Sunday, October 6, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 46

Assignment Example Compared to average gross earnings, the cost of Russian labor continues to grow at a very high rate, it has been the strongest at 20% and over, due to which industrial production and exports had declined significantly towards the end of 2008. (Rapid increase of labour costs in Central and Eastern Europe in 2008) According to the Pew Research Center poll, many Russians believe that they were better off in terms of their economic well being under the communism because even though democracy promised them an equal distribution of poverty, that has not been the case. Ordinary citizens believes that democracy has been beneficent for elites, educated and the political leaders and it has had little or adverse affect on ordinary people. Hence, the negative perception that prevails among is that those who belong to the rural, old and the average citizens are behind the privileged, educated elite, which was not the case in a communist regime. (End of Communism Cheered but Now with More Reservations) "End of Communism Cheered but Now with More Reservations." 2 November 2009. Pew Global Attitudes Project. 7 October 2010 . Lazzaro, Joseph. "Russia cuts off all natural gas to Ukraine; Europe shortages may spread." 7 January 2009. Blogging Stocks. 7 October 2010

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