Friday, October 18, 2019

Fashion Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fashion Portfolio - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Portfolio" focuses on the fashion design portfolio. Once I am familiar with the type of fashion industry companies I want to design for, I will then think about what they want to see from me. The research methodology of my paper will include publications, surveys and other techniques in which events like trade shows, forecasting, publications, and cultural events will be visited to gather relevant information. The processes intricate in designing fresh ranges and collections usually begin with researching and gathering information. Fashion designers have inadequate training in research methods and rarely carry out studies thus resulting in intuitive and subjective judgements. Contributing to such problems is the inadequate amount of time existing to do the research and heavy costs of designers gathering information. As a result, research methods which can be used by fashion designers include trade shows, forecasting, publications, and cultural events. In essence, d esigners require drawing upon a varied range of information so as to inform their decision-making in the process of planning and development of design portfolio. In trade shows, I expected to gain knowledge of fashion products and fabrics such as garments. These fashion shows are prearranged by garment and textile fashion companies to present new garment or fabric ranges and the aim is to sell out their products to the fashion designers and buyers. The advantages of appearing in trade shows seemed to be connected to networking.

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