Friday, October 4, 2019

MGMT340 U2 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT340 U2 IP - Research Paper Example The group development starts with a few members coming together and they start knowing each other through polite exchange of conversation and later conflict arises which leads to development and recognition of roles played by different members. After roles are defined, group members continue to operate with little or no conflict and then they reach a position where no conflict takes place at all and the group performs the targets assigned to them. The first stage of the team development model prescribed by Tuckman is the forming stage and in this stage, different group members of the team are brought together. Group members are not well acquainted with each other, so they all look up to the leader of the group while keeping distance with other group members and engaging with them through small talks in a very polite manner. Since the group members look up to the supervisor or the leader, the leader needs to provide information and feedback for all the queries of the group members. The next stage to follow is the storming stage in which team members are more inclined towards the impression they are posting to other team members and in this stage all the group members try to obtain certain roles in the team by exhibiting their knowledge, skills and abilities to the team leader. In this stage the level of conflict among group members is quit high and there are chances of smaller groups being formed within the group and certain g roup members may even be left alone. The third stage of the model is the norming stage and if the group development reaches this stage, it means that the storming stage had been successfully passed. It is not necessary that all groups are able to make it to the norming stage because in storming stage, conflict is so high and sub group forming takes place due to which the entire process of group creation may be damaged (Levin, 2005, p.79). This even means that in storming stage there are chances of the group process

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