug utilization review, prescription verification, and patient counseling to a remote site via telepharmacy technology. Retaining the active role of the pharmacist helps assure the delivery of safe, high quality pharmacy services that can be at risk when the pharmacist is left out as in the case of internet and mail-order pharmacies.(Peterson, 2004) The researchers believe that in pursuing this study, the awareness of the public and professional-alike on the tremendous contribution of Telepharmacy which is fully practiced in other countries in facilitation of quality pharmaceutical care will be raised considerably. And along with the idea that Telepharmacy re duces any possible medication errors, with Pharmacists giving counsel on the phone, the practice of Pharmacy in the country will be improved which will result to its full implementation in the Philippine setting therefore marking the pharmacist’s role as more crucial to the health care of the Filipinos.The evaluation of the readiness of the Pharmacist will be stepping stone to prove that the Telepharmacy program can be carried out successfully in the country. With this study, the possibility of the practice of Telepharmacy in Philippine setting will be determined and assessed, which will render it as a proof for the service to be utilized more in the country for more effective drug information dissemination. Review of Related LiteratureTelepharmacy has the potential to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care and decrease medication errors and adverse drug events in small rural hospitals. However, because telepharmacy is relatively new, there is little literature in peer-re viewed journals. (M. Casey, et al, 2008). In other countries, the implementation of Telepharmacy in dispensing drug information to patients at a distance is being greatly utilized due to its considerable usefulness on improving the practice of Pharmacy and they were even able to develop various models of the service.In the US, there are two models of telepharmacy: North Dakota Telepharmacy and Washington State Model, employing pharmacists giving instructions to the technicians via a video-conferencing link and pharmacists activating automatic dispensing system from the base site to be dispensed by an authorized personnel at the remote site, respectively. Australia also developed a Rural Clinic Model of Telepharmacy that permits non-pharmacist professionals to render the pharmaceutical services. In all the models of telepharmacy aforementioned, the dispensing stage are all divided into 5 steps: 1.) Prescription 2. ) Prescription Entry and Verification 3. ) Dispensing Process 4. ) Dis pensing Verification and 5. ) Patient Counseling, with the latter being done by the pharmacists as required in all the three models (M. Kimber, et al, 2006) According to a recent cost-benefit study conducted by Westerlund and Marklund (2009) in Sweden, when pharmacists are involved in primary care, out of 151 patients used in the study, 68 patients (13%) were saved from drug related problems and 16 patients (3%) were saved from future hospitalizations.Quality pharmaceutical services have been described as: dispensing, supply and distribution of medicines; provision of knowledge and information about drugs, with the primary objective being the promotion and assurance of quality use of medicines (QUM); and provision of pharmaceutical care, which involves pharmacists responding to patients’ drug-related needs to assist them achieve their desired health outcomes. (M. Kimber, et al, 2006).The fact that the Telepharmacy service permits delivery of effective pharmaceutical care to m ore patients at a distance, this contribution will offer greater edge on the practice of Pharmacy as a whole and is consistent with the main goal of the practice which is pharmacists being an indispensable part of the health care system as the experts in drug use. In addition to the contribution of telepharmacy to the practice, it also offers significant advantage on the health care system on its ability to provide workers in more remote settings.The main aim of tele-pharmacies is to provide maximum coverage in areas with few pharmacies and increase the revenue for pharmacy operators (Riley, 2010). Telepharmacy arrangements have been proposed as a way for smaller rural hospitals with limited pharmacist coverage to obtain additional pharmacist resources (Lordan, Vorhees, and Richards, 2002; Peterson et al, 2007). Since half of the Philippine population lives in rural and remote communities, this calls for immediate attention on providing adequate and quality pharmaceutical care in th e said locations.According to the Report of the Commision on the Future Care in Canada by Romanow (2002), telepharmacy, as part of telehealth, is considered as a mechanism for improving access to health care services for rural and remote communities. The telepharmacy is equipped with video cameras so that the pharmacy technician can be supervised by a registered pharmacist. The location of the remote pharmacy is often linked to central pharmacy software to make this process smother and ensure timely and correct delivery (Riley, 2010).With the dynamic and transitional improvement of the telecommunication technology in present time, the counseling of pharmacists to patients at a distance will be delivered with ease and convenience. Adoption of telepharmacy has been slow, but the convergence of available technology and renewed interest in a new pharmacy practice model has created a unique set of circumstances that may present the perfect opportunity for telepharmacy.(Fahrni, 2012) Tele pharmacy significantly offers advantage on addressing medication queries through telephone by eliminating all barriers of communication when it comes to discussion of personal and confidential issues of the patients. According to the study of Louderback (2007), situations such as â€Å"traveling two to five hours for appointments is not only time consuming, but costly† influence patients’ decisions to approach treatments. This is one of the reasons why treatments results in poorer control of chronic health condition especially to the elderly people living in the remote towns.Research also confirms that â€Å"economic pressures and geographic barriers are difficulties that rural elders face when they seek to obtain prescription medications† (Collins, 2007). It obviously calls for the fact that there is a need for telepharmacy to improve the management of chronic conditions and reduce the expenditures required to transport patients for medication treatment, especi ally those who incurred drug related problems. Given the numerous factors that the telepharmacy can addressed when it is widely implemented, any possible medication errors will be avoided accordingly.In the Philippines, the practice of Telepharmacy is not widely recognized due to various factors that affect the successful operation of the service, plus the fact that the country is still far from the full implementation of the service. However, the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore has proposed some guidelines which can be followed in order to successfully operate a Telepharmacy service. The proposed set of guidelines provide the framework for implementation of telepharmacy service designed to restore and retain retail and hospital pharmacy services in remote rural communities that are located in medically underserved areas.Telepharmacy services produce the same quality of pharmacy services as the traditional mode of delivery and provide additional value-added features that are not found with traditional pharmacy practice. (C. Peterson, H. Anderson et al. 2004) Having been studied pharmacy enables one to develop many skills. Some of these skills and abilities are specific to the role of a pharmacist. Skills are the ability wherein individual uses his knowledge effectively in doing something. Practice is an act of applying; to carry out; to work repeatedly to be proficient or to be professionally engaged (Merriam Webster, 1995).Synthesis Methods of giving information have been a trend in developing countries. There was once a state in America which started to recognize the use of telepharmacy. The North Dakota Telepharmacy Project was established in 2002 for the purpose of restoring, retaining, or establishing pharmacy services in medically underserved rural communities through the use of telepharmacy technology. Telepharmacy offers a pharmacist/business owner the opportunity to expand the professional and financial sides to their operation. (Boudjouk) Accordi ng to the comparison study of D.Friesner, et al (2011) on the rate of medication error incurred in a remote pharmacy site that utilizes telepharmacy and community pharmacies that do not adopt the technology, greater use of technology has the potential to reduce medication errors. Advancement in computer technology, videoconferencing, and voice over IP (VoIP) technology, ubiquitous internet access, and mobile computing will make the use of telepharmacy simpler than ever before. Combined with improvements in pharmacy automation and pharmacy technician practice, the use of telepharmacy as a tool to help build a new practice model has become a reality.(Fahrani, 2009) In agreement with the previous study of D. Friesner, et al, the researchers indeed believe that facilitation of telepharmacy in the delivery of pharmaceutical services will contribute to the reduction of medication error. However, the proposed study aims to determine whether Community Pharmacists in the Philippines are read y to deliver and practice the standard North Dakota Telepharmacy Program. Previous studies were solely devoted to determining the rate of medication error of two pharmacy sites, with or without telepharmacy.The proposed study will be focusing on the crucial participation of pharmacists to raise the acceptance level for Telepharmacy in the Philippines as mean to deliver efficient pharmaceutical service to patients at a distance. Rendering the registered pharmacists ready for the facilitation of telepharmacy will enable a quality telepharmacy to be delivered, equating to a quality traditional pharmacy only with the use of communication technologies to patients at a distance. Fahrani and Boudjouk studies showed how telepharmacy can make a difference in the practice of pharmacy. The studies also included how telepharmacy works in the community.Advancement of technology helps the development of the pharmacy practice. The researchers’ study will evaluate the skills of a registered pharmacists based on the skills that a telepharmacist must possess in order to deliver efficient telepharmacy service. Pharmacists work within a code of professional ethics that encompasses their relationship with other pharmacists, other health professionals and the public. A well-developed sense of responsibility is essential and an ability to communicate effectively with other health professionals and the general public is important.Pharmacists just need skills’ that helps in improving patients’ quality health care. A licensed pharmacist shall do their tasks and responsibilities. A professional, technical and communication skills are essential to be able to deliver a better service. Pharmacist must make patients comfortable with the Telepharmacy technology prior to receiving services. Pharmacists need to work on changing patient expectations and behaviors related to mandatory patient education counseling so that patients learn to expect it as a routine part of pharm acy practice regardless of the mode of delivery.Patient interaction with the pharmacist is important that just mean that patient is learning in the counselling process, which is a good sign afterwards there will be compliance. (Peterson and Anderson, 2004). Conceptual Framework The fast-paced, ever-changing and exciting technology has created a new thinking in Pharmacy. Telepharmacy is one of the outputs of technology. With telepharmacy information can be delivered to patients at high-speed.Needless to say, the application of telepharmacy in other countries has greatly improved the internal operations of counselling making it possible for clients to develop their knowledge and gain services more quickly and reduce internal costs. Establishing the perception of the community pharmacists themselves on the development of the Telepharmacy program to better accommodate patients from afar and give them optimum access on what the pharmacy has to offer regardless of the distance will be reg arded as one of the aspects to consider for the full implementation of the program.A pharmacist who believes on the goals of the Telepharmacy is important for its successful implementation and therefore will improve the efficiency of the healthcare to underserved areas. More than the aim to gain competitive advantage, telepharmacy is an effective way to minimize medication errors, cope with a small number of pharmacists in a country. Telepharmacy is really an ideal method of counselling which is difficult to achieve in its totality. However, Pharmacy boards’ commission must take actions to transform the ideal to a reality. Conceptual Paradigm of StudyStatement of the Problem This study aims to describe the perception of community pharmacists on their own skills as being prepared to deliver the Telepharmacy service. The researchers will gather data through the use of questionnaires in which various queries will be addressed. Specifically, the following questions will be answer ed: 1. What is the community pharmacists’ best definition of ‘Telepharmacy’? 2. What are the requirements needed in order to operate a Telepharmacy service? 3. How do the community pharmacists perceive their own readiness for Telepharmacy? 3.1 Professional Skills 3. 2 Technical Skills 3. 3 Communication Skills 4. What other ways can the program be developed? 5. What is the relationship between the demographic profile of the pharmacist and their skills? 5. 1 Age 5. 2 Gender 5. 3 Civil status Hypothesis Medicinal compliance of patients increases with the utilization of effective telepharmacy service delivered by Pharmacists capable of successfully carrying out the procedures of the program. Accordingly, Telepharmacy will pave a way for a much more systemic & effective drug information dispensing to patients at a distance.Significance of Study By gaining a better understanding on the pharmacists’ own perception on their skills being ready for the delivery of Telepharmacy, it will greatly aid the utilization of this service in improving the practice of Pharmacy in the Philippines by establishing Pharmacists as crucial for optimal health care delivery. Pharmacists will be regarded as a much more indispensable part of health care since their knowledge in drug information will be available at a distance through Telepharmacy.This program also poses an advantage in addressing the insufficiency of pharmacists in remote towns as well as the various factors associated with the hindering of successful facilitation of quality pharmaceutical services such as geographical barriers, transportation, availability of medicines, etc. Scope and Delimitation of Study In this study, the researchers would like to determine the community pharmacists’ self-evaluation of their skills necessary to deliver an efficient Telepharmacy and therefore efficient healthcare service to the patients regardless of their distance.The study is limited to the community pharmacists practicing in the city of Las Pinas. It will also determine the pharmacists’ perception on what Telepharmacy really is and what they think composes a Telepharmacy program. Definition of Terms Telepharmacy – the provision of drug information to patients at a distance by the use of telecommunication technology. Licensed Pharmacist – A pharmacist who has completed the full program of education, and has passed a state licensing examination.Remote Site – a full service pharmacy staffed by a registered pharmacy technician with access by computer, audio and video link to a licensed pharmacist at a central pharmacy site while open. The â€Å"remote site† is analogous to â€Å"originating site†, where the patient is located. Central Site – refers to a Pharmacy with a registered pharmacist, who is trained to carry out dispensing of P medicines and POM via telepharmacy. Telepharmacist – a Licensed Pharmacist who review medicat ion orders, oversees dispensing of the pharmacy assistants and facilitates patient counselling remotely through telephone and other communication technologies.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Cuil Theory

One Cuil = One level of abstraction away from the reality of a situation. Example: You ask me for a Hamburger. 1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon. 2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist. Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the ground. 3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia. 4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into patties.You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing the song that gives birth to the universe. 5 Cuils: You ask for a hamburger, I give you a hamburger. You raise it to your lips and take a bite. Your eye twitches involuntarily. Across the street a father of three falls down the stairs. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. I give you a hamburger. Y ou swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. You cannot swallow. There are children at the top of the stairs. A pickle shifts uneasily under the bun. I give you a hamburger. You look at my face, and I am pleading with you. The children are crying now.You raise the hamburger to your lips, tears stream down your face as you take a bite. I give you a hamburger. You are on your knees. You plead with me to go across the street. I hear only children's laughter. I give you a hamburger. You are screaming as you fall down the stairs. I am your child. You cannot see anything. You take a bite of the hamburger. The concrete rushes up to meet you. You awake with a start in your own bed. Your eye twitches involuntarily. I give you a hamburger. As you kill me, I do not make a sound. I give you a hamburger. 6 Cuils: You ask me for a hamburger. My attempt to reciprocate is cut rutally short as my body experiences a sudden lack of electrons. Across a variety of hidden dimensions you are d ismayed. John Lennon hands me an apple, but it slips through my fingers. I am reborn as an ocelot. You disapprove. A crack echoes through the universe in defiance of conventional physics as cosmological background noise shifts from randomness to a perfect A Flat. Children everywhere stop what they are doing and hum along in perfect pitch with the background radiation. Birds fall from the sky as the sun engulfs the earth. You hesitate momentarily before allowing yourself to assume the locus of all knowledge.Entropy crumbles as you peruse the information contained within the universe. A small library in Phoenix ceases to exist. You stumble under the weight of everythingness; your mouth opens up to cry out, and collapses around your body before blinking you out of the spatial plane. You exist only within the fourth dimension. The fountainhead of all knowledge rolls along the ground and collides with a small dog. My head tastes sideways as space-time is reestablished, you blink back int o the corporeal world disoriented, only for me to hand you a hamburger as my body collapses under the strain of reconstitution.The universe has reasserted itself. A particular small dog is fed steak for the rest of its natural life. You die in freak accident moments later, and you soul works at the returns desk for the Phoenix library. You disapprove. Your disapproval sends ripples through the inter-dimensional void between life and death. A small child begins to cry as he walks toward the stairway where his father stands. 7 Cuils: I give you a hamburger. The universe is engulfed within itself. A bus advertising hotdogs drives by a papillon. It disapproves. An unnatural force reverses Earth's gravity. You ask for a hamburger.I reciprocate with a mildly convulsing potato. You disapprove. Your disapproval releases a cosmic shift in the void between birth and life. You ask for a hamburger. A certain small dog feasts on hamburger patties for the rest of its unnatural, eternal endurance. Your constant disapproval sends silence through everything. A contrived beast becomes omnipotent. You ask for a hamburger. I give you a hamburger your body becomes an unsettled blob of nothingness, then divides by three. The papillon barks. The universe realigns itself. You, the papillon, and the hamburger disapprove. This condemnation stops the realignment.Hades freezes over. A pig is launched is launched into the unoccupied existence between space and time with a specific hamburger. You ask for a hamburger. I give you a hamburger. It screams as you lift it to your face. You laugh maniacally as I plead with you. You devour the hamburger as it pleads for mercy. I disapprove and condemn you to an eternity in a certain void where a certain pig and its specific hamburger are located. The Universal Space-time Continuum Committee disapproves of my irrational decision. You are locked away and are fed hamburgers for the rest of your natural existence.A pickle refuses to break down during the process of digestion. You die in a freak accident. A certain pickle lives the rest of its life in a comatose state. Your soul disapproves. Down the street a child cries as a hamburger gets stuck in, and climbs back up, her esophagus. You ask again for a hamburger. I refuse to reciprocate. You demand a lawyer. I remind you harshly that this is the new world order. Lawyers no longer exist. Only papillons. Your name is written on a list of sins. Blasphemy. You ask for a hamburger. The comatose pickle vanquishes your soul from this universe. Realignment occurs. You beg for a hamburger.A certain papillon's name is written on an obelisk in Egypt. Mumble. Peasants worship the obelisk. Your soulless corpse partakes in the festivity. Hamburgers are banned universally. The sun implodes. All planets cease to have ever existed. Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Pluto is the only mass in existence. Conveniently, you are on vacation here. Your need for hamburgers re-establishes space-time. Earth is recreated under your intergalactic rule. Hamburgers are your army. You wake up. Clowns. Clowns everywhere. Your dream rushes to meet you. You are kidnapped. You ask for a hamburger. They hand you a hotdog.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Mystery Writing Tips to Keep Your Readers in Suspense

10 Mystery Writing Tips to Keep Your Readers in Suspense From Agatha Christie to Parker Bilal, the best mystery writers know how to keep readers in suspense until the very end of the novel. If you are looking to write a bestselling mystery novel, here are 10 mystery writing tips to help you do the same:1. Start off with a bangWhether it is a corpse or a missing person, starting your mystery novel with a major crime is the best way to keep your readers in suspense. The first few chapters of your mystery should briefly introduce the protagonist while focusing on the crime that has taken place.The two most important scenes of a mystery novel are the scene of the crime and the one in which the perpetrator is revealed. Beginning your novel with the scene of the crime is a great way to engage your reader immediately and reveal the level of depravity or horror that the protagonist must confront throughout the rest of the book.2. Be creative with dyingIf your mystery begins with a corpse, make it a creative death. Dont just have your killer stab a victim- let the stabbing pattern be a word or a symbol. If your victim is poisoned, consider a poison that is hard to find or impossible to detect. If the victim was buried alive, have an odd array of objects buried with them that offers trails of suspicion that the protagonist must then follow.When the corpse is killed creatively, several things happen. First, not only do readers want to know who did it and why- they also want to know why it was done in that way. Creative deaths also provide clues to the killer and establishes greater character depth for your antagonist, particularly his or her intellectual level and motivation behind the killing.3. Do your research on crime proceduralsHowever you choose to begin your mystery- whether with a corpse or a kidnapping- be sure that you do your research on crime procedurals. The details you include when you describe these important opening moments of your mystery will set the tone for how believable your story is and how engrossing it is for your audience.Law enforcement handles crimes differently, depending on location and details of the crime. If you are writing an opening scene in which a small-town cop discovers a body, be sure that youve researched who will get involved at the crime scene besides the cop. Will there be other detectives who show up? Who takes the body in for an autopsy and where is this autopsy done? Do other government law enforcement agencies (like the FBI) get involved? The more realism you use to stage the finding of the corpse (or the moments after a kidnapping has taken place), the more likely you are to keep your audience turning pages.Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash4. Give your main character a life outside of the crime/mysteryYou want your reader to feel empathy toward the main character as he or she is put in harms way to find out who the killer or kidnapper is. The more empathy your reader feels toward your protagonist, the more invested theyll be in what happens to that char acter as the plot progresses.This is the reason you need to show the life your main character has outside of the mystery. Whether its their family life with their kids, or a romantic interaction with a love interest- showing the protagonists life makes him or her seem real. It gives the character depth and allows you to use those relationships that happen outside of the mystery to add to the tension. For example, if the killer hunts down women and your protagonist is a man, his concern for his female significant other could play into the story and give him increased motivation to find the antagonist. Or if the protagonist has a family and children, the antagonist could threaten them, which serves to ramp up the tension and motivate the protagonist to solve the mystery quickly.5. Your setting should be more than just a settingIf youve ever read a novel about a haunted house, then you understand the importance of setting in a mystery. In fact, choosing a setting for your story is one of the most important choices you will make in planning your novel, as it can either add to the tension or distract from it.For example, a dark, tightly enclosed space can increase the fear your protagonist feels when hunting for the killer. Alleyways where someone can hide behind doors or trash bins, dark forests where no one can hear your characters scream, or naturally spooky locations like funeral homes or mortuaries are settings that help to ramp up the tension and feeling of foreboding that makes mysteries such exciting reads. Particularly if your mystery is a haunted house story, hidden rooms, cobweb-filled attic spaces, and basements where family secrets have been buried are great settings for maintaining tension in your story.6. Build tension with cliffhanger chapter endingsThink back to a book youve read that was nearly impossible to put down. This ability to thoroughly captivate readers is the mark of a great mystery writer and a goal you should aspire to as you write you r novel. While there are multiple methods to create this kind of story, ending each chapter with a cliffhanger is a great way to keep your plot moving forward and the tension heightened.There are multiple ways to create cliffhanger chapter endings. It could be someone opening a door and the reader needs to start the next chapter to find out who it is. It could be one of the main characters seeing something that makes them immediately afraid but the reader needs to start the next chapter to find out what it is that they saw. Or maybe its a scream in the distance that the main character hears but the reader needs to start the next chapter to find out who it is thats screaming.7. Know the end before you start writingAs with other genres, and especially for mystery, you should have your plot worked out before beginning the first chapter. This means that you should know who committed the crime, how they did it, why they did it, and how they eventually get caught. If you know these detail s before you begin writing, youll be able to scatter clues throughout the story to lead up to the big reveal.8. Make all suspects liarsAs with any great mystery novel, yours should have multiple suspects who could be guilty of the crime. Determining which of the suspects is guilty is part of the reason readers will want to keep turning pages, and there should be moments within your story that make each suspect seem like he or she is the guilty one.The easiest way to do this is to ensure that all of your suspects are liars (to some extent). Have them lie about their whereabouts- where they were last night, who they were with, and why they were there- to make them seem unreliable. Obviously, the guilty suspect will be a liar to cover up his or her crime, so having all your suspects lie helps keep the tension taut as your detective tries to sift through the untruths to find the truth.Photo by Aaron Mello on Unsplash9. Throw your detective (and reader) off track with incorrect suspicion Part of the thrill of reading a mystery is the guesswork involved with determining who did it, and why. Playing with this thrill is a great way to keep your readers invested in the story. Allow your protagonist to believe he or she has solved the crime, only to later find out it isnt solved at all. In most cases, this is best done with the most likely of suspects- the one readers believe is the culprit before the real killer is discovered. Playing with the emotions of your readers in this way maintains an element of unpredictability and tension mystery readers love to experience.10. Scatter clues (as well as red herrings) throughout the bookLeaving clues throughout the story keeps your reader guessing, and following them is part of the fun of reading a mystery, but its important to not reveal too much, too soon. In fact, the best mysteries are the ones that surprise the reader and end with a killer who seemed least likely to commit the crime.Your protagonist should follow clues to f ind the killer and some of these clues should be red herrings. In order to maintain the shock value of an unlikely suspect, some of your clues should point to other potential suspects and lead the protagonist away from the trail of the one who is guilty. This distraction increases the tension in the plot and allows you to end with an ah-ha moment that completely catches the protagonist (and reader) by surprise.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Long History of Perfume

The Long History of Perfume Perfume is thousands of years old, with evidence of the first perfumes dating back to Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Cyprus. The English word perfume comes from the Latin per fume, meaning through smoke. History of Perfume Around the World The Ancient Egyptians were the first to incorporate perfume into their culture, followed by the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Israelites, Carthaginians, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans.   The oldest perfumes ever found were discovered by archeologists in Cyprus. They were more than four thousand years old. A cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia, dating back more than three thousand years, identifies a woman named Tapputi as the first recorded perfume maker. But perfumes could also be found in India at the time. The earliest use of perfume bottles is Egyptian and dates to around 1000 BCE. The Egyptians invented glass and perfume bottles were one of the first common uses for glass. Persian and Arab chemists helped codify the production of perfume and its use spread throughout the world of classical antiquity. The rise of Christianity, however, saw a decline in the use of perfume for much of the Dark Ages. It was the Muslim world that kept the traditions of perfume alive during this time- and helped trigger its revival with the onset of international trade. The 16th century saw the popularity of perfume explode in France, especially among the upper classes and nobles. With help from â€Å"the perfume court,† the court of Louis XV, everything got perfumed: Furniture, gloves, and other clothing.   The 18th-century invention of eau de cologne helped the perfume industry continue to grow.   Uses of Perfume One of the oldest uses of perfume comes from the burning of incense and aromatic herbs for religious services, often the aromatic gums, frankincense and myrrh gathered from trees.  It did not take long, though, for people to discover perfume’s romantic potential and it was used both for seduction and as preparation for love-making. With the arrival of eau de cologne, 18th-century France began using perfume for a broad range of purposes. They used it in their bath water, in poultices and enemas, and consumed it in wine or drizzled on a sugar lump. Although niche perfume makers remain to cater to the very rich, perfumes today enjoy widespread use- and not just among women. The selling of perfume, however, is no longer just the purview of perfume makers. In the 20th century, clothing designers began marketing their own lines of scents, and almost any celebrity with a lifestyle brand can be found hawking a perfume with their name (if not smell) on it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Bio thats Targeted and Attention-Getting

How to Write a Bio thats Targeted and Attention-Getting You’ve probably heard multiple times that there’s no â€Å"one-size-fits-all† resume. But what about bios? Is there a one-size-fits-all bio? My answer is steadfastly, â€Å"No.† You need to understand how to write a bio thats targeted to each audience youre addressing, based on that audiences  focus, interests, and needs. I personally have an entire Word document devoted to copious versions of my bio. Each one is geared toward a specific audience. How to Write a Bio for Myself (Brenda Bernstein) The bio that goes along with my How to Make Resume Writing Fun webinar starts as follows: Brenda Bernstein, Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW), Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM), and accomplished editor and LinkedIn trainer, believes that resume writing does NOT have to be a drag! Notice that the facts about me are resume specific, and I set up my audience to think this presentation will make resume writing more palatable. What if I’m doing a presentation about LinkedIn? Here’s how I craft that bio: Brenda Bernstein is the #1 Amazon-best-selling author of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, now in its 12th edition and recently released in full-color print. A compelling speaker, award-winning businesswoman and top-certified resume writer, Brenda has worked with hundreds of professionals and executives who understand the value of an effective LinkedIn profile. Not surprisingly, the LinkedIn-related bio contains evidence of my LinkedIn expertise and experience. Third, here’s the beginning of my bio, written for a Yale audience where I was giving back-to-back presentations on resume and LinkedIn profile writing: Brenda Bernstein, MC ’91[1], is the author of the #1 Best-Selling e-book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. Now owner and senior editor of The Essay Expert, recovering lawyer (NYU ’98), Certified Master Resume Writer, and sought-after LinkedIn trainer, Brenda began her editing â€Å"career† wordsmithing her friends’ articles for the Yale Daily News. As you can see, the audience and the topic inform what I emphasize in each bio. I literally write a new bio every time an organization or website asks me for one! How to Write a Bio for a Client (Tamira Johnelle) Recently, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to write two bios for Tamira Johnelle. You’ll find out more about this sparkling woman in a moment. For now, what I want to convey is the difference in the bios I wrote for her. The first was for a conference for women entrepreneurs. The second was for her website. As you read the bios, look for the emphasis of each and the clear differences, all of which stem from Tamira’s target audience. Women Entrepreneurs Conference Bio: Tamira Johnelle is turning her own weight loss story into one of the fastest-growing businesses of its kind. Her impressive accomplishment of going from size 18 to size 6 in 7 months, while eating dessert every day, is not her only claim to fame. Check out the growth of her following: from 1,639 followers to 11,550 followers in 4 weeks! She has created  a 16-week virtual course as well as a one-on-one coaching program for people struggling with their weight, giving them the blueprint to her success and helping them on their journey to weight  loss freedom. Tamira’s recipe collection of delicious, healthy main dishes and desserts, From a Size 18 to a Size 6 in 7 Months While Eating Dessert Daily, The MAIN DISH EDITION is selling like hotcakes. And people have responded amazingly well to her recipe videos on Facebook Live and Periscope. When you meet this no-nonsense, exuberant entrepreneur, you’ll understand why she is an inspiration to anyone wanting to enjoy both their food and their lives. Website Bio: Tamira Johnelle, who went from a size 18 to a size 6 in 7 months, is an inspiration to anyone who has been struggling with their weight for years and who feels like a failure because of it. Tamira grew up on the American junk food diet. As a girl, she would hide candy under the pillow, and wake up in the middle of the night to eat it. In the morning she woke up hungry for more. This cycle of unhealthy eating was consuming her life. As much as she tried to talk herself out of her patterns, she could not stop these overwhelmingly powerful cravings. This might sound familiar to you. As she grew older, Tamira wrestled with her weight, going on unrealistic diets she couldnt keep. Eat salads all day? Are you kidding? Tamira was not about to give up desserts forever- but she did want to be healthy and look great in a size 6 dress. She knew there must be a better way to get amazing and sustainable weight loss results. One important step was learning how to cook. Tamira is self-taught and in 7 years has come  up with a whole cookbook full of recipes that completely satisfy and that will stop your junk food cravings.  Here are just a few of the delicious items you’ll find in From a Size 18 to a Size 6 in 7 Months While Eating Dessert Daily, The MAIN DISH EDITION: Tasty, Satisfying Entrees: Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Chicken, Salmon Cakes, Black Bean Avocado Quesadillas Desserts that Won’t Have You Thinking about Junk Food All Day: Turmeric-Lemon Kidney Bean Cake, Maple-Cayenne Cookies, Maple-Pineapple-Lime Sorbet But recipes will only get you 20% there. Tamira has developed an entire lifestyle that has helped her and others get and keep the weight off through positive affirmations, healthy meals, exercise and a host of other methods. She has created  a 16-week virtual course as well as a one-on-one coaching program for people struggling with their own weight, giving them the blueprint to her success and helping them on their journey to weight  loss freedom. [This bio is followed by four compelling success stories.] What do you notice about these bios? Do you see how Tamira’s entrepreneurial successes, which are highlighted in the conference bio, would be inappropriate on her website? They would turn people off. But the entrepreneurs want to know about this stuff because they want the same kind of success. And notice how her own longer story, the details of her recipes, and her clients’ weight loss successes, which are key to her persona on her website, take a back seat in a bio for an audience of entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs couldn’t care less about the client with lupus whose inflammation all but disappeared in two weeks. How to Write a Bio for Yourself! Do you have a bio at the ready to send out whenever you’re asked for one? If you do, take a moment before pressing â€Å"send† to make sure you’ve tailored the bio to your audience. There’s no one-size-fits-all bio! And if you need help with how to write a bio, The Essay Expert will be happy to help! Check out our bio writing packages. [1] Morse College, a residential college at Yale, and my graduating year (1991).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

CJUS 420 Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CJUS 420 Research Paper - Essay Example account of the investigation problems that cause the victims to refute to their accusations and finally, details of ways of improvements that can result in better investigative process. Sexual abuse in the United States is a major concern of the whole society, but analysis indicates that known numbers of child abuse victims are not right. The information that is available about the child abuse cases is really incomplete because of certain factors. Child Protection Agencies present reports related to approximated happenings of child sexual abuses and these are the reports that these agencies obtain and corroborate (London, et al, 2005). The estimated reports cannot be categorized as the overall reports of all the incidents as there are many unreported cases left. Even some reports are filed on small scales that never reach the child protection agencies. In addition, the precision of judgment of child sexual abuse cases is complicated because of lack of therapeutic and physical proofs, and extensive cases that are full of loopholes. Further, the psychologists have not sorted out any specific symptom resulting to sexual abuse. Children’s self-reporting proofs a ppear as the only diagnosis of the happening of child sexual abuse (London, et al, 2005). There is a general conception that children try not to disclose the incident of sexual abuse in their childhood mostly. London, et al (2005) informs that studies indicate towards one-third ratio of reported sexual abuse cases by children, as mostly, they try to conceal the suffering. However, the studies also reveal the fact that children delay in disclosing about the sexual abuse, as they usually take much time in disclosing. The sexually abused children are also claimed to repudiate their revelations about their suffering. Some adults as children have experiences of sexual abuse and many of them recall about their failure to disclose the suffering to anyone during their childhood. This failure is common in sexually

Modern European History (1789-present) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Modern European History (1789-present) - Essay Example 84 and the Primerose League collected great support and laid strong foundation for the conservatives .With the advent of Benjamin Disreli from [1874-1880] resorted Conservatism to modern reforms ,0peeped out their influence as a result of the imperialistic and electoral plans of Disreli. Socialism stands for an economic theory and cooperation among all classes of people . It came out as a reaction to bring social and economic change as an effect of the Industrial revolution .Conservatism concerns with the social and political changes as an effect of the French Revolution. Radicalism is concentrated in maintaining radicalism principles in economic and social circumstances . It paved the way for protest against hunger and want .It also paved the way for betterment of the society.The new right refers to different categories in different ststes.In United kingdom it refers to neo-liberalism , in France it refers to new thinking in political aspects ,declaring their thought to be the right . Q 4 .IN CONTARAST TO THE NATIONALIST LIBERATION STRUGGLE OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, A NUMBER OF HISTORIANS ARGUED THAT GERMANY UNIFIED THROUGH WAR AND DIPLOMACY. SUPPORT OR CHALLENGE THIS STATEMENT. DESCRIBE OTHER SOLUTIONS OR PROPOSALS TO THE QUESTION OF UNIFICATION THROUGHOUT THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. The unification of Germany has been one of the major political events. When we talk of thee unification , we should be aware of the facts that Germany played a very important role in the post - cold war .Europe’s participation was an ever green sight for the politicians and economists. Bismark had deep conservative monarchist and aristocratic observations. He was the one who worked out the diplomatic ideologies and created war fronts to get Germany united. He was strictly obsessed with Prussia . He does not want Prussia to be an individual province , to be more precise , he wanted Prussia to come under the German constituency. He took the rewards of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary chp.25-emergence of the us-american history Term Paper

Summary chp.25-emergence of the us-american history - Term Paper Example But he could not keep up with this policy and soon sent a special envoy, Sumner Welles, to encourage Machado, the oppressive president of Cuba, to resign in 1933. Machado was replaced by Ramon Grau and later by Colonel Fulgencio Batista. His regime was immediately accepted by America leading to favorable trade agreement. In 1939 Mexico nationalize all foreign owned oil companies. This infuriated the American oil interest and demanded them back asking Roosevelt to use military force if necessary. In 1941 the issue was solved when Mexico and America agreed on a fixed amount of compensation. While the relations with Latin America remained agreeable, the same was not true for Asia. In September 1931, the Japanese army stationed in Manchuria seized control of it. Following Japan’s success, America invoked the Stimson Doctrine. The idea of Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity sphere was also generated by Japan. A similar idea was also circulating in Europe, Germany, and Italy. Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 based on the promise to improve the economy of Germany and to increase its role in the world. Benito Mussolini of Italy also expressed his wish to expand Italy. In response to the increased tension in the world, in August 1935 the congress passed the Neutrality act of 1935 which prohibited the sales of arms and munitions to any nation at war. On October 3, 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia. Roosevelt announced America’s neutrality on the issue and denied the sale of war supplies to either side. However, the non-war trade continued between Italy and America. On May 9, 1936, Italy annexed Ethiopia. In March 1936, Germany occupied Rhineland and in July a civil war broke out in Spain. Roosevelt again proclaimed America’s neutrality on the issue. Congress passed the Second Neutrality Act forbidding loans to countries at war. Roosevelt easily defeated Landon

Fashion Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fashion Portfolio - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Portfolio" focuses on the fashion design portfolio. Once I am familiar with the type of fashion industry companies I want to design for, I will then think about what they want to see from me. The research methodology of my paper will include publications, surveys and other techniques in which events like trade shows, forecasting, publications, and cultural events will be visited to gather relevant information. The processes intricate in designing fresh ranges and collections usually begin with researching and gathering information. Fashion designers have inadequate training in research methods and rarely carry out studies thus resulting in intuitive and subjective judgements. Contributing to such problems is the inadequate amount of time existing to do the research and heavy costs of designers gathering information. As a result, research methods which can be used by fashion designers include trade shows, forecasting, publications, and cultural events. In essence, d esigners require drawing upon a varied range of information so as to inform their decision-making in the process of planning and development of design portfolio. In trade shows, I expected to gain knowledge of fashion products and fabrics such as garments. These fashion shows are prearranged by garment and textile fashion companies to present new garment or fabric ranges and the aim is to sell out their products to the fashion designers and buyers. The advantages of appearing in trade shows seemed to be connected to networking.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) Essay - 7

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) - Essay Example The rituals of behavior which governed blacks under Jim Crow included such norms as restrictions on blacks and whites eating together, prohibitions on blacks shaking hands with whites, right-of-way at intersections for whites, the non-usage of titles of respect or courtesy for blacks, expecting blacks to remove hats or caps when talking with whites, and other customs and standards of behavior which unequivocally demonstrated the inferiority of African-Americans. This racial etiquette could be violated at the risk of life and family, as the threat of lynching was very real. In addition to the above, many southern states passed legislation which excluded blacks from public transport, facilities and some neighborhoods. There were statutes which provided separate train cars for blacks, reserved seats in coaches for whites, denied blacks the right to vote through discriminatory clauses, literacy tests and poll taxes, established separate schools, rest rooms, water fountains, telephone boo ths and burial grounds, mandated segregated rooms at libraries, prisons, hospitals and bars, and strictly banned interracial marriages. Most of the laws were directed towards the prohibition of social interaction between the two races. The Jim Crow laws may be considered to have ended by the mid 1960’s. Gradually, America has universally acknowledged that racial discrimination in any form is unjust, and corrective justice, as implied in affirmative action and reparation have gathered support. This broad consensus has led to the acceptance that discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender or class is against the beliefs of American society. The laws of the U.S.A. are now firmly against any discrimination and an egalitarian society has been established, with the shining example of Barack Obama as

The Lemon Tree Dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Lemon Tree Dilemma - Assignment Example Mary accuses Jackie of the leak of the formula solely because she thinks that Jackie is questionable ethically due to her sex change and therefore can easily double cross. Jackie’s remarks about Mary would make her credibility questionable. She makes personal comments aimed at Mary and even accuses her of having an affair with Paul. That demonstrates that she has hard feelings against Mary and could possibly do anything to get back at her. On his part, Peter has drug issues. He has failed two drug tests and that would jeopardize his credibility. The use of drugs would easily affect Peter’s performance and he is likely to be careless while under the influence of the drugs. That would be a major concern to the employer as it may lead to a bigger problem for the company. Jackie’s sex change should not form part of the reasons to question her credibility. That is because it was a personal choice and is in no way related to her work. Using it would amount to discrimination. Her complaint against Mary to the company’s compliance department should also not influence her treatment as it would also amount to discrimination. On the other hand, missing work for three months without notice would constitute a possible reason for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) Essay - 7

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) - Essay Example The rituals of behavior which governed blacks under Jim Crow included such norms as restrictions on blacks and whites eating together, prohibitions on blacks shaking hands with whites, right-of-way at intersections for whites, the non-usage of titles of respect or courtesy for blacks, expecting blacks to remove hats or caps when talking with whites, and other customs and standards of behavior which unequivocally demonstrated the inferiority of African-Americans. This racial etiquette could be violated at the risk of life and family, as the threat of lynching was very real. In addition to the above, many southern states passed legislation which excluded blacks from public transport, facilities and some neighborhoods. There were statutes which provided separate train cars for blacks, reserved seats in coaches for whites, denied blacks the right to vote through discriminatory clauses, literacy tests and poll taxes, established separate schools, rest rooms, water fountains, telephone boo ths and burial grounds, mandated segregated rooms at libraries, prisons, hospitals and bars, and strictly banned interracial marriages. Most of the laws were directed towards the prohibition of social interaction between the two races. The Jim Crow laws may be considered to have ended by the mid 1960’s. Gradually, America has universally acknowledged that racial discrimination in any form is unjust, and corrective justice, as implied in affirmative action and reparation have gathered support. This broad consensus has led to the acceptance that discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender or class is against the beliefs of American society. The laws of the U.S.A. are now firmly against any discrimination and an egalitarian society has been established, with the shining example of Barack Obama as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analyze companie in operation using analytical tools and strategy Assignment

Analyze companie in operation using analytical tools and strategy implementation (Apple ) - Assignment Example This is part of the risk management philosophy associated with their strategic expansion models. These licensing agreements are proactive protections that ensure no counterfeiting occurs and that the business’ software innovations are not duplicated by competition. Marketing is a major social issue for Apple as their reputation relies on positive consumer sentiment about the company and its products. The business uses marketing research to assist in identifying consumer knowledge about the firm and its products as part of proactive strategic leadership. A recent survey targeting teens in the United Kingdom identified that over 84 percent had already heard of the Apple iPhone and 25 percent would be willing to pay $500 for the device (Jones, 18). Marketing research is important when establishing strategic pricing structures for these products when considering the extent of the products’ life cycle on the consumer and business marketplaces. This is also part of management accounting systems in strategic development that â€Å"provide a monetary reflection of enterprise operations† (Clinton & Van der Merwe, 15). It helps the strategic leaders at Apple maintain control over costs and can assist in planning for new product development s based on consumer attitudes. Socially, Apple must consider the business’ reputation related to the buying behaviors and lifestyles of its target markets. Negative publicity is becoming more important and increases in frequency when trying to establish a brand presence in key markets (Dahlen & Lange, 388). This is part of the strategic governance process to ensure that proper public relations are maintained and that the products or the company image is not tarnished by its own actions or the interventions of third parties. Again, this is a risk management focus that might include hiring PR firms and developing a tracking system to

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Critical Analysis on Wal-Marts Failure in Germany Essay Example for Free

A Critical Analysis on Wal-Marts Failure in Germany Essay After eight unprofitable years, Wal-Mart backed out of Germany in July 2006 and sold the entire retails outlets to Metro AG. After dominating the US market for quite a long time, Wal-Mart expanded its market to Germany in 1997. In 1997 Wal-Mart continued its strategy of globalization, and acquired two German retail chains for $1. 6 billion. After eight unprofitable years, Wal-Mart backed out of Germany in July 2006 and sold the entire retails outlets to Metro AG. The Essay examines why Wall-mart was a big failure in its international operations in Germany on a Cross-culture perspective. Inadaptability and ignorance f local culture can become a big problem in global business, even for a Corporate giant like Wal-Mart with proven success formulas. Being number one in the United States does not always guarantee for being number one elsewhere in the world. It is very important to understand the pulse of the local market and culture of the clients exactly and should make strategies accordingly and exactly that is where Wal-Mart went wrong in Germany. COMPANY PROFILE Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. s the largest retailer in the world, the worlds second-largest operates retail stores in various retailing formats in all 50 states in the United States. The Companys mass merchandising operations serve its customers primarily through the operation of three segments. The Wal-Mart Stores segment includes its discount stores, Supercenters, and Neighborhood Markets in the United States. The Sams club segment includes the warehouse membership clubs in the United States. The Companys subsidiar y, McLane Company, Inc. rovides products and distribution services to retail industry and institutional foodservice customers. Wal-Mart serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at more than 8,416 retail units under 53 different banners in 15 countries. With fiscal year 2010 sales of $405 billion, Wal-Mart employs more than 2. 1 million associates worldwide. Nearly 75% of its stores are in the United States (Wal-Mart International Operations, 2004), but Wal-Mart is expanding internationally. The Group is engaged in the operations of retail stores located in all 50 states of the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom, Central America, Chile, Mexico,lndia and China Wal-Marts entry and operation in Germany Wal-Marts initial entry into German market was through the acquisitions of renowned 21 store Wertkauf chain for an estimated $1. 4 billion in December 1997. 1t was followed one year later by the acquisition of In-terspars 74 hypermarkets from Spar Handels AG, the German unit of the French Intermarch © Group , for ‚ ¬560 million. Thus Wal-Mart immediately became the countrys fourth biggest operator of hypermarkets. However, with a turnover of around ‚ ¬2. 9 billion, and a stagnating market share of Just 1. 1 per cent, the US giant still was a negligible one in the German retail market. Even worse, with estimated accumulated losses of more than ‚ ¬ 1 billion, it is literally drowning in red ink although, according to Wal-Mart Germanys CEO, Kay Hafner, its non food assortment, which accounts for around 50 per cent of its revenues, is profitable.. Instead of expanding its network of stores by 50 units by early 2001 , as originally planned, the company has been forced to close two big outlets, while at the same time it was only able to fully remodel three locations into its flagship Super center format. Due to its problems the company also had to lay off around 1. 000 staff. On July 2006,Wal-Mart announced its official defeat in Germany and would sell its 85 German stores to the rival supermarket chain Metro and would ook a pre-tax loss of about $1 billion (E536million) on the failed venture. A Critical Analysis of Reasons for Wal-Marts failure in Germany: There were several factors that contributed to Germanys unsuccessful business ride. Amazing management blunders have plagued Wal-Marts German operation from the very start.. Wal-Marts major mistakes on the German market may be summarized as follows. Cultural Insensitivity was the major reason of failure Entry to German market by acquisition strategy, Failure to deliver on its legendary every-day low prices and excellent service alue proposition. ? Bad Publicity about the company due to breaking of some prevailing German law In January 1997, Wal-Mart had first entry in Europe market with the acquisition of Wertkauf hypermarkets in Germany. Later in that year, Wal-Mart also acquired Interspar, another German hypermarket chain.. While its first move the 1997 takeover of the 21 Wertkaufstores was indeed a shrewd one, given that companys excellent earnings, its competitive locations, and its very capable management. Wal- Marts 1998 follow-updeal with Spar for 74 hypermarkets was widely Judged an ill- nformed, ill-advised act, for several reasons: Spar is considered to be the weakest player on the German market due to its mostly run-down stores, very heterogeneous in size and format, with the majority of them located in less well-off inner-city residential areas. Wal-Marts cultural insensitivity led to its failure in Germany. This Study focuses only on the flaws made by the Wal-Mart in its International operations in Germany from a Cross-cultural Managements perspective. Wal-Marts failure in Germany- A Case of cultural insensitivity: Most of the Global mergers and acquisitions failed to produce any benefit for the shareholders or educed value, which was mainly due to the lack of intercultural competence. Lack of sensitivity and understanding of language barriers, local traditions, consumer behavior, merchandising, and employment practices irreversibly damaged Wal-Marts image in Germany. One of the main reasons that failed Wal-Mart in Germany is when it attempted to transport the companys unique culture and retailing concept to the new country. The top management refused to even acknowledge the differences in customer behavior and culture in Germany when compared to its US customers, and the top management failed to listen to the feedback from its employees. Not every new cross- border retailer can be a retail giant outer its home. The mistake of exporting its culture wholesale, rather than adapting to local market, leads Wal-Mart failed in Germany market. Wal-Marts ambitions to position itself profitably in European markets through Germany have been hit badly by their inability to fully understand and to adapt to the specific conditions of doing business in other countries. This exposed their obvious lack of intercultural competence and management skills. The main challenge of post-merger integration is further complicated significantly if it is in a Cross- order Merger or acquisition, with all issues frequently being compounded by a lack of language and culture bridging skills. Failure to accomplish this task satisfactorily, results in mutual distrust, de-motivation and negatively impacts the merged companies competitiveness, profits and shareholder value. This is exactly what happened to Wal-Mart Germany. Following are the main two factors that Contributed to the Wal-Marts unsuccessful efforts in Germany: 1)Specific Difference in German Consumer behavior and Culture in comparison with US consumers: and impose an American boss on its German operations. Wal-Mart stores are esigned for customers who are willing to spend lot of time shopping. But in Germany, the shopping hours are shorter: Shops close by 5 PM on weekdays, and no shopping on Sundays. This meant that customers dont have the habit of spending lots of time in a store wandering around for the things they need. Coupled with this problem, German customers do not like to be assisted by Wal-Marts friendly store assistants. Germans prefer to do their own search for bargains. Instead of understanding and adjusting to the culture of its clients, Wal-Mart tried to impose their Culture on to the Customers, which never worked out. Germans like to see the advertised discount products upfront without having to ask the store assistant. This implies that the discount products must be placed at the eye level. Instead Wal-Mart chose to use its US style merchandise display strategy where premium priced products are kept at eye level and discount products are kept at higher shelf or in the bottom racks. This irritated the German shoppers. Wal-Mart also got its store inventory wrong, Wal-Mart stocked its store with clothes, hardware, electronics and other non-food products were given much bigger floor space than ood products, as a result more than 50% of the revenue was from non-food products. But other German retailers stock more of food products. For example for Metro, food products constitute more than 75% of the revenue. Germans prefer to bag groceries themselves into reusable carriers, or at least to pay a small fee for the avoidable sin of needing a plastic bag. Germans are introvert in nature and doesnt like display of emotion in public, as they always care for their private personal space. Employees, like the reserved customers, didnt care for Wal-Marts public displays of corporate moral such as the morning heer. The German Customers even didnt liked to be accompanied by the Cheerful employees either, as they would like to make choices by themselves. These are cultural misunderstandings as well, but one could say the cultural philosophy of Wal- Mart could not survive in the context of a German culture with a Happy Planet Index significantly higher than Americas 2)lnefficient Top Management which ignored the relevance of local Culture: It was clear that the cultural insensitivity of Wal-Mart started right at the top management. To begin with, it appointed four CEOs during its first four years of peration. The first head of German operations was Rob Tiarks ,an expat from the USA who did not understand Germany or its culture. He had previously supervised around 200 Supercenters in America. Not only did he not speak any German. Due to his unwillingness to learn the language ,English was soon decreed as the official company language at the management level. He also ignores the complexities and the legal framework of the German retail market, ignoring any strategic advice presented to him by former Wertkauf executives . This has resulted in the resignation nsuccessful in integrating German Outlets with the Wal-Marts Business model and culture. Suggestions and Recommendations: Cross-border, Cross-cultural business is a challenge even for the biggest companies. Companies have to be sensitive to the local cultures and tailor their offerings to local market. To localize their offerings, Wal-Mart and other Companies that are going global companies must carry out cultural assessment of the Citizens of the Country before acquisitions. All their Corporate Business and Communication strategies should be based on this cultural assessment. This will help companies measure the ffectiveness of its localization efforts and make adequate changes in local strategy ; tactics as and when required. Considering the following steps would help Wal-Mart or any other Company while they are on lookout of Global alliance or business. 1)Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Analysis of the Country Before expanding its business operations to a new country, the Company should understand the Political, Social, Economic and cultural aspects of the Country in depth. Wal-Marts case, Germany was selected primarily because of a central European location and economic attractiveness of the Wertkauf acquisition. But a serious research would have shown that Germany had strong national values resistant to change; possibly the most deeply rooted retail traditions in Western Europe. This could have avoided either Wal-Marts selection of the Country or the strategies it has adopted in Germany. 2)Go global and think they are local After conducting an in depth research about the prevailing trends in the customers Country, the Company should be ready to modify its own identity to suit itself to the cultural differences without compromising much on its Corporate Mission. This step will also force organizations to clearly define globalization goals. Wal-Mart put the company name on many German stores before being fully established. Immediately, the run down stores left an impression on consumers who formed a negative image of the Wal-Mart name. 3)Employment of Cross-cultural Management approaches like Hampden-Turner and Trompanaars Analysis: Employement of Hofsteds Culture Dimensions or HT;T Analysis will help Companies in understanding the minute cultural differences between the countries. For example, Communitarianism over Individualism Germans degree of communitarianism is on the higher side mainly because Germans prefer participating on a team. Most Germans see business as a group of related persons working together. But, most of Americans see their company as a set of difference in Cultural dimensions between the 2 countries has resulted in inside management conflict among the employees, which also resulted in resignation of efficient German executives from Wal-Mart post integration. Understanding the cultural dimensions of a Country through proven Cross-culture models will always help a company to formulate a specific approach that will encourage team spirit and joy among the Global Team. 4)Continuous Updation of Strategies to successfully ithstand the local competition It is very important for a Global firm to continuously analyse the impact of their various strategies on the local market. Understand the shortfalls, and modify it in such a way as to cater the local market in a much better way than the competitors. It is always better to scrutinize the strategies adopted by them with a panel of Local experts, as they will be having a better picture about the local consuming behavior and culture. Perceptions do matter a lot, So a surveys to find the customers perception about the company will also help them to change their trategies accordingly. Conclusion: Even though Wall-Mart was the Biggest of the companies, while going Global understanding the culture of customers, employees of the new Country is very critical for the success. The achievement in the U. S. market cannot always guarantee that Wal-Mart will also success in anywhere else. Companies need to understand the local culture in order to capitalize on the local market. The lessons learned from Wal- Marts experience in Germany, can be applied by other retailers who are planning to go global for expanding its market.. If the worlds largest retailer had taken the time o analyze the German mindset, it could have avoided a very painful lesson when Germans rejected Wal-Marts American-style which was highly successful in home country.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Draconian Internet Laws in Australia :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

  Ã‚   The Internet is a revolutionary new medium that has provided people the world round a new medium of communication.   In "cyberspace" as the Internet has been nicknamed, everyone can have a voice and it is relatively easy for one person to reach a very large audience.   In addition to revolutionizing the way messages are broadcasted, cyberspace has also revolutionized peer-to-peer communication.   E-mail and instant messaging have become a very convenient method of communication for many people, oftentimes replacing the use of telephones and conventional postal mail.   However, the new methods of communication emerging on the Internet have also created a new communication medium for criminals.   Many criminals have found e-mail to be a safer method of communication as opposed to the telephone as it is impervious to wiretaps.   Instances of criminal use of cyberspace include espionage and drug trafficking.   Cyberspace has also led to the rise of a new form of cr ime - cybercrime.   Such crimes include child pornography and online stalking.      The Internet is an international medium, therefore, it cannot be regulated by any one government, however, as crimes committed using the Internet have serious ramifications within real world borders, it is necessary that governments of affected nations take safeguards to protect its citizens.   The way in which governments prevent crime on the Internet, however, has become a point of contention for many people.   For example, privacy advocates in the United States oppose the Federal Bureau of Investigation's implementation of "Carnivore" a program that reads all e-mail passing through mail servers on which it is installed.   They argue that while Carnivore's purpose is to intercept correspondence between criminals, it invades the privacy of all Internet users as it allows the FBI to monitor all e-mail that passes through a system1.   However, of all the nations implementing precautions to prevent cybercrime and crime committed with the aid of the Internet, Australia's are per haps the most draconian.      On November 25, 1999, the Australian Parliament passed laws permitting the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) - the counterpart to the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - to gain access to private computer systems and alter data for surveillance purposes without the knowledge of the owner of the computer.   It is important to note also that the ASIO is not subject to the Privacy Act of 1988.   This makes many Australian citizens uneasy that the government may now not only to monitor their actions on the Internet but also to compromise their computer systems.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Public Relations Issues :: essays research papers

As the public relations manger I have been asked to outline issues with regards to the working conditions within this firm. I have had concerns about a variety of areas and I wish to address you all on them. As new employees you are required to do the same job as others in the same position for the same amount of money. Because you are new does not mean you should be paid any less than some one who has been working there the longer than you. An award is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees who work in a particular type of job, regardless of who they are employed by. An individual employer gets no say in an award once it has been put in place. The award is designed to protect the rights of employees. The system of awards developed from the English system in the 19th century when protection against employers who would do the wrong thing by employees when exploited workers are being paid a very low wage and are expected to work long hours. An Award wage is in place to protect you as employees from being paid less that of what is required. Awards set out the minimum wage and conditions of employment for specific employees. These awards can include things such as the minimum rates of pay and allowances, overtime, shift penalty and other penalty rates, how If the many hours of work are required and leave provisions such as sick leave or personal leave. The protection for employees given by awards is good, but it is not always a strong form of protection when put to work. Employees might find that their employer is underpaying them. In other words the employer is paying them less than they are entitled to under the ward which is illegal. Though many employees are often unwilling to do anything about it because they think if they do complain their employer will make it harder for them at work or find a way to get them dismissed which is no exception. The employers also have many rights just as you the employee does. Some of the employers rights include. Paying the correct wages and deducting tax from employee’s wages, Contributing to the employee’s superannuation. The superannuation guarantee has been in place since 1st of July 1992 and it requires employers to provide sufficient superannuation support for their employees.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Love in the Family Essay

Giving your children unconditional love and support is the best gift you can give; it will lead them to self confidence and a strong parent child relationship. Love, sounds simple right? Well today, many parents are too worried about school grades, drug usage, and their own personal problems that they are forgetting to give there children the love and support they need. Depression in teenagers is at all time high and when children have bad relationships with their parents, they may feel that they are alone. So just like The Beatles said, â€Å"all you need is love† for, by giving your children this simple gift, you are ultimately giving self confidence, support, understanding, and a friend. Love can be interpreted in many different ways, but in my opinion, it should consist of support and understanding. Teenagers today are going through many emotional situations such as peer pressure, fitting in, and rejection, they need to have someone who they can talk to, who will understand them, support them, and give them encouragement, what better person then their parents? In the poems Warren Pryor (Nowlan, Alden) and The Average (Auden, W.H.) with out a doubt the parents loved their children, but they did not support or understand them. If they had, then their children would have been comfortable talking to their parents about how they have different dreams, instead they were afraid of their parents. If children are comfortable with their parents and feel their parents love then children will not find the need to rebel and will live their best lives. Parents tend to think that they know what is best for their child solely based on their own desires. Many parents feel they can express their love through presents and money. But in my personal experience no amount of clothes, dolls, play stations, or money can replace the feeling a child feels after a failed test, a fight with a friend, or every day disappointments in life. In The Veldt (Bradbury, 100) the parents’ expressed their love by giving their children everything they wanted. They spent endless amounts of money buying their children anything they desired. Yet, with all these expensive  gifts the children hated their parents. What the parents’ did wrong was they did not spend enough time loving their children. All the things that parents were supposed to do with their children, machines did instead. If Wendy and Peter’s parents would have supported and spent quality time with their children I’m sure Wendy and Peter would not has wished their parents’ to be dead. We can learn from this story that you must not express your love through objects but through support and understanding. Many children idolize their parents and what they want more than anything is their parents’ approval. By giving your child your support you are also giving your approval. When children do not have their parents’ approval or support they tend to go to drastic measures to achieve it. The story of The Rocking Horse Winner (Lawrence, 953) is a perfect example of how important a parent’s love truly is. The mother only cared about herself and money. The son knew this and made money for his mother. He worked so hard to fulfill his mother’s wants that he ended up dieing for it. Giving your child your love and approval will prevent this from ever happening. In my own life my parents have always supported me and have always been there for me. Being the average teenage girl, I have had many emotional experiences. There have been many times where I have felt insecure about, my friends, my weight, my grades at school, my future, and endless other things. Having my parents there to support me and to listen as I expressed my feelings helped a lot. Knowing that no matter what I did in my life they would always love me and be there for me makes me feel secure. I know I will never be alone Depression in teenagers is at an all time high. Approximately one out of ten teenagers will suffer from depression. The role parents play in this is not that the parents are responsible, but having a comfortable parent child relationship prevents or helps overcome the depression. This is because teenagers who are depressed often feel they are all alone. According to the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, â€Å"It is important that teenagers are given the encouragement and support needed to allow themselves  to express their feelings.† ( If children are not comfortable talking to their parents then they unable to express their feelings and will fell all alone. Sadly, this helps contribute to suicide being the second leading cause death in people aged from 10-24 years old ( In conclusion, children need their parents’ unconditional love and support. Friends come and go but a parent is for life. I truly believe in treat other people the way you want to be treated. And why shouldn’t that apply to your children? Growing up you most likely appreciated the good relationship you had with your mother or father or you resented your parents and wished they understood you better. A parent is their child’s backbone, and if the parent isn’t there to support and understand them, no one will be. So, do your children a favour, make them feel loved and important because that is what will make a good parent child relationship; not expensive gifts, high standards, or lack of discipline, just love.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Archetype and Nationalism in Tolkien’s Silmarillion

ABSTRACT This thesis demonstrates the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetypes, and nationalism in one of fantasy fiction, namely Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. Fantasy fiction, with the stereotype of escapism, is less appreciated. This thesis is written in attempt to give more appreciation to fantasy fiction. Analysis to show the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetype, and nationalism is carried out by applying archetypal approach and Frye’s concept of mythos. This analysis is aimed at determining the position of the story in Frye’s mythos taxonomy and its values.The values, then, are compared with values found in English nationalistic discourse. The result of this analysis indicates that the story of The Silmarillion can be classified as tragic mythos. However, tragedy in the Silmarillion is elaborated differently from the characteristics of the mythos suggested by Frye. Tragedy of The Silmarillion is collective in its nature. The uniqueness of tragedy in T he Silmarillion is read as representation of fellowship spirit value in English nationalistic discourse.The Silmarillion also shows wisdom and historical continuity values parallel with values found English nationalistic discourse. From these values The Silmarillion shows that pastoral life with its collectivity, wisdom and tranquility as an ideal life for English people. Keywords: fantasy, archetypes, nationalism, Tolkien v ABSTRAK Tesis ini menunjukkan keterkaitan fiksi fantasi, arketipe, dan nasionalisme yang muncul di dalam salah satu karya sastra fantasi, yaitu The Silmarillion karya J. R. R . Tolkien.Fiksi fantasi, dengan stereotip sebagai fiksi yang dianggap hanya memberikan tempat untuk melarikan diri dari kenyataan dan fiksi yang lepas dari nilai-nilai realitas, kurang mendapat apresiasi yang cukup. Untuk memberikan apresiasi terhadap fiksi fantasilah tesis ini ditulis. Analisis untuk menunjukkan keterkaitan fiksi fantasi, arketipe dan nilainilai nasionalisme pertama-tama d ilakukan dengan melakukan analisis plot cerita dengan menggunakan pendekatan arketipe dan teori mythos Northrop Frye. Analisis plot ini dilakukan untuk menentukan posisi cerita di dalam taksonomi mythos Frye dan nilai-nilai yang dikandungnya.Nilai-nilai ini kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam wacana nasionalisme Inggris (England). Dari analisis yang dilakukan terlihat bahwa cerita The Silmarillion tergolong dalam mythos tragedi. Namun, sifat tragedi dalam The Silmarillion berbeda dari ciri mythos tragedi Frye yang terkonsentrasi pada satu individu. Tragedi dalam The Silmarillion bersifat kolektif. Keunikan tragedi di dalam The Silmarillion ini dianggap mewakili nilai kebersamaan yang juga merupakan salah satu nilai keinggrisan dalam wacana nasionalisme Inggris.The Silmarillion juga menunjukkan nilai-nilai kebijaksanaan dan keberlanjutan sejarah yang di dalam wacana nasionalisme Inggris dianggap merupakan nilai-nilai yang khas Inggris. Dari nilai-nilai dalam The Silmarillion yang paralel dengan nilai-nilai dalam wacana nasionalisme Inggris tergambar bahwa kehidupan ideal Inggris adalah kehidupan pedesaan yang penuh kebersamaan, kebijaksanaan, ketenangan dan memiliki keberlanjutan sejarah. Kata kunci: fantasi, arketipe, nasionalisme, Tolkien vi

Importance of a Logo for Any Business Essay

Many a time, entrepreneurs wonder what a good logo meant for the business? A long set of questions may erupts in minds of business people regarding the importance of logo to business like why is it important, does it matter what it looks like, besides many others. In this article, I just want to clear up the haze from this aspect and we will do an analysis regarding the value that you place on having a good logo for your business. Now a days, a logo is very important from the business point of view. Experts say that it speaks volume about the company and some further adds that business logo is capable of making or breaking the business. In the current business scenario a logo tells your clients about the future prospects of your organisation, it directs them whether you are a right person to do a business or not. Logo gives an identity to the company. This creatively designed symbol is the center of the marketing job and is put on everything right from products to letters, business cards, websites and advertisements. In nutshell, your business logo is just as important as your name. Three reasons why one should design a logo: There are innumerable advantages of a logo to a business owner. But following are the three main reasons of designing a logo for the organisation. Built credibility and trust: Having a good logo denotes seriousness of an entrepreneur towards his business. It conveys a sense of security among people with whom you do business besides making you more legitimate and trustworthy. Showcases professionalism: It not only built credibility but also showcases the sense of professionalism on your part. A well designed logo denotes highest degree of professionalism and showcases that you are sincere towards your business dealings. Infuse your personality into the brand: Your business can convey lot of things. Similarly a logo depicts lot of things about the business to your business associates. As we discussed earlier it showcases professionalism and built a sense of credibility so it is very important to pick the right logo at the right time.